Chapter 18

As early as 1950, Hong Kong Island had legislated to prohibit the slaughter of dogs!
Since then!

Kowloon Walled City, a no-nonsense area, has the most dog meat stalls on Hong Kong Island.

Coolie Qiang's club, Fu Yixing, has two small dog meat stalls inside the Walled City!
That day, a few people went to Youguqi Restaurant to have a sumptuous meal. Han Bin first sent Ding Yunfeng back to the Walled City, and then he and Dinosaur went to Tiaojingling.

If you want to buy guns, of course there are some well-known arms dealers on Hong Kong Island.

For example, Uncle Hai, an old senior in this industry, and Johnny Wang, who came out of Uncle Hai's command and gradually came from behind!

But Ding Yunfeng wanted to bring a large firearm into the Kowloon Walled City, so Han Bin knew he was going to do something big.


The confidentiality of buying a gun must be given top priority.

I want to have no hands, but also have powerful firepower.

In the entire Hong Kong Island, only people from Tiaojingling can find what Ding Yunfeng needs.

one week later……

Coolie Qiang supported his crutches in one hand and dragged a dilapidated cart with the other, and walked slowly to the entrance of the city.

"Yo? Isn't this Brother Qiang?
Why, the leg injury is still not healed, your old boss asked you to come to the city to give fragrant meat? Glancing at the dog corpses on the small cart, Chengzhai Dazai, nicknamed Fei Zaiquan, laughed.

Fragrant meat, another name for dog meat!

Fu Yixing set up a dog meat stall in the walled city, and sent people to bring dogs over every day.

However, in the past, the blue lanterns were always responsible for such trivial matters, and Coolie Qiang was a candidate for the bottom line. Logically speaking, it was not his turn to do such matters.

"Brother Quan, don't be joking. I have caused Master Bing to lose tens of thousands this time, and he is already doomed!
You see, my boss doesn't think I'm a good-for-nothing, and he's willing to reward me with the dog's food. I'm very grateful. "

The coolie wiped the greasy sweat from his brow, and took out a pack of Lucky Sweat from his trouser pocket.

Fei Zai and the others looked disgusted and shook their heads to refuse. One of them, a curly-haired thin man holding a machete, came up in a dawdly manner.

He picked up the dog corpses on the scooter with his toes, and took a sip: "Pick! The whole cart is full of dead dogs, are you selling them to ghosts?"

"Hahahaha, Brother Qiang is lame. If the truck is full of live dogs, how can he catch his lame leg?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, Twelve Road Tan legs~"

Listening to the sarcasm of this group of Dansan, the smile on Coolie Qiang's face became more and more rigid.

If he hadn't been busy today, he would have definitely told these few people who rushed to the street with his actions.

Even Zhang Qiang, who is lame with one leg, is not something they can afford!
Fortunately, Fei Zai and the others gradually lost interest when they saw Coolie Qiang swearing and refusing to return their words.

They casually inspected the dog corpses on the cart, and immediately moved out of the way. Coolie Qiang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, dragging a cart full of dead dogs into the city walled.

Under the sunset...

Coolie Qiang's limping back was even more bleak than the dead dog in the car.

However, just out of the sight of Fei Zaiquan and the others, Coolie straightened up instantly.

He glanced around vigilantly, and then dragged the cart, struggling to turn into a wet and cold alley.

Ding Yunfeng, who had been waiting here for a long time, saw the coolie approaching, and quickly got up to meet him.

The two of them ignored the pleasantries, and quickly took out items of different shapes from the mouths of the dog corpses, wrapped in waterproof oil paper.

"Brother Feng! Be careful yourself, I'll go first!" Seeing Ding Yunfeng put things into a canvas bag, Coolie Qiang said in a low voice.

Ding Yunfeng patted him on the shoulder, turned around and left without saying a word.

The coolie struggled to stand up, leaning on his crutches, and regained the bad look he had when he walked into the city.

He dragged a cart full of dead dogs to Fu Yixing's dog meat stand to deliver.

