Chapter 10
Anyone who gambles is never afraid of someone winning, but is afraid that if you win or lose once, you will never gamble again!

The arena in the Kowloon Walled City has been open for decades.

Similar to the situation of Chen Xijiu and A Bing today, Fat Boy and Super Doll Qiang have dealt with it countless times.

The two first lowered their posture, said a few soft words, and slowly clashed with each other's anger.

Then the Walled City residents and the Walled City militia came out in due course to show off their long guns and short dogs.

Chen Xijiu and A Bing also went down the steps built by others.

Give face to the gold master.

Show off your muscles.

Then Fei Zaichao fanned the flames in front of Chen Xijiu, and the doll forced him to light a fire in front of Ah Bing.

In less than a cup of tea, Ah Bing got up and walked to the edge of the stand, shouting at Chen Xijiu, "That abalone brusher opposite, dare to bet with your Master Bing?"

Fat Boy Chao, who was hooking shoulders with Chen Xijiu and smoking a cigar, immediately laughed in a low voice: "Brother Jiu, bet with him! Brother, I'll support you!
That idiot forgot, the boxers in this arena are all in the hands of my brothers, and if someone sends money, there is no reason for us not to accept it. "

Chen Xijiu's eyes lit up, he held up a glass of whiskey and stood up and drank, "Today I brought 3 yuan, and if I have the ability, I will win it all."

After saying that, he took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket and threw it out with a snap.

When A Bing saw the money, he immediately licked his lips.

Relying on the name of his brother-in-law Yan Tong, it stands to reason that he would not be short of money.

Helplessly, this guy has too many bad habits, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

Sometimes, he would bring some white powder to some night clubs to force bulk goods.

For Yan Tong's sake, most venues usually turn a blind eye to this kind of rogue behavior.

But a few years ago, Lei Luo, who was still working as a plainclothes under Inspector Chen Tong, had arrested him once.

That night Yantong personally came to ask for someone, and even asked Lei Luo to drill into his crotch.

Inspector Chen Tong forcibly keeps Lei Luo, but Yan Tong forces him to retire early...

Today, Lei Luo and Yan Tong are in conflict, and A Bing plays a big role in it.

Staring at the banknotes that Chen Xijiu threw out, A Bing looked at the doll Qiang: "Brother Qiang, help me open a note. I want to pay 5 yuan."

"Damn, based on your relationship with me, what kind of IOU is there?
This lets Lord Yan know that I won't be pointed at by his old man and scolded at my mother-in-law? "Doll Qiang pretended to be dissatisfied when he heard the words.

A Bing immediately felt more honored. He straightened his shriveled chest and looked around triumphantly with a pair of mouse eyes.

Doll Qiang quickly asked someone to bring the banknotes.

A Bing counted out 3 yuan, and sent a young man in a gray coat and short jacket behind him: "The coolie is strong, this battle is won, and I promise to convince my brother-in-law to let you Fuyixing open another cigarette stall!"

"Okay!" Coolie said concisely, jumped out of the stands, kicked a light pole in front of the south building with his strong legs, turned over and landed on the ring with his strength.

"Fu Yi Xing Lao Si Jiu, coolie is strong." He clasped his fists at the surroundings and saluted, and the coolie shouted sharply.

From the third floor of the south building to the arena in the Walled City, there is a drop of nearly ten meters.

Coolie Qiang's beautiful debut won the audience a round of cheers.

As a result, Chen Xijiu's complexion became a little ugly.

Fortunately, Fatty Chao stepped forward in time. With a cigar in one hand, he pointed to the downstairs with the other: "Ninth brother, don't worry, it's just an old forty-nine who has practiced tan legs for a few years. I have at least seven or eight here who can fight." kill him."

Chen Xijiu was drinking whiskey while listening to Fat Boy Chao's tips.

In the end, he didn't choose Ding Yunfeng, who was strongly recommended by Fatty, but chose a big middle-aged man who practiced Hongquan.

The boxers of both sides have been decided, and the brokerage company of Chengzhai Boxing will soon draw out the odds for the outcome.

Except for the 3 yuan bet between Chen Xijiu and A Bing, anyone present can place a bet.

