Chapter 20 Desperate Escape
Walled City Arbitration Committee.

Master Ding lit three pillars of fragrance, turned around and took the main seat: "Inspector Lei, please."

Lei Luo sat down with a smile, and Doll Qiang took the lead in attacking: "Uncle, these poor guys are always looking for tricks, you have to be careful."

Unfortunately, as soon as he finished speaking, Master Ding looked over angrily: "Shut up and kneel down for me."

Doll Qiang was full of dissatisfaction, but in the end he got up and knelt beside Lord Ding, Lei Luo smiled and said nothing, this scene, he discussed with Lord Ding last time.

If it is because of gold and banknotes, handing over the doll to the police, the walled city's external spokesperson, the Walled City Arbitration Committee, will definitely become a joke on the road.

Therefore, Lord Ding and Lei Luo made an appointment to perform a 'big dragon and phoenix' today.

The doll is strong, and the Walled City can not hand over, but he can't continue to be the external speaker of the Walled City, so as to give both parties a step down.

Unfortunately, Master Ding and Lei Luo didn't expect it.

Doll Qiang has long been dissatisfied with Master Ding's pressure on him, this time he teamed up with Yan Tong and Fat Boy Chao, and his ambition rapidly expanded...

"Our walled city and the outside have never violated the water of the river..."

"No one dares to change this rule..."

"You and Grizzly, making a mess outside"

"Now Inspector Lei comes in personally and wants me to hand over someone. Tell me what should I do?"

Master Ding pointed at the strong nose of the doll and cursed repeatedly. Lei Luo smiled and played with the ring on his hand. These were discussed between him and Master Ding in advance, just for a play.

"Uncles, I want to replace the city wall with a new foreign speaker." Feeling that the preparations are almost done, Master Ding stood up and announced.

Doll Qiang raised his head in panic: "I haven't done it..."

"No?" Master Ding is an old drama player, he turned around and yelled at Doll Qiang: "You pretend I don't know anything? If you break the rules, you should know what will happen today."

After saying that, Master Ding took a step forward: "Inspector Lei, I will give you an explanation about the substitution..."

Lei Luo smiled and nodded, he knew that Lord Ding would refuse to hand over the doll Qiang next time.

But what surprised Lei Luo was that before Master Ding finished speaking, Doll Qiang, who was kneeling behind him, suddenly stood up and took out a handful of black stars.

clap clap clap...

The first shot pierced through the back of Lord Ding's head, and the doll thought it was not safe enough, so he fired two more shots at Lord Ding's body.

Seeing this scene, Lei Luo and the many uncles present were stunned.

Fortunately, the plainclothes who followed Lei Luo responded in a timely manner.

The two failed to draw their guns, and were dealt with on the spot by the doll's ambushing swordsmen.

One heard gunshots outside and was about to come in, but was instantly killed by someone. The one standing next to Lei Luo finally pushed Lei Luo out of the incense hall, while using his body to block the bullets fired by the doll.

clap clap clap...

The doll forcefully fired several shots at the two of them, and the last one in plain clothes rushed to the street in an instant.

Lei Luo was shot and fell out of the door. Fortunately, before he set off, Lard Boy helped him tie a steel plate inside his shirt.

At this time, although he was vomiting blood from the bullet, he still got up cleverly, and shot for his life while running for his life.

The doll is strong in mental calculation and unintentional, controlling the scene and ordering the uncle present to frame Lei Luo.

In order to save their lives, the uncles in many villages had no choice but to cooperate.

"Lei Luo killed Master Ding!"

"Lei Luo killed Master Ding."

In an instant, inside the Kowloon Walled City, everyone was rumoring that Lei Luo had killed Master Ding.

Master Ding has a very high reputation in the Kowloon Walled City. Hearing that he was killed by Lei Luo, the residents of the Walled City who had a very bad impression of the poor rushed out one after another.

All of a sudden, not only Doll Qiang and Fat Boy Chao, but also swordsmen, thugs, and boxers who had been favored by Lord Ding in the past joined spontaneously.

Lei Luo took the road and fled, chasing after four or five gunmen who had been ambushing beforehand.

Thanks to the good marksmanship he learned in Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy back then, Lei Luo exchanged fire with the pursuers all the way, and let him kill the two of them back!

