Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 147 Jiang Zhen has no way to ask for help

Chapter 147 Jiang Zhen has no way to ask for help

Regarding what happened at the Hongxing Conference yesterday.

The next day, Ding Yunfeng learned the details from Han Bin and Dinosaur.

"50? Akun has emptied his family, right?" Ding Yunfeng laughed dumbfounded.

Han Bin added with a smile: "Basically, Akun has no territory and only relies on filming to make money.

I heard that after the meeting, Akun took people to find his sworn brother Bakuan, who had borrowed 200 million from him before he was imprisoned. "

Isn't it more than 2000 million?
Ding Yunfeng frowned slightly, but thinking that it would be a few years before Bakuan was killed by Chen Haonan, maybe Bakuan would ask Liangkun to borrow money later.

"Prepare your troops, no matter whether Ah Kun asks you to borrow troops in the end, once he can't hold on in Lan Kwai Fong, you will bring people to rescue him.

In this matter, Luo Ge and I are both referees, and it is not appropriate to end the game. " Ding Yunfeng told Han Bin.

"Brother Feng, don't worry, the dinosaur and I are ready." Han Bin nodded in agreement.

Although this opportunity fell into Liang Kun's hands, Liang Kun came to look for the two brothers last night.

The conditions, the two sides have already negotiated, in the future Liangkun will take 2% of the profits when he conquers the central area, even if Ding Yunfeng does not order, Han Bin and Dinosaur will still lead people to do things.

"Okay, it's enough for you to know what's in your mind, I'll go first, and I've made an appointment with other friends to discuss things." Ding Yunfeng took out a cigarette.

Han Bin quickly got up to help him order, and then asked the waiter in the teahouse to pay the bill.


After saying goodbye to Han Bin, Ding Yunfeng drove to the Peninsula Hotel alone, and found the room that Cheng Ren had reserved.

Ding Yunfeng knocked on the door and entered, and found that in this luxury suite, apart from Cheng Ren, who was wearing a black suit jacket and black top hat, playing with a pair of poker, there were a man and a woman present.

A handsome middle-aged man in a leather jacket with his hair combed back, and a beautiful woman in a lavender dress with intricate patterns.

The former has a calm demeanor, smiling at Ding Yunfeng and nodding his head;
The latter's beautiful eyes were full of affection, and he kept staring at his peerless handsome face.

"Let me introduce. This is Black Panther, and this is Mrs. Rose nicknamed Thousand Needles..." Cheng Ren put away the playing cards with his right hand, and got up to introduce everyone.

Mrs. Rose let out a sigh, and walked towards Ding Yunfeng waving a wooden folding fan: "This handsome boy, my name is Rose.

Don't listen to Cheng Ren's nonsense, he hasn't met the right man yet, why did Madam say that? "

Eldest sister, although you are very charming and have a good figure, but there are outsiders present, what do you mean by lying in my arms while talking?
Ding Yunfeng looked at Cheng Ren and Heibao speechlessly. The former shrugged his shoulders and opened and closed his mouth silently—it's cheap for you.

Fortunately, the black panther obviously had the highest prestige among the three, he reached out and grabbed the peach-faced Mrs. Rose, and rescued Ding Yunfeng from her seduction.

"Mr. Ding, Ah Ren probably told us all about your entrustment.

Now that our people are here, you should tell us exactly what you are looking for and who you are looking for, right? "Black Panther sat opposite Ding Yunfeng, smiling confidently. Hearing him talk about business, Rose and Cheng Ren quickly put away their smiles.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at the Black Panther: "Jiang Zhen, the leader of Hongxing, will leave Hong Kong Island at the end of the month. I want to get a list of him or all the information related to the other side."

"Jiang Zhen?" Hei Bao froze when he heard that.

