Chapter 17

In places like the Kowloon Walled City, many people die every day.

In this bloody battle, Liu Yaozu not only lost the 200 million that Qian Zou Wang Wanwan had before, but also lost 100 million to Tang Zhudi.

Lost face, lost face.

How could Boss Liu care about the life and death of dinosaurs?
He smashed everything in the private room and left with Meng Na.

The dinosaur was lying straight on the ring, he didn't blame Liu Yaozu for turning his face and denying anyone, and he didn't blame Ding Yunfeng for defeating him.

From the first day he came out, Dinosaur already knew that on this road, everyone had one foot on the hearse and the other on the police car.

He was just blaming himself, losing the fight today will inevitably drag down his eldest brother Han Bin and lose Liu Yaozu, the benefactor, which may affect the two of them changing gears and Hong Xing.

"Brother Dinosaur, you have lost a lot of blood..."

"Brother Dinosaur, what's the matter, let's talk about it after you bandage it up."


A few dwarf mules who followed the dinosaur squatted around him, talking dryly, but they couldn't get the dinosaur to respond.

slap... slap...

One step at a time, Ding Yunfeng stepped onto the ring again.

Seeing this, the younger brothers of Dinosaur stepped forward one after another to stop them.

But when they met Ding Yunfeng's indifferent gaze, they all couldn't help but give way.

This is a fierce man who won the bloody battle in the Walled City. After tonight, the words "Pretty Boy Peak" will resound throughout the Jianghu!
"Hey~ are you still angry? Get up before you die, and go to St. Teresa's Hospital with me to be a patient." Ding Yunfeng kicked the dinosaur's right leg and asked jokingly.

The dinosaur's eyeballs moved slightly, and its mouth moved slightly: "Go to the street, St. Teresa's Hospital is a church hospital!
Just you and me, as a patient?It's almost as good as a specimen for the ghost doctor in it. "

"Pfft, you bastard, you know what a specimen is?"

"I heard from my brother Han Bin..."

Half provocative and half goodwill, Ding Yunfeng and the dinosaur helped each other up under the astonished gazes of the crowd.

As for Coolie Qiang, that guy has been injured for a long time, and has already fallen into a coma. Ding Yunfeng asked Dawei and Dawei to help him carry him away.

Step by step to the outside of the walled city, Dawei helped Ding Yunfeng and Dinosaur to climb onto the white cart, then lifted coolie Qiang and threw it on it.

The ghost doctor and nurse accompanying the car were so frightened that they kept chanting silently about God.


The white car whined, and Ding Yunfeng sat in the car, gradually unable to support his heavy eyelids, and soon passed out.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying in a white room filled with the smell of disinfectant.

Enduring the stabbing pain from various wounds on his body, Ding Yunfeng looked around and found Coolie Qiang lying on the left hospital bed with his left leg in a plaster cast.

There was a person sleeping on the hospital bed on the right, and sitting beside the bed was a black-haired young man with dark skin, thick eyebrows and straight nose, who was peeling apples with a knife.

"My name is Han Bin. Thank you Brother Feng for your mercy last night, otherwise my younger brother will definitely go down to sell salted duck eggs this time!" Seeing Ding Yunfeng wake up, Han Bin put down the apple and walked over.

While talking, he helped Ding Yunfeng to sit on the bed, and carefully stuffed two pillows on Ding Yunfeng's back.

"There is no grudge the day before, no enmity in the past.

Me and the dinosaur, this time we are not acquainted with each other. Ding Yunfeng said while eating the apple handed by Han Bin.

Lying down and unable to get up, the dinosaur shouted unconvinced: "Hey, Liangzifeng, that's my apple."

"It's difficult for your stomach to digest while you're lying down to eat. I can help you eat." Ding Yunfeng laughed loudly, but it was a pity that the shock touched his wound, and his face trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Han Bin and the dinosaur also laughed.

Coolie was woken up by several people, saw the environment he was in, and listened to the conversation between Ding Yunfeng and the dinosaur, he knew that he was actually saved by his opponent in the arena
"Brother Feng, I, Zhang Qiang, owe you my life!" Coolie Qiang shouted in a deep voice.

"Hey, you said, someday I want to use you, you want to come."

"Brother Feng speaks, I will definitely come."

