Chapter 9 Walled City Arena
The arena in the Kowloon Walled City is operated by the Walled City Boxing Brokerage Company.

Fat Boy Chao is one of the persons in charge of this company, besides arranging daily fights for boxers.

He also wants to attract rich young men, rich women, factory owners, etc. to come into the Walled City for consumption.

In layman's terms, this is an underground gaming company that uses boxers as gambling tools.

As for the Walled City Arbitration Committee, in addition to sending gunmen and beating boys to protect the many Gods of Wealth who came for entertainment.

It is also necessary to provide a venue for fighting and arrange referees to judge the outcome.

Although he was unhappy with Ding Yunfeng's attitude towards him, Fat Zaichao approached another senior executive of the Walled City Boxing Brokerage Company - Doll Qiang as soon as they left.

Time pulled back three hours ago.

Kowloon Walled City Centre, inside the Walled City Arbitration Committee.

"Young Master! The pretty boy I mentioned, he is really good at punching, and he killed Ma Weiwen, my head, with one punch!"

"Brother Chao, isn't it that exaggerated?" The doll forcefully opened a black shirt, fanned his chest with the lapel, and complained while smoking a cigarette.

Fat Boy patted his chest hard: "Choose! Brother, when did I cheat you?
I have already sent someone to invite those rich women, tonight, you must support me once, and make a big scene! "

Seeing Fatty Chao's swearing, Doll Qiang was also a little moved.

In the eyes of him and Fat Boy Chao, winning or losing the ring is not important, but whether they can play well is the key!
hit really...


Beat to the flesh...

Beaten to the bone...

The big water hoses watched passionately from the sidelines, and they, the city's top snakes, secretly fanned the flames.

Many parents who live and eat will throw money and bet, praise boxers, and fight for face.

When he learned from Fatty Chao that Ding Yunfeng was young and handsome, and he would rather sign a high-paying contract than become his apprentice.

Doll Qiang, the walled city's foreign affairs speaker, can't sit still!

What a cash cow!

As long as this person has [-]% of what Fatty Chao said in appearance, and half of Wu Shihao's skill.

This handsome guy named Ding Yunfeng can help them earn a lot of money.

A rich woman loves a pretty guy, and a rich guy hates a handsome guy.

Every time a good-looking boxer appeared in the Walled City ring, many rich women who were usually dissatisfied with their desires would spend a lot of money.

Carrying a bloody and sweaty handsome boy from the stage to the bed in front of many sisters, the psychological and physical satisfaction is satisfied at the same time - cool!

In this era, the happiness of rich women in Hong Kong Island cannot be understood by the group of juniors riding small white horses decades later.

Thinking that if one or two big water hoses that are usually a bit dirty can be drawn, and the operation is done properly tonight, the bets received by the brokerage company will be unimaginably high.

Doll Qiang quickly made several phone calls.

After a while, he put his arms around Fat Boy Chao's shoulders: "Brother Chao, tonight I have invited the big boss Liu Yaozu, Inspector Yan's brother-in-law A Bing, the big star Long Wei, and seven or eight rich and young. Don't drop the chain."

"Young Master Qiang, you support me, brother is not ambiguous, after the fact, I invited Tang Zhudi this time..."

"What are you talking about? Wang Yifei, the real estate tycoon, is a son of Wang Wantiao, that Tang Zhudi who doesn't wear underwear?"


At eight o'clock that night, the center of the Walled City was brightly lit and full of voices.

A arena built of solid wood, about three meters high, is surrounded by four five-story buildings.

Many rich men, wealthy businessmen, factory owners, and nouveau riche who come to find excitement.

Through the guidance of a middleman, according to the financial resources of each person, they entered the pre-booked stands of these four buildings.

Helping his mistress Mengna pour a glass of high-end red wine that had been awakened in advance, Liu Yaozu looked down at the countless gamblers downstairs who were shouting loudly around the ring.

"That guy Doll Qiang swears to me on the phone that there will be a surprise in the Walled City ring tonight, and I don't know what he has come up with."

Meng Na took the red wine and drank it down: "It's not some North American boxing champion, or a Japanese martial artist or something, what new tricks can the doll be strong on?"

Qian Qian walked to Liu Yaozu's side, and the woman persuaded in a low voice: "According to me, instead of watching some new blood ring battle, it's better to go home and find the 3 million yuan bearer bond..."

"Hush..." Liu Yaozu glared at Mengna: "Can you say this here?"

Meng Na knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, so she was afraid to look around.

Fortunately, these big water hoses have always been the God of Wealth that the Walled City needs to rely on.

On the fourth-floor stand of the east building where the two were, there were only a few black-clothed bodyguards brought by themselves.

As for the city wall thugs who came in to protect them, all of them were guarding the entrance of the stairs with weapons, and they didn't dare to look over here.

Anyone who can go up to the fourth floor is basically a big water hose with money and power outside.

There are two of them tonight, one is Liu Yaozu who takes everything in black and white, and the other is Tang Zhudi from the real estate royal family.

Yan Tong's brother-in-law A Bing and the big star Long Wei, one is on the third floor of the South Building, and the other is on the second floor of the West Building.

Relying on the fierce power of his brother-in-law Yan Tong, A Bing monopolizes the stands on the third floor of the south building.

This kind of dirty and eager style has attracted the attention of people in several buildings.

It wasn't until a man with a greasy hair and slender legs climbed to the third floor of the north building that Ah Bing pushed the woman in his arms away: "Chen Xijiu, you, the flatterer, are here?"

"You, A Bing, can come, why can't I, Chen Xijiu, come?

Could it be that your brother-in-law's jurisdiction has expanded from Yau Tsim District to Kowloon Walled City? "Chen Xijiu smiled lightly, and the noisy environment suddenly fell silent when he opened his mouth.

The Kowloon Walled City is a place where no one cares. This is the red line in the hearts of countless Walled City residents.

Who lives, who dies.

He noticed that a series of malicious eyes gathered over.

A Bing got up and waved his hands: "Don't label me indiscriminately, my brother-in-law has never thought of this."

Unfortunately, his explanation is obviously not convincing at all.

Ding Yunfeng, who was waiting in the rest area of ​​the fighters, noticed that the walled city gamblers who were waving betting tickets a second ago were all looking fiercely at the stand where A Bing was.


No wonder not even the ancestral garrison could enter this place.

In addition to the Hong Kong government's scruples about their hometown, the Walled City residents living here are also a group of extremely xenophobic hard bones.

"Inspector Chen, why didn't you say anything when you came here?" Fat Zaichao came out laughing and smoothing things over.

He and Doll Qiang originally wanted to sit and watch the two fight on behalf of their respective bosses.

Now that the two sides are talking about the sensitive issue of the Walled City, he has to come forward.

"Say something to your Brother Chao? How do you say it? Say that I, Chen Xijiu, came to Chengzhai Ring after get off work to gamble a few times. Please, Brother Chao, send a car to wait for me outside the Shau Kei Wan Police Station in advance?" Chen Xijiu laughed. Do not laugh.

Fat Boy Chao repeatedly accused him, while Doll Qiang also went to appease Ah Bing.

Ding Yunfeng smiled secretly when he saw this. He didn't expect that the two big bosses who were arrogant in the movie would choose to bend down when facing the banknotes.

(End of this chapter)

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