Cheng Ren and Rose's expressions changed drastically. The latter elbowed Cheng Ren a few times. No wonder the reward was so high. This mission was too dangerous!
"That's right! This is the matter, can you do it?" Ding Yunfeng looked at the black panther solemnly.

Before receiving Cheng Ren's call, Ding Yunfeng actually considered whether to ambush dozens of swordsmen, and if the negotiation fails, kill them directly to silence them.

But when he thought of the force displayed by these thieves in the movie, he felt that it was most appropriate to show sincerity.

After all, "Black Panther World" is a Hong Kong film that mixes martial arts and guns.

As far as Ding Yunfeng's current power is concerned, he is really not sure that he can take down this group of people.

Facts have proved that Ding Yunfeng made the right move. Heibao only thought about it for a moment, and immediately agreed: "Of course we can do it. If we don't accept this kind of task, our reputation will be ruined long ago!"

"Okay! Mr. Black Panther, please speak quickly. Here is the final payment of 800 million. I will pay in advance. I hope you can bring good news." Ding Yunfeng took out a check.

Black Panther's eyes moved slightly, and he put it away with a smile: "Mr. Ding is straightforward enough, by the way, do you want Jiang Zhen to silence it?"

"Mr. Black Panther can figure it out, things are more important than people, a homeless old dog who can't even stay on Hong Kong Island.

Kill or not, it doesn't matter. "Ding Yunfeng, who was able to walk out of the room, stopped and said with a smile.

At the same time, Jiang Zhen took Jiang Tiansheng to a barbershop with Shanghai decoration style at the beginning of this century - White Rose Barbershop.

"Ah Sheng, I have always had an ominous premonition about leaving Hong Kong this time.

Wing Chun Liu Kui can't count on it. I hope that this Bajiquan master can give me a ride out of the mountains for the sake of my father and his colleagues. "Jiang Zhen looked at the barber shop with good business with complicated eyes.

Jiang Tiansheng followed the sound and found that the barbers in the shop were all wearing oily hair, leather shoes and white coats, and some even wore ties, which seemed out of harmony no matter how you looked at it.


The door of the Gong's Medical Center next to it was pushed open, and a pale woman with a weak temperament came out slowly. She held a basin of water in both hands, and poured it into the sink while coughing.

Jiang Zhen frowned, professional habits, he felt that the woman in front of him who could be blown down by a gust of wind seemed to be surrounded by a layer of fog that even he couldn't see through.

Just as Jiang Zhen was looking at the woman up and down, a man with a neatly shaved mustache and trembling tie, leather shoes and clothes stood in front of him at some point: "What are you doing here? You are not welcome here." you!"

"Yunqiao, I haven't seen you in 15 years..." Jiang Zhen waved back several bodyguards who wanted to draw their guns, and looked at the sky excitedly.

With a blank face, Yi Yitian stared at Jiang Zhen: "If that brat still dares to hold the gun, you can let someone prepare for the funeral."

"Asheng!" Jiang Zhen suddenly turned his head to look at Jiang Tiansheng. The latter was taken aback, like a child who made a mistake and bowed his head: "Father, I. I'm worried..."

"Worry what, if you dare to hold a gun within ten steps of a Bajiquan master, you are looking for death!" Jiang Zhen was sweating profusely. He hadn't died in the hands of the enemy. It becomes a joke.

"Keep your voice down, it's so noisy." Gong Ruomei went back to the room carrying the tub, and said with a glance at Yixiantian.

"Sorry, I'll drive them away immediately." Yiyitian glanced at Gong Er apologetically, and then waved at Jiang Zhen and his son in disgust: "Looking at the friendship in the past, I won't kill you today! Get out, before I can kill you!" Before you change your mind!"

Jiang Tiansheng's face darkened completely, but before he could get angry, Jiang Zhen pulled him without saying a word, turned around and strode away.

The reason is very simple, the razor on the opposite side has already come out - a sound that is hard to buy!

If you don't go, you really don't have to go!
(End of this chapter)

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