Chapter 146 The Problem of Money
Ding Yunfeng believed that Liangkun would come to ask for help sooner or later. In order to monitor this 'eagle', he called Han Bin and Dinosaur and asked them to help pay attention to this matter.

Knowing that Ding Yunfeng wanted to help the two of them enter the central area, they were rejected by Jiang Zhen and his son.Han Bin and Dinosaur were filled with anger, and they became more and more determined to follow Ding Yunfeng.

Dinosaur directly expressed his opinion on the phone. If Liang Kun needs people, he can support him at any time in Tuen Mun District!
Han Bin was much calmer than the dinosaur, so he came to Ding Yunfeng to discuss the matter in detail the next day. Ding Yunfeng was always sure of Han Bin's ability, and told him directly his intention to subdue Liangkun.

"Brother Feng, I understand what you mean, and I will explain it clearly to the dinosaur.

Next week our society will hold a general meeting, and Jiang Zhen is going to hand over his seat to Jiang Tiansheng at the meeting.

At that time, if Liang Kun takes the opportunity to raise this matter, the two of us, do you want to support him? "Han Bin poured tea for Ding Yunfeng and asked in a low voice.

"I can help. If Akun wants to borrow soldiers from the two of you, everything will be done according to the rules of the Tao. You can take him as much as you should."


When Han Bin heard this, he felt confident.

A few days passed.

Today is Hong Xing's meeting day, and Jiang Zhen brought his two sons to show up. Compared with the movie "Young and Dangerous 1", Jiang Tiansheng did not show up for every meeting, and many hall masters used him as a joke.

During Jiang Zhen's reign, no one dared to laugh and laugh in front of the founder of Hongxing. In a serious atmosphere, Jiang Zhen announced his decision before leaving Hong Kong Island.

The leader of Hong Xing was succeeded by his eldest son Jiang Tiansheng.

"We in Hongxing have always been very democratic. I have proposed the candidate. Let's vote for it." Jiang Zhen proposed a candidate, and then asked everyone to vote, and bowed his head to drink tea.

Is this really worth choosing?

Even if we wanted to vote for others, we couldn't vote for it. Instead, we offended the old and new leaders for no reason...

Not surprisingly, Jiang Tiansheng passed unanimously and sat on the throne of the underworld established by his old bean.

Seeing the talkers in each district, except for Big Boss B and Pretty Sister, all of them were dissatisfied with their superior position.

Jiang Tiansheng, the crown prince who had just become a full-time official, had a sudden whim and issued his first order in office.

"I'm not the only person surnamed Jiang who can sit in my seat!

It's just that the former leader thought I, Jiang Tiansheng, was a good fit, so he nominated me for everyone to vote on.

To show justice!

I, Jiang Tiansheng, declare in the name of Hong Xing's second leader!
Hung Hing's leader is selected every year,
Number of consecutive terms - unlimited! "

If you want to say this...

Then everyone will not be sleepy!

After listening to the leader, everyone has the opportunity to do it.

The hall masters who picked boogers, rubbed toes, smoked, blown water, farted, and took a nap looked at Jiang Tiansheng excitedly.

Jiang Zhen originally thought that his son's brain was flooded, and he was going to mess up just as soon as he took over the position.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he let go of the boulder in his heart - A Sheng did a good enough job of stabilizing his gang of arrogant soldiers. As for the election every year?
Hehe, our Jiang family is backed by Frog Island!

It’s okay if you don’t get selected among these talkers, but whoever gets selected depends on whether he can sit firmly on this leading chair!
It's a pity that Ding Yunfeng didn't hear Jiang Zhen's voice, otherwise, he would wake up the old guy's dream of spring and autumn with a sip of salt soda.

Frog Island itself can't be passed down for three generations, let alone a family that is used as a urinal by Frog Island?
The originally dull atmosphere became active with Jiang Tiansheng's bold words.

Fat guy Li, Ma Wangjian and others are scrambling to flatter the new leader. Han Bin and the dinosaur are sitting in the corner.


As the meeting draws to a close.

Liang Kun got up and walked over.

And he tapped on the long table where the person in charge of the thirteenth district was qualified to sit, and Liang Kun said in a hoarse voice: "Brother Sheng, I have a question, and I am going to ask you.

If I help the association plant a flag in the central district, can you arrange a seat for me here? "

"Akun, what are you talking about? Where is the Central District on Hong Kong Island?" The prince frowned and asked dissatisfied.

Liang Kun looked closely at Jiang Tiansheng: "Brother Sheng, since Brother Prince asked, I think you don't need to keep hiding this from everyone, right?"

Jiang Tiansheng took a deep look at Liangkun, and slowly prepared the Hong Kong government to divide Hong Kong Island into several districts in two years, and the Central District will be the most prosperous area on Hong Kong Island in the future...

"Wow! There is such a good thing? Mr. Jiang! This matter must be left to me..." The prince was very excited, and he was the first to express his opinion because of his strongest combat power.

But before he finished speaking, Big Boss B let out a sneer: "Prince, do you think anyone is qualified to lead troops into the central area?
This matter must be approved by Inspector Lei!

What's more, the higher-ups set the rules early on, using Stanley Peak's two bars in Lan Kwai Fong as places to plant flags.

The candidate for Hong Xing this time, Brother Stanley Feng chose Liang Kun.

As for our group of people, we can only wave the flag and shout, even if we want to help the society, we can't do anything..."

The words of boss B contain a lot of information.

The prince and others calmed down after hearing this. They looked at Liang Kun, who was pressing the long table with both hands, and looked at the boss B indifferently, and they all knew it in their hearts.

For such a good thing, it is estimated that the original candidate is Big Brother B.

However, Liangkun has Ding Yunfeng's support, so he can beat the opponent's chance. No wonder Big Brother B hinted that everyone should stop helping Liangkun.

"Ah B, what you said is wrong! Brother Feng named me Liangkun, can I still refuse? If that's the case, wouldn't I be ignorant of flattery!
What's more, I, Liangkun, am not from Hong Xing?

I have gained a firm foothold in the Central District, so isn't the association good for me?Don't I have to pay the monthly account of the club? "

Liangkun pressed him repeatedly, but Big Boss B ignored him with a cold face.

Jiang Tiansheng smiled: "Akun, you open up the territory for the society, and I, Jiang Tiansheng, support you with both hands!
However, what B said is also reasonable.

Brother Feng specifically named you, and other people will help you. After the matter is completed, if Brother Luo judges you for violating the rules, wouldn't the club be worth the loss? "

Liang Kun gritted his teeth, he really didn't expect that Jiang Tiansheng could even say such nonsense.

"How about, listen to me." Jiang Zhen got up and walked to Jiang Tiansheng.

Seeing this, Liang Kun took a deep breath, cupped her fists at Jiang Zhen, turned around and sat down.

Jiang Zhen glanced at everyone with eagle-like eyes: "Akun wants to plant a flag in the central area, this matter is worthy of recognition!

People, associations can borrow, money, you must prepare!
Settlement expenses, injury treatment expenses, burning and burial money, brothers are willing to give up their lives to support you, you have to take care of everyone's worries, right? "

After all, it is still a matter of money.

Liangkun was completely disappointed with the father and son Jiang Zhen and Jiang Tiansheng, he patted the table: "Jiang Sheng made the most sense!

No problem, I will prepare the banknotes. This time, I am going to borrow 50 swordsmen from the association. How about I pay [-] as a deposit today? "

(End of this chapter)

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