Chapter 141

Boss B naturally sensed that this group of people didn't want to see him.

However, before Big Boss B came over, he was mentally prepared.

Filling up the wine glasses for a few people, Big Boss B smiled heartily: "Everyone, Big Boss, I, B, do it first as a compliment, you can do whatever you want."

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

Big Brother B made such a move, Huo Niu and the others could only raise their glasses of wine.

Lin Huaile's eyes flickered when he looked at Big Brother B who was behaving abnormally—this is interesting.

Not long ago, this person was still involved in the brilliant opening day.

But today, he took the initiative to give in, and instead of looking for Chen Yaoqing, he came to connect with the hall masters...

"Everyone, a few days ago, I, Ah B, drank a few more drinks and had a little misunderstanding with Ah Qing.

Today I am going to take a few younger brothers to make amends to Ah Qing. I would like to ask all the big brothers to make peace for us then! "Boss B drank three cups in a row, and put a stack of red envelopes on the table: "It's a little trick, please help B pass a step. "

Looking at the big brother B who is full of face, Huo Niu and the others exchanged glances: no money, no promises, just a promise, it depends on the situation.

The boss B left, but the red envelope remained.

Shuangfandong came back from a stroll, looked at the red envelope on his seat, and immediately asked why.

"The situation of this matter is like this. We are not sure, what is this Causeway Bay talker doing?" Huo Niu briefly talked about the process, looking at the big boss B across the table and said.

Shuang Fandong opened a red envelope, looked at it, and sneered: "6000 yuan, this is the first time I know that my words are worth so much."

Several other people sneered and remained silent.

The incident of Brilliant Opening was such a big deal, and Big Boss B, as the loser, suddenly came up with such an incident.

Now that they can't see the situation clearly, how can they promise casually?

I really have the courage to offend Chen Yaoqing,
Why did you encourage Le Shao to be a gun just now?

Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi had just arranged for Fat Deng to be seated at the restaurant, when Big D ran over: "Brother Lard and Shau Kei Wan Inspector Chen are here!"

"Aqiang, Chuiji, come with me to greet him." Deng Bo, who had just sat down, put down his words and immediately walked out with Chuiji.

Coolie Qiang hurriedly led Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi to catch up.

The two groups of people hadn't left the hall when they heard Lard Boy's characteristic sinister laughter: "Coolie Qiang rushed to the street, it's quite a big scene today.

Why don't you post my post, and don't punish him for drinking three cups in a row? I'm so angry! "

"Brother Zai and Brother Jiu are here, let alone three cups, I'll drink six cups!" Coolie picked up a bottle of Hennessy, looked at Lard Zai and Chen Xijiu from a distance, and poured six cups in a row.

"Brother Zi was joking with you, why do you take it seriously?" Chen Xijiu went up to help the coolies.

Lard Boy dealt with Fat Deng and others, and walked over with a smile: "You can tell a person's character from the wine. No wonder Ah Feng supports you so much. You are very good!"

Coolie poured 6 cups of Hennessy in a row. At this time, he couldn't tell the difference between the south, the north, and the north except for a smirk.

Seeing this, Chen Xijiu asks Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi to help him away.

At this moment, upon hearing that Chen Xijiu and Zhu Youzai were present, more and more bigwigs came to say hello.

Big Brother B was naturally among them. He took Chen Haonan with him, and finally waited until Shuangfandong and the others retreated: "Hello Brother Zi, Hello Brother Ninth, I am Hong Xingxi B, and this is my head horse Anan."

Looking at Chen Haonan who obediently retreated behind Big Brother B after saying hello, Lard Boy put away his smile: "For Mr. Jiang's sake this time, Brother Luo gave Hong Xing this chance!

Before I came, Brother Luo had ordered that if you couldn't get Ah Feng to nod, it would be very difficult for him to speak.

Whether or not this matter can be accomplished is up to you to decide for yourself. "

"Okay, okay, thank you brother for reminding me." Boss B hurriedly took Chen Haonan to express his thanks, Zhu Youzai and Chen Xijiu didn't even look at them, they laughed and walked towards the main table.

Chen Haonan was by his side, looking at the majestic boss who was usually so humble today, he was a little irritable and drank all the wine in his glass.

"A'nan, this incident is very important to the society, you must not let your temper pass."

"Brother B, I know."

Seeing that Chen Haonan agreed, Big Brother B breathed a sigh of relief.

After a few minutes, Ding Yunfeng walked in with Wang Xia.

Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi left Coolie Qiang behind, and each brought A Cong and Big D to meet them.

"Brother Feng, Miss Xiaoxia."

"You're welcome, hey, where's Ah Qiang?"

"Brother Qiang just poured himself six cups in a row in order to meet Brother Zi and Brother Nine, and now he has fallen on the street and is lying on the sofa snoring." Jimmy replied with a strange smile.

His friendship with Coolie Qiang has long been equal.

Even, because many of Ding Yunfeng's industries are managed by Zhanmi, Ding's people always ask him for advice. His real power is actually much stronger than that of coolies.

"This hits the street..." Ding Yunfeng cursed with a smile, ordered the plane to take care of coolie Qiang, and brought Wang Xia to the main table: "Brother Zi, Ah Qiang is the host today, now you got him drunk, wait a minute What about people signing the bill?"

"Haha, at that time, Aji will definitely ask you Ding Sheng for money. Could it be that he is looking for me, a poor guy with a monthly salary of less than 1?" Zhu Youzai smiled until his eyes narrowed.

Ding Yunfeng couldn't do anything about this piece of hob meat, so he dragged Wang Xia to introduce everyone to the table.

Perhaps, Wang Xia was born with the temperament of a big sister. She not only greeted everyone generously, but also secretly stabbed lard boy about the drunk coolie.

"Hey! Ah Feng, where did you find a chick?

interesting!These days, few dare to talk to me like lard boy. "Lard boy was amazed.

Shi Shi, Ding Yunfeng's other woman, has met Lard Boy several times.

However, in his opinion, Shi Shi's temperament is somewhat similar to that of Bai Yuechang, with a slight sense of alienation inherent in him.

Compared with Wang Xia who dared to tease him the first time they met, Zhu Youzai thought that the latter was more compatible with Ding Yunfeng.

"This girl is spoiled by me, Brother Zi, don't bother with her." Ding Yunfeng patted Wang Xiaxiang's shoulder as he smoked: "It's not big or small, please apologize to Brother Zi."

"Brother Zi, I'm sorry, your lord has a lot, so don't you really blame me?" Xiaoxia said with a smile, holding up her wine glass.

Lard Boy laughed loudly: "Let your parents-in-law finish talking good and bad words! Ah Feng, Xiaoxia is very attractive to me. If you don't mind, I want to take her in as my righteous sister."

The concubine turned into a righteous sister?

Wang Xia and Lard Boy are really destined.

Thinking of "The Queen of Nightlife", Wang Xia was adopted as a concubine daughter by Zhu Youzai, and this made her rise to prominence.

Ding Yunfeng was slightly moved, and then agreed.

Although Lard Boy made a sudden move this time, he somewhat concealed his intention to show his favor through Wang Xia;
But it is much easier for Wang Xia to operate Dashuangkou BBQ Restaurant and the Lan Kwai Fong Bar founded by Zhan Mi with this foster brother.

(End of this chapter)

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