Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 11 Handsome and capable of fighting

Chapter 11 Handsome and capable of fighting

"Ah Feng, brother Hao told you to stand up on stage later.

The person calling you to the competition tonight is Shau Kei Wan Inspector Chen Xijiu, who is a celebrity beside Inspector Lei. "Dawei walked quickly, pointed to the North Tower quietly and said.

Chen Xijiu?
Inspector Abalone who assisted Lei Luo with three goals in one game! ! !

Ding Wenfeng heard the words and looked towards the north tower, and he was indeed on the third floor stand.

I saw a young man with greasy hair and a tight-fitting suit who was about seven or eight percent similar in appearance to Chen Geshen.


Name: Chen Xijiu
Identity: Inspector of Shau Kei Wan Police Station, one of the core figures of Lei Luo Group.

Related tasks: Help Chen Xijiu win the bet
Mission Reward: Marksmanship Proficiency (Elementary)


Silently closing the task window, Ding Yunfeng smiled slightly.

Since he set foot on Hong Kong Island, he has met many characters in Hong Kong movies in the past two days.

It's a pity that the system task has not been triggered. Unexpectedly, it was opened on Inspector Abalone today!

Chen Xijiu and A Bing sprayed a few words in the air, strode to the side of the stand, and shouted at Ding Yunfeng: "Little boy, I heard from Fei Zaichao that you are very good at fighting, don't let me down!"

"This kind of bad boy? It's okay if you let him go to the second sister-in-law, and go to the ring? (ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~" A Bing and his group patted the railing and laughed.

Coolie Qiang, who had won three games in a row, silently watched Ding Yunfeng step onto the ring.

He suddenly turned around and jumped, his legs twirled like fan leaves, showing off the wind-swinging lotus leaves in Twelve Road Tan's legs.

"it is good!"

"This leg skill is really amazing!"


Seeing that Coolie's feet had landed on the stage steadily, he took advantage of the situation and posed a left fist and bent elbow horse pose towards Ding Yunfeng.

Many gamblers around the arena applauded loudly, and even some big water hoses standing on the four viewing towers applauded softly with surprise in their eyes.

"With this kind of leg skills, it's a waste of talent to actually run to play with short mules!
Be bold, I want to pull this coolie into the Longjia class to make a movie. "Long Wei said boldly to the bodyguard while writing the check.

Li Jie frowned and stared at Ding Yunfeng. He was originally an explosion expert in the military of his hometown.

In order to hunt down the robber "Doctor" who killed his wife and children two years ago, Li Jie came to Hong Kong Island under the pseudonym "Bold".

This time, he accompanied his boss and friend Long Wei to the Kowloon Walled City for recreation.

With his extraordinary eyesight, Li Jie predicted the winner for Long Wei one after another.

But this time, Li Jie was a little uncertain.

"Sorry, we won't bet this time." Snatching back the check handed out by Long Wei, Li Jie drove away the waiter in charge of issuing the betting tickets.

Long Wei was a little puzzled, but he had always trusted the bodyguard Bold, so he shrugged and turned his attention to the North Tower.

In addition to the third floor occupied by Chen Xijiu alone, there are seven or eight wealthy women who are all full of jewels sitting on the second floor of the North Building.

They also placed bets in the fight before, but the amount was not large, basically ranging from a few thousand to ten thousand or twenty thousand.

At this moment, when they saw the handsome peak that Fat Zai Chao was talking about, they all stood up suddenly as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"I'll offer [-] yuan, buy my handsome boy and win!" A plump young woman who fits Cao (du) thief's (zhe) aesthetic was the first to speak.

Ding Yunfeng looked up, just in time to meet the woman's two winking eyes.

Out of politeness, Ding Yunfeng nodded lightly, but he didn't know that it was only his unfathomable appearance that was not inferior to Bai Guenjunyanzu Chengwu.

It was okay to doze off among the boxers before, but suddenly he raised his head and showed his face at the rich women's area. This lethality is simply at the level of nuclear weapons!