Hongquan strong man pays 1 for 1.2; Coolie strong pays 1 for 0.8.

Chen Xijiu's complexion became more and more ugly. This handicap proved that in the evaluation of the Chengzhai Boxing Brokerage Company, the strength of the strong man with Hongquan was weaker than the coolie brought by A Bing.

"Hehe, 3 yuan can start a fight? This amount of money is not enough to see a card in my casino!" Looking down at the crowd of gamblers who were betting, Liu Yaozu shook his head in disdain.

Meng Na was wearing a long white dress with a backless V-neck, and she took a sip of high-end red wine with her bright red lips: "Or else, these short mules will never be on the stage? But since they are here, let's have fun."

"10 yuan, I'll buy the Hong Quan one." Liu Yaozu waved his finger together, and a black-clothed bodyguard opened the suitcase and threw out two stacks of banknotes.

The person in charge of recording the bets changed his face when he heard the words, quickly issued a receipt, put away the banknotes and left in a hurry.

"Mr. Liu bet 10 yuan to buy Master Zhao."

"Ms. Tang bet 10 yuan to buy coolies."

"Mr. Long Wei bet [-] yuan to buy coolies."

"Young Master Liu bet..."

"Miss Pan made a bet..."


Whenever there is a large betting bill of more than 1 yuan, there will be loud voices from the Walled City personnel singing loudly.

A Bing, who had borrowed 5 yuan, had just been proud of it for less than a minute when he was smashed by silver papers casually thrown by the big water hoses, turning his face black and turning back to his original position.

"Fuck the collar mother, how much money is there!" Cursing angrily, A Bing slapped the table to urge the start of the war.

Doll Qiang took the opportunity to get away and left, and spat as soon as he got off the stairs: "If you didn't want to use you to rush out to warm up the scene, you can borrow 5 yuan with empty teeth?"

After saying that, Doll Qiang happened to see the stairs opposite, Fat Zaichao walked down with Wei Wen and the others.

"What's the matter with Chen Xijiu? Could it be a scam?" With a wink, the doll walked to a corner.

Fat Zaichao, who came over alone, shook his head and replied, "I've already told you, there shouldn't be any problem! You forgot, today is the day when they pay the fee. Detective Abalone came here to gamble on the two shops temporarily. Reasonable."

"Send someone to stare at him. This guy is Lei Luo's follower. I'm a little uneasy about his sudden appearance."

"I know what to do."


Ding Yunfeng was bored and sat in the boxer preparation area. Originally, he thought he would be able to play as soon as he came.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xijiu had sex with A Bingmao.

After Hongquan Master Zhao was kicked and vomited blood by coolie, Chen Xijiu chose two more boxers to fight, who knew that these two were also defeated by coolie.

Twelve-way Tan has both offensive and defensive legs, and coolie Qiang probably has worked hard and learned acting.

In addition to neatly leveling his opponents, his tricks are also pleasing to the eye.

Not only did he earn a lot of face for A Bing on the stage, but he also made the big water pipes present have enough eye addiction.

It's a pity that his appearance is not one percent as good as Ding Yunfeng's, otherwise a rich woman would have spent money to make appointments for Ah Qiang to have supper and play poker after the war.

"Convex (艹盘哗)!" Chen Xi lost ninety thousand to thirty thousand, and borrowed one hundred thousand from Fei Zaichao. Seeing the third fight, the boxer rushed to the street again, and he slapped the table hard.

Ah Bing won three games in a row, earned 13 banknotes from Inspector Abalone, and laughed so hard that there were slits in his eyes.

"Yo! I won again. Please send this 1000 yuan to Inspector Chen so that he won't have money to take the ferry home tonight." After counting two bills, A Bing spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm and handed it to a police officer. Walled thugs.

Such disgusting behavior not only provoked Chen Xijiu to get up angrily, but also made Liu Yaozu and Tang Zhudi frown—it was so disgusting!
"Embarrassing me? I bet 20 in this game, do you dare to bet on the last game with me!" Chen Xijiu took out his gun and shot it on the table, pointing at Ding Yunfeng who was dozing off in the audience and shouted.

what's the situation?
Ding Yunfeng suddenly woke up when he noticed that many malicious eyes were falling on him.

(End of this chapter)

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