Chapter 136
In the afternoon, it was seen from the tape that Long Wei used a double, so Le Huizhen decided to release several episodes to expose the true face of this liar to the audience.

Hearing Ding Yunfeng talk about Yanghua's height, Reporter Le hesitated a little, saying that he would go home and think about it.

Ding Yunfeng understands very well that in the profession of journalist, almost everyone has a paranoid pursuit of revealing the 'truth'.

After dinner, Ding Yunfeng accompanied Le Huizhen for a walk in Taiping Mountain, and then the gentleman sent her home.

When meeting for the first time, the two parties can be regarded as a formal acquaintance, whether they can go further depends on the fate in the future.

After driving Le Huizhen to a western-style villa several grades higher than Lei Luo's house, Ding Yunfeng suddenly felt that Longwei might be on the street this time.

Le Huizhen lives in such a place, and his family must be the best among Chinese businessmen.

No matter how famous Long Wei is in the film and television industry, in the eyes of these wealthy families, he is at most a well-known actor.

Using Longwei's ruined reputation to pave the way for his little princess, Lejia would definitely not hesitate.

Le Huizhen walked into the house with a Kun bag in her hand.

Many servants saw their young lady being sent back by a strange man who was driving a high-end car, so they quickly communicated secretly with their eyes.

Le Huizhen was thinking about something, but she didn't realize that this group of uncles and aunts who watched her grow up, in just a dozen seconds, she had figured out how long she had been with Ding Yunfeng, and who was the younger generation of a wealthy family in Hong Kong Island.

"Ah Zhen!" A pretty girl who looked very similar to Le Huizhen, with a more stable temperament and a hotter figure, came down the stairs.

Le Huizhen heard the words and looked, and rushed over in joy: "Yazi, didn't you go to Scotland Yard to study? When will you be back?"

"Call me cousin! Not big or small!" Yazi pushed Le Huizhen away and slashed at her with a knife.

Le Huizhen hugged her little head and screamed repeatedly: "You were only born an hour before me, why pretend to be big..."

Yazi puffed out her chest when she heard the words, and looked at the little cousin who hastily tightened the lady's blazer with disdain: "Since I was young, no matter what I compare to, I am older than you!
Be good, call me sister, otherwise, I will tell everyone in the family about your dating Ding Yunfeng. "

"Oh! Don't talk nonsense!
Brother Feng and I met on the first day!

Wait a minute, why do you know his name? Do you also know Brother Feng? Le Huizhen looked at her cousin Yazi with a cute expression.

Yazi put away her smile and leaned on the stairs with her hands folded: "Ding Yunfeng, the correctional director of Stanley's No. younger brother.

He came to Hong Kong Island on a stowaway boat from the opposite side two years ago.

According to the information, the stowaways on board at that time, as well as Laihao's wife and children, Ding Yunfeng should have picked up Laihao through this line and temporarily settled in Kowloon Walled City.

At that time, in order to quell the dispute between Grizzly Bear and Doll Qiang, Lei Luo only brought four plainclothes into Kowloon Walled City to negotiate with Ding Ye.

During the negotiation, Doll shoots Master Ding and blames Lei Luo. Without the help of Ding Yunfeng and Li Hao, Detective Lei would have been over that night.

After Lei Luo escaped from danger, by virtue of stabilizing the turbulent pink market on Hong Kong Island, he won the appreciation of the ghosts above, defeated Yan Tong, and became Chief Inspector Hua.

It is said that Lei Luo originally wanted to give Laihao's seat to Ding Yunfeng.

However, Ding Yunfeng refused, and he chose to enter the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy for a year of training.

After graduation, instead of joining the police force and Lei Luo, he went to Stanley to be a prison guard! "

The more Le Huizhen heard it, the more shocked she became. Don't look at her savage and self-willed behavior in front of outsiders.

In fact, she was born in a wealthy family like the Le family, not only could she understand every sentence of Yazi's words, but she also knew how difficult it was for Ding Yunfeng to make a fortune in a short period of time.


Seeing the raised knife on the opposite side, Le Huizhen changed her words: "Sister Yazi, how do you know Brother Feng has so much information?

In addition, if I remember correctly, this time the family will help you to study at Scotland Yard, is it to prepare you to enter Interpol in the future? "

Yazi gave Le Huizhen a white look: "Because your brother Feng was not only noticed by the first brother, but even the bosses in the security department paid attention to him;

Therefore, I was training at Scotland Yard, so I accidentally found out his information! "

"Oh! According to you, Brother Feng is so sharp." Le Huizhen chuckled.

Yazi supported her forehead speechlessly, she couldn't tell Le Huizhen that when she saw Ding Yunfeng's information in Scotland Yard, it meant that this person had been included in the Hong Kong government's candidate list for using Hua Zhihua in the future.

However, since Ding Yunfeng is from the opposite side, his ranking on the list is far inferior to Li Shutang and others...

There are some things that I can't explain to my little cousin, so Yazi changed the subject: "As for my joining the Interpol...

Daddy and the others think that if I join the Interpol now, I must start from the front line, which is dangerous and troublesome.

They plan to arrange for me to practice at the three flags for a while.

You know, Sir Chen has a very good relationship with our family.

When the right time comes, I will parachute back to the Hong Kong Island Police Force from the Three Flags as a senior inspector.

At that time, as long as I preside over the detection of a few major international cases and get a few more years of qualifications, my family will find someone to help me transfer to Interpol.

At that time, my resume was almost enough to sit in an office at the headquarters of Interpol until I retired. "

In a very flat tone, Yazi talked about the promotion plan that no one from the business family could achieve after two or three generations of hard work.

Le Huizhen nodded again and again, the family's arrangements for her were similar.

She started as a TV reporter first, and then transferred to the production department for a few years. After she understands how the various departments of the TV station work, she will be promoted to the management of the TV station...

"I said so much, just to remind you!

Ding Yunfeng approached you suddenly, what kind of intentions do you have in mind, you have to be on guard, don't be foolishly used by others! As Yazi spoke, she poked her cousin's forehead with her index finger.

Le Huizhen pouted: "I know, but your worry is too much.

Brother Feng invited me to dinner tonight, just because he wanted me to hold down Long Wei and use the double as a black material. "

"Long Wei? Does Ding Yunfeng have friendship with this big star? The reason for inviting you to dinner is for Long Wei, it's impossible..." Yazi asked with her beautiful eyebrows furrowed because of her occupational disease.

Le Huizhen yawned: "It's that simple, don't look like a bad person to everyone all day long! Okay, I'm going to take a shower. I've been busy all day and I'm exhausted."

"Hey, wait a minute, what else did Ding Yunfeng tell you?"

"What's the matter! He said that it is not easy for the Chinese to produce an international star. If Long Wei is to decline, the happiest person will be just a ghost..."

When Yazi heard this, her face changed slightly. Le Huizhen didn't understand Ding Yunfeng's subtext, but she did understand the position of the Stanley Overlord.

(End of this chapter)

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