A rich woman with harsh eyebrows and a lot of powder on her face waved to Ding Yufeng and threw two stacks of banknotes: "Fifty thousand? It seems that the rumors are true, and the purse of the girl from the Zhao family was spent a lot by Duck Wang Ming! Otherwise, if you meet How can Liangzifeng only spend 5 yuan for a top-quality product like this?"

The waiter who was in charge of counting hurriedly stepped forward, quickly counted the banknotes, and then sang loudly.

"Mrs. Zhao bet 5 yuan to buy Liangzifeng."

"Ms. Zhang bet 10 yuan to buy Liangzifeng."

Throwing the street!

Everyone is married and a woman!

My old lady is called 'Ms. Zhao' at 28, and the old guy with the surname Zhang is almost 48, and is still called 'Ms. Zhang' by you snobs?
Ding Yunfeng's rich woman surnamed Zhao who was the first to support was so angry that she shook all over the place.

It's a pity that the silver paper she brought this time was less than that of her opponent. Apart from feasting the eyes of Long Wei who was paying attention, she had to sit back and smoke a cigarette angrily.

The dispute between the two daughters was just the beginning, but every rich woman with slit legs, facing Ding Yunfeng's handsome face one by one, would generously pay and start betting.

"Mrs. Zheng bet..."

"Miss Zhou bet..."

Not only Fat Boy Chao and Doll Qiang are good at stirring up the emotions of gamblers, but this group of waiters who are in charge of counting are also bad guys.

As long as the bet is less than 5 yuan, it is basically a certain wife;

If you bet more than 10 yuan, it is Ms. So-and-so;

As for the 60-year-old Ms. Zhou, they offered 20 to buy Pretty Boy Feng to win.

This bet is equal to the two betting parties, Chen Xijiu and A Bing, can't Miss Huasheng do it?
"Hmph, a smell of fox..."

"Is there any use for throwing money? I bet two cents that this handsome guy on stage will be beaten into a pig's head by a coolie in less than a minute!"

"That's right. You know you're going to lose, but you still spend money like this. Both of them are foolish."


Countless acid words from his compatriots poured into Ding Yunfeng's ears, but he was very calm, because in his last life, he also had similar troubles - got used to it.

After posing in front of Ding Yunfeng for a long time, until the start of the battle, there was no coolie strong who was willing to join the rich woman, and his mentality collapsed.

"Remember, the person who beat you to death is called Coolie Qiang." With a roar, Coolie Qiang came up and smashed the wheel, raised his right leg high above his head, and slammed Ding Yunfeng hard.

With strong wind blowing in his face, Ding Yunfeng rushed forward.

Sensing the opponent's movement speed, Coolie Qiang's complexion changed drastically.

Helplessly, Ding Yunfeng's secret military martial art was condensed and condensed by many national players in his home army for the killing field.

In the movie, Ding Hu can single out a group of strong men in his 60s.

The coolie is too strong to underestimate the enemy. When he meets Ding Yunfeng who is going all out, he loses the opportunity. How can he have a chance to come back?
Ding Yunfeng crossed his arms to stop the opponent's right leg, which was like a steel whip, and kicked out his right foot at the same time, hard kicking the coolie's left knee joint.


A bone cracking sound made the audience fall silent.

But the horror of everyone was still behind, Ding Yunfeng twisted his body and jerked, his black trousers slapped tightly against his flesh, and kicked the coolie Qiang in the ribs heavily.

click click...

The coolie who underestimated the enemy too much and lost his composure due to anger, broke his left leg, and several ribs were kicked by Ding Yunfeng, and fell off the ring like a broken sandbag.

The person was in mid-air, unconscious.

Seeing the awesome Coolie Qiang before, Ding Yunfeng knocked him out with two moves in just one face-to-face.

Not only were the many gamblers around the ring stunned, but also Chen Xijiu, who had just lit a cigarette, and many rich women who had invested money to support Ding Yunfeng, all had brain failures.

Glancing at the silent arena, Ding Yunfeng patted his trouser legs: "Where's the referee? I should be considered a winner."

(End of this chapter)

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