Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 153 I’ll help you with negative interest

Chapter 153 I’ll help you with negative interest
Ding Yunfeng originally planned to have lunch with Robinson and the others, but unexpectedly, Gan Lianghong's phone call went to Robinson's villa.

Hearing that Gan Shao was in such a hurry to find him on the phone, Ding Yunfeng thought he knew his true identity and was going to blackmail him.

Abandoning Lao Sun and Qian Wendi, Ding Yunfeng rushed to the Peninsula Hotel and found the private room reserved by Gan Lianghong.


The two famous red sticks greeted Ding Yunfeng quickly when they saw Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng nodded, opened the door and walked in. Seeing that Gan Lianghong ordered a table of good dishes and opened a bottle of red wine with a smile, he felt a little relaxed.

It seems that nothing happened!

Forget it, after the doctor's incident, find an opportunity to tell Gan Lianghong the truth about his life experience.

It's a pity that he was obviously a good young man, but he was forced to go on a road of no return by the grievances of the previous generation.

Ding Yunfeng took the red wine from Gan Lianghong, he was already thinking about it, but Gan Lianghong naturally didn't know that the former had already made a decision to change his life within ten seconds after entering the door.

"Brother Feng, I told my father about the doctor.

After thinking about it, he thought that if he warned everyone, if it didn't happen, our Gan family would not be able to take the blame.

After all, the Hong Kong government has been pushing back the Russian Tsar Jewelry Exhibition for a long time. "

Gan Lianghong's expression was full of helplessness. Based on his understanding of Ding Yunfeng, the latter was not someone who would just talk about it.

But just as Gan Shupei was worried, this jewelry exhibition involves the Hong Kong government, and things without evidence must be treated with caution.

"He told me that a few close friends could be privately informed.

As for whether people believe it or not, he told me not to explain it, just do it when I feel it. "Gan Lianghong downed half a glass of red wine in one gulp.

Ding Yunfeng didn't say anything, Gan Lianghong drank like this, it was obvious that none of his friends would trust him.

"Ah Hong, just do what you want. Remember, when you bring me and Li Jie in that day, you just find an excuse to leave..." Ding Yunfeng comforted.

Gan Lianghong smiled wryly and shook his head: "Brother Feng, I really hate this feeling, I can't help you at all."

"No! If you didn't take us in, if we want to destroy the doctor's plan, it will definitely take more effort.

Don't worry, I have arrangements. Don't forget that Inspector Hua is still my righteous brother.

From the perspective of a businessman, your father naturally thinks one thing more is worse than one thing less;

However, my adopted brother Lei Luo will definitely not refuse this opportunity to show up and perform meritorious deeds. "

Hearing what Ding Yunfeng said, Gan Lianghong finally felt relieved.

He didn't dare to speak out just now, but in fact, during this period of time, he visited and persuaded all the friends in his circle who received invitations to the jewelry exhibition.

Politely asking him to eat and refusing, and bluntly laughing at him as hysterical;

The worst thing is that Wang Wanwan actually falsely accuses Gan Lianghong of being jealous of his peerless appearance. He is planning to fool himself into not going to the jewelry exhibition, so that he can spoil all the pretty girls that day.

With such a wonderful brain circuit, Wang Wanwan was the only one. Gan Lianghong was so angry that he left on the spot.

Wronged a good man!
He Gan Lianghong is not brother Stanley Peak, how could he be so lustful.


On the other side, Jiang Tiansheng's private villa.

Big Brother B took Chen Haonan and others through several security checks, and finally saw Jiang Tiansheng wearing a tight vest and holding two dumbbells.

"Ah B, you make tea first, and I'll finish this set of movements first..." Jiang Tiansheng raised the dumbbell and shouted.

Boss B replied with a smile, beckoned a few younger brothers to sit down around the tea table, and made Gongfu tea himself.

After more than ten minutes, Jiang Tiansheng walked over while wiping his sweat: "Ah B, you are not in Causeway Bay at this time, what are you doing here?"

"Hey, I've made arrangements for the Causeway Bay side. There's nothing serious about it recently. I'll take these little ones and come over to see you, Mr. Jiang." The boss B caught the cigar thrown by Jiang Tiansheng and smiled. explain.

Jiang Tiansheng didn't expose him, he lit his cigar, and watched Big Brother B bring the gangsters.

"A'nan, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and introduce yourself to Mr. Jiang!" Big Brother B looked at Chen Haonan and the others and reminded them.

Chen Haonan quickly took the lead and stood up, Jiang Tiansheng smiled and pressed his hand to him: "I know you, pretty boy Nan, it is said that you have good skills."

"Mr. Jiang has won the prize."

"Do well, follow Ah B, there is a future."


After a few words of encouragement, Jiang Tiansheng led Big Brother B up to the second floor of the villa under the excited eyes of Chen Haonan and the others.

"Mr. Jiang, this guy, Akun, is too outrageous. We made so many preparations before, but in the end, he got all the benefits." Boss B sat down and complained.

This time, Big Boss B suffered a big loss, he ordered Chen Haonan to bow his head and give in at Chen Yaoqing's appointment banquet.

Now, not only Liangzi Nan is being ridiculed by the public, he, the talker in Causeway Bay, is also under a lot of pressure.

"Don't worry, Liangkun wants no one, no money, how did he step into Lan Kwai Fong?

Just relying on the 50 deposit he gave to the club?
Hehe, five hundred swordsmen, even if the last one hundred were slightly injured, he didn't have 200 million, so he couldn't stand it at all!

What's more, although Brother Luo gave us Hongxing a chance, other associations can also come and grab it.

It's just that their number is limited by the rules this time, and it can only be half of our Hongxing number. "Jiang Tiansheng confidently smoked a cigar.

Big Brother B's expression softened a lot when he heard the words: "Then I'll take people to get ready in Causeway Bay, and when Akun can't hold on anymore, I'll take the people and horse gang to snatch the site back!"

"That's right, anyway, if we plant the flag in the Central District this time, we, Hongxing, will always have twice as many people as other clubs.

With the strength of your subordinates like Ah B, as long as you can play, you will definitely have the last laugh.

In addition, I have already greeted the hall masters in other districts.

Now, except Han Bin Dinosaur, everyone else has promised me that they will never lend soldiers to Akun without seeing the money. "Jiang Tiansheng continued to guarantee the winning horse.

Big Brother B finally showed a smile on his face, but he suddenly remembered something: "Wait a minute, Mr. Jiang.

I almost forgot that before Akun worked hard for the society, he lent 200 million to his brother Bhagavan.

If he collects the debt from Bakuan, he will have the money to recruit troops. "

"Bakuan? 200 million?" Jiang Tiansheng frowned slightly, then smiled and said, "Bakuan is very greedy for money. If Liangkun is sure to get back the money, he will go to find Bakugan when he comes out of Stanley! In this way, you Take 20 to find Bhagavan..."

In the afternoon of the same day, Big Brother B brought a group of helpers to the entrance of Hehexing hall master Bakuan.

After some simple greetings and probing, the boss B threw a bag of money at the feet of Bakuan: "Bakuan, you dragged Liangkun to lend you the 200 million debt. Here is 20, and I have the right to help you." The interest you pay."

(End of this chapter)

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