Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 19 Lei Luo Reenters the Walled City

Chapter 19 Lei Luo Reenters the Walled City
What news is worth 55?
The doll forcefully shook his head and smiled, picked up his teacup and stopped talking.

Fat Zaichao patted his thigh and asked, "Grandpa Yan, the current market, the buyer's head case is only 1500 yuan! Now you have a news that you are going to sell it for 55 yuan. Could it be that the governor has decided to send troops to level the city?"

Several Walled City thugs present laughed when they heard this.

A Bing kept wiping cold sweat, ever since he knew that he had lost 55 yuan in the Walled City ring.

These days, not only did Yan Tong not give him a good face once, even his sister who was Yan Tong's concubine was reprimanded many times!
"You and Grizzly are drying horses outside every day, making the noodle stall business on Hong Kong Island like a pot of porridge.

This matter has already aroused the dissatisfaction of the ghosts above..." Yan Tong took out a Cuban cigar without even looking at the crowd.

Hearing that Gui Lao was alarmed, Doll Qiang and Fat Boy Chao couldn't sit still.

Fat Zaichao took out his lighter, nodded and bent over to Yan Tong.

With a cigar in his mouth, Yan Tong lit it with the orange flames in front of his eyes: "I heard the wind, Lei Luo, the street boy, has already controlled the leader of the big grizzly bear, Hua Zirong.

If not as I expected, the grizzly bear at this time is almost selling salted duck eggs. "

Hearing this, Doll Qiang and Fat Boy's expressions changed drastically.

Both of them knew that with Yan Tong's status today, it was impossible for him to sway them for a 55 IOU.

"Good death! The big grizzly bear rushes to the street and fights against me everywhere!
Even if Lei Luo doesn't mess with him, I will settle him sooner or later. "Doll Qiang drank the tea in one gulp, smashed the cup and drank.


"The Grizzly Bear can't manage my little brother well, so he deserves to rush to the street. It's hard to have a group of us brothers to support him, so don't be afraid Lei Luo!"

"Whoever wants to be a second or fifth son, we have three thousand swordsmen in the city, and one of them cut him with a knife!"

Several cronies brought by Doll Qiang took the opportunity to express their loyalty one by one.

Fat Boy Chao laughed and said, "Master Yan, it seems that your news is not worth 55 yuan."

"Lei Luo has already met Lord Ding." Yan Tong smoked his cigar slowly, squinting his eyes: "It was the night when you started the bloody battle."

Doll Qiang turned around in astonishment: "What?"

"Your uncle, Lord Ding, has already received a box of gold from Lei Luo; the uncles of the Walled City Arbitration Committee have also received a large sum of money..." Yan Tong smiled faintly.

Doll Qiang was already in a panic at this time, his status and power today all came from the Walled City Arbitration Committee.

If Lord Ding and Chengzhai's uncle are not willing to support him, he will not be finished, but will be turned into a egg.

"Master Yan, is the news accurate?" Fat Zaichao changed his face again and poured tea for Yan Tong himself.

He is in most of the industries in the Walled City, and cooperates with Doll Qiang in almost everything.

Once Doll Qiang falls, he will not be able to withstand the many forces in the city who are jealous of him.

"It's up to you to believe it or not. But... this kind of thing, if you want to investigate it, is it hard to be sure?" Yan Tong looked at the two jokingly.

Having said that, Doll Strong already has the answer in his heart.

After all, he knew that Yan Tong could enjoy himself in the Walled City, and several uncles in the Walled City Arbitration Committee had good personal relationships with Yan Tong.

"Lei Luo, the mother-in-law, won't give up after finishing the grizzly bear..."

Doll Qiang cursed, snatched the IOU from Fat Boy Chao, and tore it into confetti: "The surname Lei wants to mess with me, so naturally I, Doll Qiang, can't sit still. Ye Yan, just tell me, what's your plan?"

