Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 165: Meeting the person involved in the conversation

Chapter 165: Meeting the person involved in the conversation

Liang Kun is very tired...

During these six hours, he did not know how many machetes he chopped off.

Anyway!With two arms, he didn't even have the strength to light a cigarette.

Limbs everywhere, blood flowing like rivers!
White cars kept carrying people away from the street, and the residents of several streets nearby listened to the sound of bibu...bibu all night.

"Made, these dwarf mules are crazy. They really fought for six hours?" Huo Qilin spat at Liang Kun, who was on the shoulders of Han Bin and the dinosaur in the middle of the street.

Chen Jiaju nodded and glanced at his watch. It was a few minutes before six o'clock. It seemed that Liang Kun had successfully stepped into the middle zone this time.

"Prepare to close the team and ask the guys in military uniform to come out and wash the floor."

"I'll create a file for Brother Kun when I get back, hehe, it's so majestic to be in charge of Hongxing Central District."

"It's a pity that with Liansheng's team, if Han Bin and Dinosaur didn't intervene, that young man named Lin Huaile would have succeeded."

"A straw sandal Le Shao who relies on the shadow of his father's generation,
An egg-scattered Liangkun who relies on making small movies.

If Hong Xing hadn't taken advantage of Luoge's rules, and Haoge had announced in advance that the group would not fight, which round would these two eggs be famous tonight? "

Not only are the messengers discussing here, but in the night bar, people from large and small clubs are also talking about lemons.

Like Ding Yunfeng, Zhan Mi also looked at his watch all night, and finally helped Liang Kun endure until the time was up. He trotted to Lei Luo: "Brother Luo, Young Master Gan, it's six o'clock!"

Lei Luo got up and yawned. Just as he was about to reach out to take the microphone, someone suddenly snatched it from him: "Now I announce that Mr. Li Qiankun of Hongxing Club will be in charge of the security work of Yese Bar starting today!"

Someone robbed the wheat, and Lei Luo was furious.

But when he saw that it was Ding Yunfeng who came, his barely swear words turned into a scolding: "Wow, everyone, come and see, Ding Sir finally appeared, after a whole night, have you dealt with that female TV reporter? "

"Settling it? Brother Luo, are you asking Ah Zhen?" Ding Yunfeng was confused by Lei Luo's question.

However, from the wretched expressions of Wu Shihao, Fat Deng, and others, he could roughly guess that Lei Luo's question—absolutely not serious!

Secretly scolding Zhan Mi and Gan Lianghong for making excuses for themselves.

When Ding Yunfeng asked these two people with winks, he saw Gan Lianghong looking behind him with a terrified face.

Murderous! ! !
A few hours ago, Ding Yunfeng, who had just sent Jiang Zhen on the cruise ship, had a very keen judgment on aura.

He turned around vigilantly, and happened to meet two 'Le Huizhen', four in total, staring at him angrily.

"Ah! Ms. Le, this is..." Reporter Le and Yazi were still easy to distinguish, and Ding Yunfeng looked awkwardly at the beautiful girl with a rounder face on the left and asked.

Le Huizhen, who vomited all night, kicked Ding Yunfeng: "This is the first time this lady has seen such a brazen person!"

After scolding, reporter Le turned around and left.

Yazi snorted coldly at Ding Yunfeng: "Ding Sir, next time you need to make excuses, please stop using an ignorant girl as a shield!

You should be glad that you are not in the police force, otherwise, I will stare at you to death! "

After being sprayed by two beautiful girls one after another, Ding Yunfeng had an innocent face, but he couldn't explain it.

Zhan Mi and Gan Lianghong stuck out their tongues secretly. Fortunately, at this moment, Han Bin came in carrying Liang Kun and drew everyone's attention.

"Feng...Brother Feng, I didn't...didn't embarrass you, did I?" Liang Kun raised his head with difficulty, looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked.

Seeing that Liangkun entered the door without looking at him, Jiang Tiansheng, who had stayed up all night, talked to Ding Yunfeng instead of looking at him, his face darkened completely under the playful eyes of everyone.

Ding Yunfeng looked Liang Kun up and down, and found that this guy had been hacked seven or eight times, half of his body was covered in blood.

"I didn't lose my face! Good job! I've already contacted the hospital for you, you go out and take a white car, and leave the rest to me and Brother Luo."

"Heal well, Zhongqu, from now on it will be your Liangkun's, I, Lei Luo, said so." Lei Luo lit a cigarette and stuffed it into Liangkun's mouth.

After watching it all night, Luo Ge was very satisfied with the candidates selected by Ding Yunfeng.

Especially when Liangkun just entered the door, Lei Luo was very happy. A central speaker who is close to his brother, and a central speaker who is loyal to Hong Xing, the meanings of the two are not the same!
"Thank you, Brother Luo! Thank you, Brother Feng!" Liang Kun yelled a few words, then tilted his head and passed out.

Han Bin Dinosaur quickly carried him out of the bar, put him in a white car that had been prepared long ago, and quickly sent him to St. Teresa's Hospital where Ding Yunfeng and Ding Yunfeng had lived.

"Brother Luo, Sir Ding, I have something to deal with in the club, so I'm sorry." Jiang Tiansheng held back his anger, found an excuse, and took Chen Yao to leave without looking back.

Fat Deng and Ni Kun exchanged glances, and Qiqi found an excuse to get away.

Last night, Han Chen took the lead, and then several medium-sized clubs successively sent troops to consume the physical strength of Liang Kun and the others, and finally Lin Huaile led and Liansheng's horses came out to finish.

Unexpectedly, this tactic was broken at the last moment by Han Bin and Dinosaur leading people into the arena.

Everyone knows that in the Central District, there is a lot of trouble in the future.

This time, the Ni family and He Liansheng couldn't afford it even after paying a huge price. Instead, they lost a lot of medical expenses.

Ni Kun and Fei Deng were even more unwilling to let it go.

From the mouths of Lei Luo, Wu Shihao and others, Ding Yunfeng learned about the six-hour street battle.

Knowing that Ni Kun and Fei Deng secretly colluded, Ding Yunfeng was not surprised.

He left Hong Kong Island temporarily yesterday, and even had the worst plan, seeing that he was not there, would Brother Hao take the opportunity to send someone to snatch the Central District.

Fortunately, Brother Hao is very loyal, even if he is not there, he still gives up the rich land in the central area.

"Brother Hao, thank you!"

"Pop collar mother, tell me this?"

Lei Luo and Wu Shihao were sent away, and other associations who came to watch the fun also left one after another.

Ding Yunfeng was free, and he immediately grabbed Zhan Mi who was about to slip away.

Gan Lianghong is a badass, knowing that talking too much is causing trouble, so he just went out with Wu Shihao.

At this time, Gan Shao had already taken the car and ran 1 kilometer away.

"Brother Feng, listen to my explanation..." Zhan Mi smiled uglier than crying.

He really didn't expect that when he went to invite Gan Lianghong to find an excuse for Ding Yunfeng, it turned out that the person involved was Le Huizhen.

Hearing from Zhan Mi's mouth, the origin of the topic of 'whether it's tight or not', Ding Yunfeng's face completely pulled down.

This is too social, right?
No wonder Reporter Le was so angry. She probably didn't expect that the heroine who was treated as a topic of conversation by a group of big bosses turned out to be herself.

"Jimmy, do you think I want to kill you now?"

"Brother Feng, I didn't expect that Young Master Gan would speak out in front of everyone! Don't be impulsive. I heard that he and the two young ladies from the Le family know each other. Why don't you ask Young Master Gan to go to the Le family to explain it to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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