Chapter 21
Relying on his foresight of the plot, Ding Yunfeng captured Doll Qiang in one fell swoop, and suppressed more than a hundred Dolls in the village.

"Feng, well done!"

Wu Shihao supported Lei Luo with one hand, and raised his gun with the other to look around: "Everyone has seen that Qiang Shao is in our hands now! Let's use his life for a different path, okay!"

Xiaowei and the dumb Ah Qi took the opportunity to copy the guy and pushed away the beating boys around the iron gate.

Ding Yunfeng grabbed the doll by the throat, faced countless murderous gazes, and retreated down the stairs step by step.

"Ahao, call someone to help Afeng..." Lei Luo said with difficulty, clutching his wound.

Wu Shihao gave Serena a wink, and Serena picked up a pole and ran to Ding Yunfeng's side.

"Serena, protect my back."

"Brother Feng, don't worry!"

As soon as the two of them finished talking, there were countless footsteps coming from around, and it was Fat Zaichao who led the Chaozhou gang to catch up.

"Beautiful Boy Peak! Release Young Master Qiang immediately, otherwise, none of you will be able to get out of the city tonight!" Fat Zaichao secretly scolded the doll Qiang, and surrounded him with his troops.

Ding Yunfeng slammed the doll's throat hard, and the latter blushed and cursed fiercely: "Stinky boy, don't fall into my hands..."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell Fat Zaichao to make way!" Ding Yunfeng looked at the exploding fireworks stand, and was also very anxious.

In the movie, Lardboy discovers the fireworks rising in the Walled City, and immediately rushes in with his men and horses to respond.

But when he was really on the scene, Ding Yunfeng realized that the time waiting for reinforcements really passed too slowly!
Because Fat Boy Chao brought people to the scene, the courage of the doll immediately strengthened.

Shoot Master Ding and blame Lei Luo.

In front of many uncles in the city wall, he did such a wicked thing!

Even if he forced his uncles to frame Lei Luo at gunpoint, he wanted to completely suppress the matter, provided he kept Lei Luo in the city.

Regardless of the white way or the underworld, no one will fight against a big man who controls the Kowloon Walled City for a dead person!

But once Lei Luo is allowed to walk out alive today, the matter of him killing Master Ding will be unstoppable!
Don't say that the Hong Kong government behind Lei Luo is the underworld on Hong Kong Island, so they won't let him go!
Fight to the death;
Let all the way ten dead without life!
The doll is strong enough to attack Lord Ding, so he is a ruthless person who dares to risk his life.

Winking at Fat Zaichao, the doll forced his head up and slammed into Ding Yunfeng. At the same time, Fat Zaichao raised his gun and shot Lei Luo without saying a word.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the audience was in chaos!

Although Lei Luo was pushed away by Wu Shihao in time and failed to get shot, the tense string between the two sides broke instantly with the sound of the gun...

Noticing that the doll had moved, Ding Yunfeng immediately crushed his throat.

Kicking the doll away with one kick, smashing away the two city thugs in front of him, Ding Yunfeng was still stabbed twice in the shoulder blade.

Good thing!

Xiaowei came to the rescue in time, swung the shoulder pole round, and forced the pursuers away.

Ding Yunfeng knew in his heart that when it was time to fight for his life, he would no longer hold back a set of secret military martial arts.

Using both fists and kicks, whoever he touches will either have their legs broken or their hands broken.

In less than ten seconds, Ding Yunfeng eliminated five city fighters with sharp knives.

Xiaowei guarded behind Ding Yunfeng, listening to the sound of bones cracking in front of him, his face gradually turned pale, and he looked at the back in front of him with respect and fear.

"Serena, follow me."

"Brother Feng, I can keep up!"

Ding Yunfeng gave a hasty order, and without hesitation in his movements, he quickly advanced towards the place where Wu Shihaoleiluo and the others were.

Wu Shihao and Lei Luo quickly ran out of bullets, the former grabbed a machete, dashed left and right, hacking until everyone in the walled city thugs who surrounded them was terrified.

"Brother Hao, this way, hurry up!" Dawei and Dumb desperately guarded the iron gate leading to the exit.

Wu Shihao broke through several times, but with Lei Luo as a burden, he couldn't get out after all.

Seeing that Wu Shihao was out of breath, his movements became sluggish, and he was hit with knives and sticks one after another, Lei Luo felt desperate.

At this time, Ding Yunfeng brought Serena and finally came to kill him: "I'm in charge of opening the way, Serena will protect Brother Luo, Brother Hao, you're the one who's behind!"

Throwing down a sentence in a hurry, Ding Yunfeng stepped forward to replace Wu Shihao.

Compared with Wu Shihao's wide opening and closing shots, Ding Yunfeng's shots are only precise.

He specializes in the opponent's joints, and he may not see blood every time, but he can definitely destroy the opponent's combat power every time.

In less than half a minute, Ding Yunfeng led several people to the iron gate.

Dawei, Xiaowei and Dumb closed the gate with all their might. The three of them risked their lives, and many of the townsmen were unable to break through the iron gate for a while.

Fat Boy Chao jumped up angrily when he saw this, just when he was about to order the gunmen to fire indiscriminately.

In the direction of the exit of the Walled City, suddenly there was a loud gunshot...

"Convex (哉盘哉), Wu Shihao, you are on the street!" Knowing that the troops arranged by Lei Luo outside began to come in, the fat boy was very anxious, he completely hated Wu Shihao who sneaked back to rescue Lei Luo.

"Let's go! Take the path and intercept them again..." Biting his cheek, Fat Zaichao turned around and left.

Doll Qiang is finished.

Fortunately, he is a fat boy who is super eye-catching, and he has a lot of skills in doing things. He has already used a lot of money to get through the way of Superintendent Henry, the ghost!

Even if Lei Luo retaliates afterwards, he can at least save his life after feeding the ghost...

Thinking that he would become a prisoner in the blink of an eye, Fatty Chaochao was not reconciled, and he took a few cronies to take a small path to bypass the iron gate.

This side of the iron gate...

Ding Yunfeng's attack was fierce, and Wu Shihao's momentum was like a tiger.

Seeing that the two scattered the few pursuers, Lei Luo couldn't help laughing when he heard the approaching gunshots coming from the direction of the exit, "Brother Ah Feng's skills are sharp enough!"

Wu Shihao swung his machete with a curly blade, and chopped away a few of those who were not afraid of death.

Looking at Ding Yunfeng who was chasing several youngsters all by himself, Wu Shihao walked towards Lei Luo: "Of course he is sharp! He is the handsome peak, the fierce man who won the bloody battle in the city..."

Lei Luo nodded suddenly, but at this moment, a set pole suddenly protruded from the corner.

Wu Shihao exhausted too much physical strength, his reaction was a beat slow, and his right leg was immediately caught.



The two city-walled fighters grabbed the poles and together overturned Wu Shihao, dragging him into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

"Ahao!" Lei Luo was shocked, and was about to come up to rescue him, but he couldn't run three meters, but he was kicked and flew out.

With his hands tightly covering his head, Lei Luo was hacked several times.

Just when he thought he was destined to hit the street, a roar came over: "Get out!"

Three or two moves to deal with the two swordsmen who slashed Lei Luo, Ding Yunfeng helped Lei Luo up, and the latter pointed to the dark alley with blood on his face: "Ah Feng, save... save Ah Hao..."

Ding Yunfeng's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly walked over with Lei Luo on his back. What he saw was a figure curled up on the ground with his right leg in his arms...

(End of this chapter)

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