Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 166 The King’s Father and Two Apprentices

Chapter 166 The Royal Father and Two Apprentices

Kicking Zhan Mi's ass, Ding Yunfeng laughed and cursed, then picked up the phone and called Gan Lianghong.

Gan Lianghong knew he was in the wrong, and he had a premonition on the way home. Wait a minute, Ding Yunfeng will definitely call him to settle the score.

So, the Gan family’s phone just rang.

Gan Lianghong immediately picked up the receiver, but when he heard that Ding Yunfeng asked him to go to the Lejia sisters to help explain, he faltered on the spot.

"Brother Feng, no! Sister Yazi will beat me to death..." Gan Lianghong hung up the phone after a few nonsense words.

Ding Yunfeng was so angry that he held the receiver and cursed a few times, then called Zhan Mi, and drove himself to Wang Xia's side.

After not returning all night, Shi Shi must be playing his temper. At this time, Xiaoxia is much more considerate. At most, she thinks that Brother Feng will work harder on the bed because he is socializing in a party...


The next day, after breakfast, Ding Yunfeng found Le Huizhen's business card.

Reporter Le was probably still angry, Ding Yunfeng called for 10 minutes, but the other party didn't answer his call.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it when we meet at the jewelry exhibition." Wuyu hung up the receiver, and Ding Yunfeng put the matter aside.

Ding Yunfeng frowned when he fetched the box from Jiang Zhen and the blank papers that must have been faulty. The latter was hidden in the crutch by Jiang Zhen, so the box must be more important than the box.


Last night on the Black Panther's yacht, he had already asked everyone, but unfortunately even the well-informed Inspector Robin couldn't do anything about these blank sheets of paper.

As for Qingqing, Ding Yunfeng couldn't grasp the position of this woman.

After all, his aunt's background is too big!
No. [-] Tianzi, this kind of character must be a die-hard loyalist of Wadao.

Ding Yunfeng couldn't do it unless his brain was flooded with the information that his subordinates escorted with him to test his niece.

"Brother Feng, what is this?" Wang Xia put on her clothes and walked to the living room, hugging Ding Yunfeng and asked.

Ding Yunfeng was busy observing that there were no keyholes or gaps in his hand, it was completely a regular hexahedron.

On the cruise ship at that time, if he hadn't shaken the object and heard a sound coming from inside, how could he be sure that it was a box with something in it.

"It's a box, and I've tried to open it, but I haven't been able to find a way."

"Oh, it's easy, you go to my old man, he can open any lock."

"It makes sense. I almost forgot that apart from running away, my father-in-law also has the ability to watch the house..."

Ding Yunfeng excitedly kissed Wang Xia, immediately took the box, and drove to the lock shop that Wang's father opened in the downtown area to pass the time.

"Afeng, this is a type of Luban lock.

Look, the mechanism is here..." Father Wang took a few glances with his hands, took the ancestral lockpicking set, and quickly dismantled the hexahedron into a pile of strangely shaped building blocks.

The eyes of the two apprentices were bright, and they were about to reach out to take the building blocks to study, but they were immediately glared back by the prince: "What are you doing? There are no rules!
The floor was not mopped last night, flip flops, you mop the floor;

Baidatong, don't go, I haven't washed my dirty clothes yet, go and wash them! "

Flip flops, Patek?
Hearing the nicknames of these two lows, Ding Yunfeng found that the appearance of these two people was somewhat similar to that of Chen Jiaju and Zhan Mi.

Looking at his round-headed father-in-law, Ding Yunfeng thought of a warm movie about three thieves - "Baby Project"!
"Hurry up and do things! Food, housing and Xueyi are all included, you all signed a three-year contract!

If you are too lazy, I will not be polite! "Xiaoxia poked her waist, pointed at the two and cursed.

"Got it, miss."

"Sister Xiaoxia, we dare not."

The expressions of these two godly thieves who were just in their teens changed when they were frightened by Wang Xia.

Father Wang has made good plans for the apprentices. If they are driven away because of such trivial matters, they will be beaten to death by their family members when they go back.

"Okay, it's no big deal.

Uncle, please help me to see first, is there something strange on these two kinds of paper? "Ding Yunfeng took out the white paper hidden in Jiang Zhen's crutches and the black paper hidden in this Luban lock, and handed them to Father Wang.

The prince put on his glasses and studied for a long time, and finally shook his head: "These black papers are hidden in the Luban lock, so they must be very important; but I only study locks, no matter these black papers or your few white papers, I will There is no way."

Ding Yunfeng also tried to ask a question, Father Wang's reply was already in his expectation.

"Uncle, can you help me make another Luban lock like this one, I want to hide both kinds of paper in it."

"Of course, Ah Feng, you give me three days, and I'll help you make one that is several times more complicated than this."


Three days passed.

Ding Yunfeng came to the lock shop again, and he hid the two kinds of papers in a suitcase-style Luban lock.

According to Father Wang, he has set up some traps in this box.

If someone opens it in the wrong way or breaks it open with external force, the white phosphorus will ignite the gunpowder and destroy the contents inside.

Ding Yunfeng was very satisfied. He felt that if this cheap father-in-law traveled through the world of martial arts, he might be another Zhu Ting-style talent.

Taking the box home and hiding it, Ding Yunfeng decided to send these things to the other side when he has a chance in the future.

The secret department in my hometown must have a way to decipher these two strange blank papers.

At this time, the bearded captain of the cruise ship, who had patted his chest on the cruise ship and boasted to the Black Panther about his American identity, was finally released.

"Fake! Fake!"

He cursed at the special yamen of Wadao where he had been imprisoned for several days, the bearded man waited for a while, and the first mate McDonald and other sailors were released one after another.

"Captain, Captain, you are fine."

"Fak, I want to write a letter to return home. This is a very serious foreign-related incident."


An old woman who looked somewhat similar to Qingqing, with gray hair and a face decades older, looked coldly at the group of bearded people walking away downstairs.

"There are dozens of people in Jiang Zhen's business, yet they don't see people alive or dead bodies?
However, on this cruise ship, there are many places where fierce fighting took place. How could this group of people not know the whereabouts of Jiang Zhen and the others? "

Hearing the old woman's question, a middle-aged man smiled bitterly and stepped forward to support her: "These are all Americans.

This time we forcibly withheld people for interrogation, which has put a lot of international pressure on the higher authorities!
You old man calm down, Jiang Zhen is gone, why bother to send a letter to the United States to question him? "

"I know Jiang Zhen's subordinate very well, he has always wanted to whitewash the family and take up politics.

This time when he comes back to Frog Island, he must have a lot of bargaining chips in his hands..."

"Hey, people are gone, so what's the use of talking about it? Let's stop here, old lady, this is the request from above."

(End of this chapter)

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