Chapter 154

Is there anyone to help pay the interest on borrowing money these days?
Bakugan glanced greedily at the bag full of banknotes, and immediately nodded in agreement.

The next day!

Liangkun, who had brought people here two or three times and was shunned by Bakuan, finally met his good brother.

"Brother Kun! Sorry, sorry.

Some time ago, the club sent me to Siam on business.

You know, we do things for the community, basically we can't get in touch with Hong Kong Island.

Hello!Add pair of bowls and chopsticks!No eyesight at all?
Brother Kun, please sit down quickly! "Bakuan greeted Liang Kun and shouted to his subordinates that this beef hot pot restaurant is his Tuodi.

Liangkun Dama Jindao sat across from Bakuan, picked up a pair of chopsticks and scooped up all the beef he poured into the pot into his own bowl: "Bakuan, before I had an accident, I put 200 million with you.

Today, I need money, how soon can you pay me back? "

Bakuan put down his chopsticks, put his hands back his messy hair, and let out a long sigh: "Brother Kun, I haven't seen my brother for several years, you didn't even sit in this chair, and you actually want to talk to me about money?
Don't worry, people in the whole world, two brothers, I won't blackmail anyone with your 200 million..."

"Okay! Where's the money?" Liang Kun buried her head in the beef.

Bakuen's expression froze, and several He Hexing bad boys standing behind him took a big step forward.

Silly Qiang lightly opened his suit jacket, revealing two black stars stuck in the waistband of his trousers.

The atmosphere at the scene dropped to freezing point, Bakuan looked at Liang Kun who was eating beef, and said helplessly, "Brother Kun, I didn't say no to paying back, do you need to bring two black stars?"

"The rivers and lakes are dangerous, we have to guard against them!

I, Liangkun, suffer because of these eyes. I misread you, you bastard!Go to Siam?Do you think I'm stupid? "Liang Kun threw the chopsticks into the pot, and the splashed hot pot soup fell on Bakuen's face little by little, causing his face to twitch.

Looking at the muzzle of the gun against his forehead, Bakuan swallowed hard: "Brother Kun, you have something to say!

If you kill me now, wouldn't you also be beheaded to death by us and Hexing's people?

For 200 million, it's not worth it! "

"Where's my money?" Liang Kun opened the insurance and looked at Bakuan coldly.

Bakuan snapped his fingers at a younger brother behind him: "Go to my drawer, fetch the things and give them to Brother Kun."

Liang Kun nodded at Sha Qiang, and Sha Qiang strode over, escorting Bakuan, the champion, into the hot pot restaurant.

Under the surveillance of Silly Qiang, this person took out a file bag from Bakuan's desk drawer.

Sha Qiang raised his gun and ran behind Ba Kuan, throwing the file bag to Liang Kun.

Liang Kun opened it and took a look, then he threw the table aside angrily: "Bhagavan, are you playing tricks with me?

200 million, borrow for another 5 years, and repay me a total of 2000 million when it expires?
Do you think I'm stupid? "

Seeing that Liang Kun didn't shoot immediately, Bakuan knew that he had passed this test.

He replied with a full face of grievance: "No, Brother Kun, all the money in my hand has been deposited in Siam.

You know, Luo Ge only issued four signs.

Those of us small communities want to find water, but don’t want to be sucked by the four big families, so we can only take the risk to talk in Siam.

The cost is small and the quantity is small, so they must charge a high deposit.

Let Brother Luo and the four major families know about this kind of thing, and I am dead.

Because you and I are sworn brothers, I dare to tell you.

You are Hongxing's hall master, if you give Jiang Tiansheng the information about this matter, I will go down to sell salted duck eggs tonight. "

Bhagavan was aggrieved, and Liangkun was so angry that his liver hurt.

However, he also knew that if Ba Guan even exposed such 'evidence', he would never get back the 200 million.

"Okay, I haven't seen you for a few years, Bhagavan, you really are very Bhagavan!

Remember, after 5 years, I will collect 2000 million.

If at that time, Brother Baguan can't give it, even if you and Hexing are sitting here, I, Liangkun, will take your skin!

Shaqiang, let's go! "Liang Kun grabbed the IOU that Bakuan had prepared in advance, put away Black Star and turned to leave.

Silly Qiang raised his gun with both hands, protecting Liang Kun behind him.

An unlicensed Crown roared towards them, and the two of them opened the door of the car to get in, and drove away under the eyes of He Hexing and his gang.

"Boss, you have to pay back 5 million in 2000 years!" The bad boy who just entered the store looked at Bakuan worriedly.

Bakuan sneered: "Silly! Can Liangkun survive this time?
With his few subordinates, Hong Xing didn't support him, and wanted to plant a flag in the central area?
No 200 million, let alone 2000 million. When he hits the street, you help me bring 2000 yuan silk money to his mother. "


Liang Kun sat in the back seat with a very gloomy expression.

In the past few days, he had a premonition that it would be difficult to get back the money.

However, Liangkun never expected that Bakuen would not show affection at all, and would not even pay half of it.

What's more, this bastard looks down on him. He is determined to rush to the street this time, and he can even make out such an outrageous IOU of 5 million in 2000 years!
"Brother Kun! What should we do now?
Luo Ge paid attention to this matter.

I heard that Brother Jimmy has taken over half of the street in Lan Kwai Fong, and with Chen Yaoqing and the people from two brilliant companies working day and night, the first bar in Lan Kwai Fong is scheduled to open on the 1st of next month.

After twelve o'clock that night, we will bring people into the venue.

If the money is not in place, the association will definitely not send troops..."

Silly Qiang was full of worry. In order to seize this opportunity, the boss emptied the fortunes of the two film and television companies and paid a deposit of 50 yuan to the club.

In the past few days, the people involved in the various districts of Hongxing have gathered 500 swordsmen.

But if they want them to send troops, Liangkun must bring enough money to go there on the same day.

Otherwise, everyone will help you defend the central district. Afterwards, you say that you have no money, and the 50 yuan is not enough for the medical expenses and resettlement expenses of the younger brothers?
"I know!
Silly Qiang, let me out immediately, I want to mortgage the two film and television companies under my name! "Liang Kun rubbed his face and said fiercely.

Sha Qiang was shocked when he heard the words, but when he met Liang Kun's crazy eyes, he immediately swallowed back all the words he wanted to persuade.

"Brother Kun, how much are you going to mortgage?"

"200, no, 180 million is fine, and then you can pawn my car and watch to a reliable pawn shop. As for the house, forget it, I have to leave a place for my mother to live in."


Jingle Bell……

Ding Yunfeng was woken up by Zhan Mi's phone call, he came out in his pajamas, and waved the servant to pick up the receiver: "Zhan Mizi, is it because Lamma Island is sinking, or the governor is embarrassing, it's three o'clock, and you are still tired to call Come and let me know?"

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry to interrupt your rest.

I just received the news that Akun asked Bakuan for money and was pushed back by the other party. Now his leader, Shaqiang, is letting the wind go around outside!

Said that his big brother is going to fight with his back this time, and he is going to pawn his underwear and take the Central District with all his might! Jamie covered his ears with one hand, and shouted while grabbing the receiver with the other.

It turned out that he was at the construction site in Lan Kwai Fong, surrounded by construction noise, many construction workers and decoration masters of Brilliant Company were working under a few strong lights.

Chen Yaoqing and Chang Man wore helmets to direct, and A Cong and A Hong went into battle in person, sweating profusely.

(End of this chapter)

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