Chapter 135 Dating Le Hui Zhen

"Remember! Aim at Long Wei's face and shoot..."

"I know, I know."


Le Huizhen instigated the fat photographer to keep looking for an angle to take pictures, and she soon squeezed into Ding Yunfeng.

There were so many fans around to watch Long Wei jump off the building, Ding Yunfeng helped Le Huizhen who was almost tripped by someone: "Be careful."

Le Huizhen looked at this pretty boy whose appearance and temperament just matched her. It was rare for her to put away her savage temper, and she smiled and said, "Mr., can you let me go? You are in this seat, and it is easier to take wonderful shots." .”

"No problem!" Ding Yunfeng grabbed the little fat photographer, then pushed through the crowd, switching from Le Huizhen's left to her right.

People are crowded, and after some actions, it is inevitable that the two will have physical contact.

Ding Yun's peak was like an old dog, reporter Le's complexion was slightly red, both sides believed in their hearts that this wave, they did not lose!

At this time, Long Wei upstairs was ready to jump off the building, he wiped a handful of tomato juice on his face and his bold face, then he retreated tactically and sprinted towards the stairs.

Li Jie, nicknamed Bold, took the opportunity to bury his head and jumped down.

The fat cameraman looked up and kept asking if this was okay, but Miss Le was busy exchanging contact information with Ding Yunfeng at this time, so she couldn't take care of him.

"Miss Le! Long Wei is done dancing. I happen to have something to talk to him about. I'll test him out for you later. We'll have dinner together tonight. I'll let you know." Ding Yunfeng put away Reporter Le's scented business card and squeezed Open the crowd to catch up with Li Jie who was stopped by Long Bo.

Seeing someone approaching, he jumped off the building just now, and turned around boldly and vigilantly before he got his breath: "Stop! You are not from the Long Family Class, hey, you are the Ding from the Walled City Challenge last time..."

"Oh? I didn't expect that Mr. Li still remembered me. That's just right. I have news about the doctor here. Do you have time to talk?"

"What?" Li Jie's eyes changed when he heard this, his originally decadent and tired face suddenly became more stern.

After a few minutes……

Li Jie, who hastily changed his costume, followed Ding Yunfeng to a nearby coffee shop.

Before the waiter brought the drinks, Li Jie had already firmly grabbed Ding Yunfeng's arm: "Mr. Ding, you said you have news from the doctor..."

"Li Jie! Calm down, in your state, if you meet a doctor, you will die!

You know better than I how insidious and cunning this opponent is! "Ding Yunfeng looked at Li Jie coldly and said.

Li Jie breathed rapidly and bit his cheek tightly. After dozens of breaths, he finally regained his composure and let go of Ding Yunfeng's arm: "Sorry, Mr. Ding, I was impulsive."

"It doesn't matter, I can understand, I'm going to start talking..." Ding Yunfeng took out the newspaper from his body.

Also on the basis of rumors in the world, Ding Yunfeng told Li Jie that the doctor not only aimed at the jewels of the Russian tsar's royal family, but also the guests who attended the exhibition that day.

"If the robber this time is a doctor, I can guarantee that this guy will definitely try to trick the guests!
Whether it is a hostage to negotiate with the Hong Kong government, or to blackmail, he can do it all. "Li Jie said excitedly.

Ding Yunfeng glared at him: "Keep your voice down, you just left for two years, where did you lose your military quality?"

"Sorry, I... every time I think of his voice, I think of my wife and children..."

Seeing Li Jie wiping his eyes, Ding Yunfeng handed over a tissue: "Cheer up, this is your chance to take revenge!
I also have some business in the building where the doctor is going to work this time. If he makes a big scene, my losses will be heavy.

I want to ask you to cooperate and deal with the doctors and the bastards together. "

"Okay! As long as you avenge me, my life will be yours from now on." Li Jie's belief in life is revenge, and he expressed his attitude on the spot.

Ding Yunfeng left Li Jie's contact information and asked him some details about helping Long Wei as a substitute.

Li Jie was a little embarrassed, but when he heard from Ding Yunfeng that the details of his jumping off the building this time had been recorded by TVB cameras.

Knowing that Long Wei couldn't hide it, Li Jie could only confess that in the past few years, Long Wei's skills had deteriorated seriously due to excessive drinking, so he had to be hired as a stand-in to help him complete some high-risk shots.

"If you really regard Long Wei as a friend, then leave him as soon as possible, so that you can force him to pick up the lost kung fu.

Otherwise, if you go on like this, Long Wei will be ruined sooner or later!

In addition, you tell him that there is a martial idiot named Sangbang in the doctor gang, and he has always wanted to compare with him, a big Kung Fu star!
If Long Wei receives an invitation letter to the Tsar Jewelry Exhibition, it is best not to go, otherwise, his life is really in danger! "

Before Ding Yunfeng left, he gave some advice to Li Jie and Long Wei.

As for whether Li Jie could listen to it, and whether he could persuade Long Wei, that was out of his consideration.

On the other side, Le Huizhen was in the editing room, replaying the video of Long Wei jumping off the building again and again. A thin black man was sitting next to him. He listened to Miss Le's orders and kept fast forwarding and replaying.

"Stop! Back up, back up!"

"Yes, it's here. This person is obviously a little shorter than Long Wei, and you see, his face shape is not right..."

"Also, looking at the person rushing down from the stairs, he is Long Wei, and it must not be him who jumped off the building just now...

Heh heh, this time, let me catch the evidence that he used a substitute! "

Le Huizhen is arrogant and has a small waist, one thin and one fat next to two dog legs, and hurriedly presents rainbow farts to the eldest lady.

One of them also suggested that it is better to take advantage of the victory to pursue, collect more evidence of Long Wei's use of doubles, put them together on the TV station, and make a series of programs to drive up the ratings on the station.

Le Huizhen thought it made sense, but before she went to report to the leader, she received a call from Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng's appearance and figure are very suitable for Le Huizhen's appetite, and Brother Feng also brought the news of Longwei's double.

Miss Le agreed on the phone, and she used work as a cover to create an opportunity for herself to fall.

Ding Yunfeng naturally kept a respectful distance from Lin Xiaohua who hadn't bloomed yet and would even lead to happy ghosts in the future, but for the sake of Miss Le, Ding Sir did not hesitate to buy a few catties of goji berries every month.

Bringing a beautiful girl, especially a big beautiful girl with a good family background, of course you can't go to Man Han Lou with backbone.

Taipingshan restaurant is good, with excellent scenery, comfortable environment, diversified international cuisine, sushi, curry, barbecue, seafood...

"What I told you today was all told by Long Wei's bodyguard and double, so be honest!" Ding Yunfeng looked at Le Huizhen and said.

Le Huizhen clenched her small fists: "Hmph, I knew it. How can a person who spends his days drinking and drinking himself engage in dangerous actions again and again? I want to expose this liar and let everyone see his true colors."

Looking at the lovely Miss Le opposite, Ding Yunfeng suddenly held her little hand: "Ah Zhen, I'm asking you out tonight, I actually want to persuade you.

Can you not expose Long Wei immediately and give him a chance to reform.

It's not easy for us Chinese to produce an international action star. If we destroy him like this, won't the ghost see the joke in the end? "

(End of this chapter)

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