"Convex (哉盘哉), no wonder people call you coolie strong, you pig brain, you will be a forty-nine boy after three years!" Dinosaur laughed and cursed.

Then he deliberately sighed: "This Hujie speaks so terribly, it's embarrassing for me, who was also rescued!"

"Hello..." Han Bin rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Dinosaur put away his smile and said solemnly: "I don't want to thank you for your kindness. If you need to, you can send someone over to say something. It doesn't matter whether you are looking for me or my brother."

"Hey, hey, I'm just teasing Ah Qiang for fun, can you two brothers stop being so serious?" Ding Yunfeng said with a smile as his eyes moved slightly.

Several people laughed and cursed when they heard the words, until the foreign nurse came and knocked on the door to warn them, the four guys finally calmed down.

"Made, it's the first time that I, Han Yilong, have been served by a ghost at this age!
Brother, before I woke up, didn't these foreign women take advantage of your boss? "Dinosaur joked and talked about the fact that Ding Yunfeng rejected Chen Xijiu's favor and asked Tang Zhudi in exchange for the two of them to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.

Ding Yunfeng and Han Bin smiled at each other.

The two knew that the dinosaur told the coolie deliberately.

After all, the coolie was in a coma on the way to the hospital.


Because these three sick numbers were all confessed by Tang Zhudi.

The ghost doctor and the foreign nurses in St. Teresa's Hospital naturally dare not neglect, and all three of them have kung fu backgrounds, and their physical fitness is much better than ordinary people.

After only half a month, Ding Yunfeng and the dinosaur were able to walk around normally, except for the coolie who had broken ribs and had to sit in a wheelchair for a few days.

After discussing with several people, they simply left the hospital together.

Han Bin drove a semi-old Ford car, took three people on board, and rushed directly to the Backbone Restaurant.

After eating the nutritious meals provided by the hospital for half a month, not only the dinosaurs and coolies complained, but Ding Yunfeng also found it unbearable.

"Brother Feng, today's newspaper." Han Bin handed a roll of newspaper to Ding Yunfeng while driving.

For the past half month, Ding Yunfeng has been asking him to bring newspapers to the hospital every day.

Although Han Bin didn't quite understand this kind of behavior, he didn't say much, even though the "Hong Kong Island Police Alert" that Ding Yunfeng deliberately requested was extremely difficult to get.

Ding Yunfeng sat in the back seat, first flipping through "Hong Kong Island Police Alert".

[Hong Kong Island community groups are showing off their horses every day, the director ordered all districts to intensify the crackdown]

[Yau Tsim District ranks No. [-] in solving crimes on Hong Kong Island, and Detective Yan Tong is awarded by his superiors]


Yan Tong received three warnings?

It seems that Lei Luo is under a lot of pressure.

In the past few days, he is probably going to work in the Walled City...

Recalling the plot in "Chasing the Dragon", Ding Yunfeng was a little anxious.

In the movie, when the doll forcibly shot and killed Lord Ding and blamed it on Lei Luo, Lei Luo was chased by the swordsmen and gunmen in the city wall, and he had nowhere to go.

Even if a local snake like Wu Shihao came to rescue him with his men, he himself was beaten and crippled by Fat Boy Chao in the end.

Ding Yunfeng wanted to save Lei Luo, but with only a pair of fists, the difficulty was simply against the sky!

Touching his chin, Ding Yunfeng suddenly said, "Han Bin, can you help me get a guy?"

Han Bin was slightly shocked when he heard the words: "Brother Feng, don't move your guns, this is the bottom line that the Taoist and the gangsters agree to each other!"

"Don't worry, I won't mess around outside! You just say, can you get it? Short dogs can't, I want to fire harder."

Dinosaur sat in the passenger seat, turned around and explained: "It's easy to buy, but the problem is that you don't want short dogs! The city walled city has so strict access control, it's hard for us to bring a long gun in..."

Ding Yunfeng frowned, he finally understood why in the movie, Wu Shihao ran to rescue Lei Luo with only a revolver.

It turns out that in terms of gun control, the Kowloon Walled City is stricter than the outside.

After all, large firearms are related to the Walled City Arbitration Committee's control over the sinful city of Kowloon Walled City.

When several people were worried, Coolie suddenly said, "Don't worry, Brother Feng, I have a solution."

(End of this chapter)

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