"Hahaha, A Bing. Did you see that? As I said, Qiang Shao is a smart guy..." Yan Tong patted A Bing, who nodded and bowed, saying yes again and again.


"Brother Hao, Yan Tong has come to the city." A four-eyed boy in a white shirt with a wimpy demeanor ran up to Wu Shihao and said.

Wu Shihao's complexion changed, compared to in the movie "Chasing the Dragon", he fell into depression when he learned that his wife and child had drowned.

Thanks to Ding Yunfeng's intervention this time, nothing happened to Amei's mother and son, and Wu Shihao wanted to fight for a future for his wife and children.

Last week, Lei Luo sent someone to contact him. Wu Shihao considered it carefully and decided to act as an internal response for Lei Luo.

In the past few days, Wu Shihao has cast a lot of eyeliner, secretly paying attention to Doll Qiang and Fat Boy Chao.

Yan Tong suddenly appeared today, Wu Shihao didn't dare to neglect.

However, just when he was about to lead people to do things.

Ma Weiwen, the leader of Fat Boy Super, came to the door suddenly: "Brother Hao, Brother Chao told you to go to Siam to bring the goods. Here is the boat ticket. It departs at twelve o'clock tonight."

Wu Shihao took the boat ticket, feeling uneasy to the limit.


Three days later, Lei Luo walked into the walled city with four plainclothes according to the time he had made an appointment with Master Ding last time.

Zhu Youzai leads people to stay outside the walled city, and Wu Shihao, who inadvertently learns about the conspiracy of Yan Tong, Doll Qiang, and Fat Zai Chao in the movie.

This time he was dismissed by Fat Boy Chao ahead of schedule and sent to Siam to transport fans.

Lei Luo, who was surrounded by four plainclothes guards, was wearing a black suit with two guns in the inner gun pocket, a black star and a flare gun.

The five of them walked through the complicated alleyways of the Walled City and came to Kuocheng under the Walled City Arbitration Committee.

A soda bottle fell to the feet of five people!

The four plainclothes reached into their arms together, holding the loaded pistols.

With rustling footsteps, the walled city thugs came out with gloomy expressions one by one, and surrounded the five of them.

Lei Luo glanced around calmly, raised his head and said, "I've made an appointment with Master Ding."

As soon as the words fell, a loud laugh came down from the balcony of the small building where the Walled City Arbitration Committee is located: "Inspector Lei, we meet again. Everyone is full of praise for the good tea you gave me."

Lei Luo followed the prestige, and shouted to Master Ding who was smiling warmly: "If uncle likes it, I will give it to you every day!"

"Please come up and talk."


Hearing Master Ding's words, Lei Luo thought that things had not changed, so he naturally ignored that after hearing what they said, a cold murderous intent flashed across the doll's strong face.


At the same time, Ding Yunfeng, who learned that Lei Luo had entered the city, decisively picked up a bulging canvas bag.

He walked out of the room with a cold face, walked around a few alleys guarded by Fatty Super's men, and reached a place where the wooden sign of "Walled City Owners' Association" was hung.

If there is no accident, this is where Lei Luo lost the flare gun during his escape.

The Walled City Arbitration Committee is heavily guarded, except for Doll Qiang and Fat Boy Chao, no one can get in now.

Ding Yunfeng was carrying a gun, so he didn't dare to get too close.

Lighting a cigarette silently, Ding Yunfeng opened the canvas bag, carefully put the Thomson submachine gun at hand, and listened attentively to the movement of the Walled City Arbitration Committee...

At the same time, Wu Shihao's family.

Dawei and Dumb Ah Qi stared in horror at Wu Shihao, who was covered in filth and red eyes, and buried himself in a bowl of pork knuckle rice.

"Brother Hao, you..."

"As soon as the stowaway boat went out to sea, I killed the people on it and swam back." Putting down the rooster bowl with not a single grain of rice left, Wu Shihao got up and said, "Take the guys and get ready to do something."

(End of this chapter)

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