Chapter 142 Hong Xing’s Purpose

Lard boy is Lei Luo's white glove.

Hearing that brother Zi had adopted a righteous sister, many bigwigs in the arena raised their glasses to congratulate each other.

All of a sudden, the older generation in their early forties, from Chuiji to the four-eyed leaders of various associations, shouted for Miss Xiaoxia.

Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi didn't feel that they were taken over by Wang Xia, anyway, they were their own people, especially when Zhan Mizai received Ding Yunfeng's hint, he even asked someone to set up an incense table, and invited Guan Erye, who had the backbone to worship, to settle the matter. Real place.

Lard boy was still worried at first, but Ding Yunfeng would not think that he was just talking.

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng was serious, Lard Boy felt more at ease. He arrested Fei Deng, who was the most senior present, to come to witness, and took Wang Xia to burn incense and paper in front of Guan Erye.

Now, without waiting until the banquet is over, there will be rumors about Sister Xia spreading in the Jianghu.

Although there was an extra episode, people in the Jianghu have always talked about this kind of Jianghu affairs with great interest. After Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi made a few opening remarks one after another, the dinner, which was dragged until nearly [-] o'clock, finally started.

Needless to say, the first and second floors, except for one or two small communities with little reputation on the road, Da Di bravely came up to the third floor to toast, most of them were busy eating and drinking.

As for the main arena on the third floor, it will be lively.

Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi were drunk in less than 10 minutes. Fortunately, there were Qi Ji, A Cong, A Hong, Big D and others to help stop the drink.

Otherwise, these two He Liansheng Dazui, who have just started their jobs, will definitely be carried down soon.

As for Xiaoxia, she was protected by a boxing champion and a righteous brother, lard boy, so she dared to toast her wine when her brain was flooded. Fat Deng was the witness of the two sworn brothers, representing He Liansheng's [-] brothers. Just a cup of congratulations.

Big Boss B was hiding something in his heart, with a smile on his face, but in fact, he looked at the abalone wings full of the table, and he couldn't drop his chopsticks several times.

"Brother B." Chen Haonan filled him with wine.

Boss B raised his glass and looked at Chen Yaoqing who was surrounded by everyone from a distance: "Anan, let's go, if we don't pass, Chen Yaoqing will be drunk."

When Chen Haonan and the others heard the words, their complexions became very bad. At this time, how many pairs of eyes were staring at the main table. Isn't it known that everyone bowed their heads after this time?

Boss B had a task on his shoulders, so he didn't have time to worry about what Ma Zai was thinking. He patted Chen Haonan on the shoulder, and walked up with his wine glass.

Chen Haonan gritted his teeth, got up and picked up the wine glass.

Da Tianer and others wanted to follow, but Chen Haonan blocked them all.

Today, left and right are about to lose face, there is no need to drag a few more people into the water.

Last time at Fulinmen, Pheasant used his face to make a step for himself, but he couldn't pay it back, so he could only harden his heart and force Pheasant away.

If I have the guts to come out again today, I can't just drive away these old team members, right?
"Thank you, thank you Brother Dinosaur."

"Zhanmi, I'm Dongxing Wu Zhiwei..."

"Brother Zhiwei, thank you for coming!"


Chen Yaoqing and Zhan Mi laughed so hard that their mouths froze in the face of these gangsters, but there was still an endless stream of people who came to toast.

Just when they were secretly envious of Coolie Qiang getting himself drunk early and lying on the sofa snoring...

Big Brother B took Chen Haonan and squeezed in front of them: "Ah Qing, Zhan Mi..."

First, he said a scene, the boss B had a drink, and before Chen Yaoqing Zhanmi could react, the other party grabbed Chen Haonan by the collar and pulled him forward: "A'nan, what are you still doing?"

"Brother Qing, I wish you a bright future and a bright future.

I didn't do it right last time.

Your lord has a lot, don't worry about it like me..."

Chen Haonan endured his embarrassment, intermittently, and finally finished these few sentences.

At the time of the brilliant opening, Big Boss B brought the leading horse and handsome boy to the south to make troubles. The latter would rather die than bow to Chen Yaoqing in Fulinmen.

This matter has been widely spread in Taoism recently.

Most people laughed at Big Boss B and Chen Haonan for not being able to understand the situation clearly, and a few people admired the latter's tenacity rather than bending.


Just saw Big Brother B and Chen Haonan passing by, many people thought there was another good show to watch!
Unexpectedly, today these two guys actually gave up, and they took the initiative to bring up the old story again!
If it wasn't for Chen Haonan's right hand to have a plaster cast, everyone must have doubted whether what happened in Fulinmen earlier would have been rumored!

Worried about the sudden silence of the air, Zhan Mi glanced at Chen Yaoqing.

Ah Qing frowned and shook his head at Zhan Mi. The behavior of these two guys was too abnormal today. Suddenly, he didn't know how to respond.

Looking at Chen Haonan who raised his glass with one hand, his complexion was as red as a pig's liver, and the big guy B beside him whose smile became more and more stiff.

Zhan Mi lit a cigarette to calm himself down, then turned to Ding Yunfeng for help.

As a result, Zhan Mi saw Ding Yunfeng smiling and looking at him, Zhu Youzi put one hand on his shoulder, and pointed at the boss B Chen Haonan with the other.

Zhan Mi had a clue in his heart, and pushed Chen Yaoqing: "Aqing, Brother Feng and Brother Zi are here, not to mention Brother B and Anan are so sincere, why are you still hesitating?"

"Brother Zhanmi is right." Chen Yaoqing understood immediately after hearing the words, raised his glass and touched Chen Haonan: "After drinking this glass of wine, everyone will forget about the past."

"Wait a minute, I have to accompany you for a drink because of Ah Qing's face." Boss B heaved a sigh of relief, poured another glass of wine, and drank it down.

Looking at Chen Yaoqing who even bowed down to flatter his boss, Chen Haonan's mood was very complicated.

He raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass. The stimulation of alcohol and special cigarettes made Chen Haonan fall into a trance.

Until he was pulled back to his seat by the boss B, Chen Haonan finally came back to his senses, he pinched the bridge of his nose: "Brother B, you promised me, you will tell me the reason after finishing today's business."

Big Brother B raised his glass with a smile, and invited Shuangfandong to a table opposite him.

Seeing Chen Yaoqing nodding just now, the group and the hall master of Liansheng are finally willing to speak up to earn the 6000 yuan red seal from him.

Don't underestimate the small details of following the trend, if the boss B didn't say hello in advance and leave the stack of red envelopes.

"Ah B is a good person, if you make a mistake, admit it, be aboveboard!"

will definitely become:

"Small B hits the street, he can't even cover a winning horse, useless!"

In the same sentence, if you give them enough face in advance, they will help you save a lot of the face you lost afterwards!

"Ding Yunfeng asked Zhan Mizai to buy a lot of properties in Lan Kwai Fong during this time. Mr. Jiang received word that they were going to open a bar there to make money for white-collar workers..." Big Brother B whispered During the explanation with Chen Haonan.

Lard Boy also tried his best to persuade Ding Yunfeng: "Ah Feng, Old Ghost Jiang has a special identity.

In order to let him leave Hong Kong honestly and not cause trouble, Brother Luo promised him that before leaving, he could make a condition for Hong Xing.

Old Ghost Jiang asks Brother Luo to help Hong Xing step into the soon-to-be-divided Central Ring! "

(End of this chapter)

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