But the roads in the city are complicated, Lei Luo is isolated and helpless, more and more soldiers are chasing him, no matter how good his marksmanship is, how many people can he kill with a black star?
Hearing the continuous gunfire from the direction of the Walled City Arbitration Committee, Ding Yunfeng knew that the plot was unfolding like a movie!

He took a few puffs of cigarettes to suppress the urge to go to support.

The road to the Walled City is complicated, and he is afraid that he will miss Lei Luo.

"At this!"

"Don't run!"

"Don't let him run away!"


The shouts of killing were getting closer, and Wu Shihao, who was also looking for an opportunity to help Lei Luo, found that there were thugs bringing guys to block the intersections of the walled cities.

I know that I can't continue to delay.

Wu Shihao asked Xiaowei and others to seize the nearby exit. Relying on his extraordinary skills, he turned over several low-rise buildings and followed the gunshots to find Lei Luo.

And this time.

Lei Luo was already on the verge of desperation, and when he saw a staircase with a large drop in front of him, he jumped.

Unexpectedly, the water on the ground was wet and slippery, and Inspector Lei fell on his back.

Regardless of shouting for pain, he turned over and shot, killing a pursuer on the spot.

Leaning against the wall, Lei Luo reached into his arms and found that the flare gun had fallen on the opposite side of the alley. He wanted to lean over to pick it up, but was stopped by the chasing soldiers behind him.

Glancing at the flare gun, Lei Luo gritted his teeth and turned around. Just after turning the corner, he saw a young man who was not inferior to him standing in front of him.

"Brother Luo, come with me!" Ding Yunfeng pressed the muzzle of Lei Luo's raised gun with one hand, raised the Thomson submachine gun, swept away the line of pursuers behind him, and expressed his position with the sound of the gun.

Lei Luo survived a desperate situation and nodded excitedly.

Seeing the handsome face of a heavenly king in front of him, Ding Yunfeng, who identified himself as a first-class man, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He trotted forward with a Thomson submachine gun in both hands, and quickly shot and killed the walled thugs blocking the way.

Lei Luo didn't hold back either, enduring the pain and followed closely, using black stars to fight against the pursuers from time to time, the two fought halfway, and finally met Wu Shihao who came to meet him.

"Brother Luo! Huh, Ah Feng?" Wu Shihao was both surprised and delighted to see Ding Yunfeng there.

"Ahao, do you know this little brother? That would be even better.

I was raped by the doll, and the flare gun was missing, so I couldn't notify the outside..." Lei Luo held on until now, when he saw Wu Shihao heaved a sigh of relief, his legs were weak and he was about to fall.

Wu Shihao stepped forward to support him, and looked at Ding Yunfeng in a low voice: "Ah Feng, I have already asked someone to seize the door, this way, let's go."

After saying that, Wu Shihao helped Lei Luo to turn into an alley, Ding Yunfeng stood aside with a gun.

It turns out!

The submachine gun that Ding Yunfeng had prepared in advance really came in handy. After he swept out all the bullets and settled the last three gunmen in the fortress, the pursuers finally dared not go forward.

The three of them seized the opportunity, ran to the nearest exit, and met Williams and Dumb who had come over ahead of time to calm down the guards.

But at this moment, many walled-up thugs who copied from the front quickly blocked the way ahead,
"We came out to hang out because we want to show loyalty."

"Lei Luo saved me in front of those British guys, should I, Ah Hao, have to pay it back?"

"A Millennium Chronicle of the Fruit of Grace..."

Seeing Wu Shihao roaring in front of dozens of walled-up thugs, Ding Yunfeng ran to light the firework stand beside him, and then took advantage of the fireworks to attract everyone's attention, he trotted and climbed up to the second floor.

At this moment, Doll Qiang who came with a large group of people, heard Wu Shihao talking nonsense downstairs, and before he could utter a single curse, suddenly a strong wind hit his face, and immediately his Adam's apple hurt.

Before it even showed its face, it unexpectedly fell into Ding Yunfeng's hands, the doll Qiang was shocked and angry.

"Immediately order to let you go, otherwise, I will crush your throat!" Ding Yunfeng shouted coldly, and the audience fell silent.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, please collect!I am an old person outside the station, but I am a newbie at the beginning. I am rolling all over the place and I beg you readers to support me! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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