Seeing that all the dead dogs were delivered today, the little boss Fu Yixing, who was in charge of the dog meat stall, yelled at the coolie on the spot, and finally even threw out a few change notes and threw them on the dirty ground.

Coolie grinned, buried his head in picking up the banknotes, then limped away with his injured leg.

This person—was useless!
Seeing this scene, everyone, no matter the residents of the Walled City or the Fuyi Xinglan Lantern who was patronizing the dog meat stall, sighed secretly.



"Brother Feng, have you eaten the newly baked Sunan braised goose!"


Carrying a canvas bag, Ding Yunfeng smiled and responded to the greetings of many residents of the Walled City.

Ever since he won the bloody battle, the word 'Pretty Boy Peak' has become a not-so-big signboard in Kowloon Walled City!

This kind of verbal respect is nothing!
The most exaggerated was the day he returned to the Walled City from the hospital.

Wu Shihao smiled and took out dozens of invitation cards, all of which were invitation letters from various associations outside the walled city.

Some gangs with weak strength even offered outrageous conditions like Marshal of the Second Route.

Stepping on the rusty iron stairs, Ding Yunfeng took out the key and opened the door.

In order to facilitate work, he has moved out of Wu's house.

Even though he was restricted by the high rake contract, the bonus that Ding Yunfeng earned that night was still very impressive.

Tang Zhudi and Liu Yaozu belonged to a private game using the Walled City Arena as a platform.

The sum of the two parties' gambling money is huge, but only Chengzhai Boxing Fighting Brokerage Company has the right to raise money, and it has nothing to do with Ding Yunfeng.

Usually, boxers who work hard on the stage can only get the basic appearance fee/relocation fee, and the fixed bonus set up by the Chengzhai Boxing Brokerage Company for each ring.

Fortunately, Ding Yunfeng was good-looking enough, and there were many wealthy women who tipped him that night. Tang Zhudi and Chen Xijiu, who bet on him and won money, also wrapped red envelopes afterwards.

After Lin Lin finally calculated, there are about 10,000+, plus Wu Shihao's face, no one dares to get involved casually.

If you switch to a strong coolie, you can get up to 5 to [-] yuan!
Quickly closing the doors and windows, Ding Yunfeng turned on the dim desk lamp, and carefully removed the things that coolie had brought in one by one.

Benefit from the skill rewarded by the previous mission - marksmanship proficiency (beginner).

Ding Yunfeng quickly assembled a bunch of mechanical parts in front of him. This is an M1928A1 Thomson submachine gun. The round magazine can hold [-] rounds.

Han Bin only got [-] rounds of ammunition, and coolie hid them in the dog's corpse and delivered them to Ding Yunfeng.

With this killer weapon in his hand, Ding Yunfeng felt relieved.

In the plot of "Chasing the Dragon", Wu Shihao can protect Lei Luo's life with just a revolver.

This time, with the participation of his handsome peak, it will definitely not be difficult to save Lei Luo!

At the time when Ding Yunfeng was living in seclusion, recharging his energy and recharging his batteries, he was waiting to participate in the plot of chasing the dragon.

In the Chengzhai boxing competition brokerage company, Yan Tong Dama Jindao sat opposite the doll Qiang. He looked calm and lowered his head to drink tea: "Young Master Qiang, what do you want to say about my wife and uncle's number?"

How to say?
Murder pays off lives, debts pay off.

You, Yan Tong, can eat well in the Walled City, but when you touch your upper and lower lips, you want to erase 55 yuan?

Want to fart!

Doll Qiang and Fat Boy Chao looked at each other and smiled, and the latter raised the IOU with A Bing's fingerprint on it: "Master Yan, if it's 55 to [-], you won't have to go all the way, the brothers will pay! But this is [-]..."

"Oh? 55..." Yan Tong shook his head hehe: "I have a piece of news about the life of a strong young man. I wonder if it's worth 55?"

(End of this chapter)

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