Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 22 Black Police Drug Lord Red Police

Chapter 22 Black Police Drug Lord Red Police
With the participation of Ding Yunfeng, some things changed.

For example, Doll Qiang was not killed by Zhu Youzai's gun, but died on the spot when Ding Yunfeng twisted his neck.

Some things are still staged according to the plot of "Chasing the Dragon". Wu Shihao was plotted against by Fat Boy Chao, dragged into a dark alley and broke a leg...

Battle of the Walled City.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed...

"I asked the doctor about Ah Hao's leg. With the current medical skills, he will have to use crutches for the rest of his life." Lei Luo peeled an apple and handed it to Ding Yunfeng who was lying on the bed.

Ding Yunfeng took the apple and gnawed it calmly, he is not a god.

That night, he took the lead in opening the way, and the disabled were beaten in the city under his command. According to the rumors on the road, the number of people was steadily over a hundred.

After this battle!
Pretty Boy Peak becomes Boxing Peak.

In fact, if lard boy hadn't arrived in time, Fat Boy Chao and his party would have been scared away.

At that time, with twelve stab wounds and seven fractures in his body, he couldn't protect a Lei Luo with a strength of 5 and a half-disabled Wu Shihao!
The lives of the three of them are really taken back...

Lei Luo suffered the least serious injuries and was released from the hospital in a week.

Ding Yunfeng's injuries were the heaviest, but they were all external injuries, and they were not difficult to treat, except that he had to lie down for a longer time.

On the contrary, Wu Shihao was limping, and his mood was always in a downturn. In addition, Wu Shihao was born in a reckless background, and his speech and behavior were not as good as Ding Yunfeng, who has the soul of future generations.

After several in-depth talks, Lei Luo came to visit and stayed in Ding Yunfeng's ward much longer than Wu Shihao's.

What's more, in Lei Luo's heart, Ding Yunfeng, who saved him twice at critical moments, weighs a lot more than Wu Shihao.

"Afeng, the doctor said that you will be discharged from the hospital next week. How are you doing? What are your plans?" Lei Luo asked with a smile, lighting a cigar.

Ding Yunfeng pointed to the window, Lei Luo didn't think it was disobedient, and opened the window while laughing and scolding: "I warn you, after you leave the hospital, you must learn to smoke cigars! Let others know that my brother Afeng smokes cigarettes, what will I do to my face, Lei Luo?" ?”

"Ahem, I'm not used to this smell..." Ding Yunfeng avoided the column of smoke that Lei Luo deliberately sprayed, and said calmly: "The three are sworn brothers, and you are the boss. How do you arrange it?"

"Hey, that's what I thought!
Fat Boy Chao, that bastard, although he was saved by Henry, the Chaozhou Gang has already announced that he will be kicked out of the mountain gate in order to appease my anger.

How about it, are you interested in the territory and power left by Fat Boy Chao?
Don't worry, with my backing, plus your name on the road of Boxing King Peak, you are more than enough to be the big boss of this walled city! "

Lei Luo was smoking a cigar, his eagle eyes flickered at Ding Yunfeng behind the smoke.

Ding Yunfeng sighed secretly and finally came.

After that night...

Lei Luo announced to Zhu Youzai and others that he would become brothers with Ding Yunfeng and Wu Shihao!

According to the age of the three, Lei Luo is the eldest, Wu Shihao is the second, and Ding Yunfeng is the third.

In this matter, Ding Yunfeng did not refuse, he was just curious, so he intervened more.

Will Lei Luo choose him, or Wu Shihao, as his spokesperson in the underworld?
"I take Fat Boy Chao's seat? Brother Luo, I don't want to join the underworld." Ding Yunfeng looked at Lei Luo and replied solemnly.

Lei Luo's face tightened, and he touched his chin and said, "Ah Feng, I know I have wronged you. In this way, you give me one year! After one year, I will make you the emperor of the underworld on Hong Kong Island..."

"Brother Luo, I'm serious. I want to be a messenger. You can leave this opportunity to Brother Hao." Ding Yunfeng sat up, his starry eyes full of determination.

Lei Luo froze when he heard the words, and turned around slowly, staring closely at Ding Yunfeng's eyes...

Ten breaths later, Lei Luo smiled, and he patted Ding Yunfeng's shoulder vigorously: "Little boy, you are knowledgeable!

it is good!When you are discharged from the hospital, I will arrange for you to go to Wong Chuk Hang for training!

After half a year, you will be transferred to me as a plainclothes worker, and after another six months, I will buy a detective to make it for you..."

"Brother Luo, you misunderstood again. I don't want to be a plainclothes worker, and I don't want to take your place in the future. I want to be a prison guard." Seeing that Lei Luo became more and more excited, Ding Yunfeng coughed lightly.

"Damn! You're not kidding me, are you? Prison guard!

Did you know that prison guards on Hong Kong Island are recognized as the lowest-ranked police officers in the public sector?
Military uniforms, firefighting, these two egg powder departments all participate in the sub-regulation fee, the prison guards don't have a share, they can only squeeze a little oil from the prisoners..."

Lei Luo went crazy, he suddenly wanted to transfer Ding Yunfeng to Chongguang Mental Hospital for examination.

Getting off the bed and patting Lei Luo on the back, Ding Yunfeng smiled and persuaded him: "With Brother Luo covered by your big Buddha, will I still starve to death? Come on, old man, don't get excited, I have really thought about it, I am going to Stanley .”



"No regrets?"

"Of course!"


A month later, Wu Shihao walked towards the Sansheng Palace step by step, leaning on a pure gold walking stick.

Dawei, Dumb and Aping smiled and followed behind him. The four of them stopped in front of the palace gate and watched Brother Hao walk into the temple surrounded by incense.


"Brother Hao."

Lei Luo and Ding Yunfeng, who came first, saw him coming in, and they all came up to meet him.

Lei Luo patted Lai Hao's injured leg and greeted him in a low voice, while Ding Yunfeng stood aside and watched.

Today is an auspicious day for Lei Luo to find someone to look forward to. After cutting off the chicken head and burning the yellow paper, the three of them will become brothers with different surnames.

After the three exchanged pleasantries, the ceremony of sworn worship began.

The process was very solemn, Ding Yunfeng just followed Lei Luo and Li Hao to do it.

"Ah Feng, I owe you one more time. Brother Hao probably won't be clear in his life." Lame Hao said emotionally as he put his arms around Ding Yunfeng's shoulders.

Being able to take over Fat Boy Chao's power this time, Lai Hao knew that it was the result of the third brother in front of him giving in!
Otherwise, with Lei Luo's attitude towards the two of them, it would definitely not be Wu Shihao's turn to take the position.

Ding Yunfeng suddenly remembered the scene at Wu's house back then, and said with a playful smile, "Don't say such polite words to your own people."

Wu Shihao laughed and scolded 'Fuck the mother', turned around and wiped away his tears, and then asked seriously: "When are you going to the police academy?"

"I've made arrangements for Ah Feng, don't worry, he's our third brother, we can't wrong him anywhere." Lei Luo took out two cigars.

Ding Yunfeng shook his head and refused, he really didn't like this stuff.

Wu Shihao forcibly ordered it for him: "Good things come, I will let Serena send a box to the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy every month, I don't believe you can't learn it in a year..."

Seeing Ding Yunfeng's speechless embarrassment, Lei Luo laughed, and immediately led the two out of the Sansheng Temple.

Zhu Youzai, Chen Xijiu, Xiaowei and others who were waiting outside came up to congratulate, Lei Luo waved his hand, and the group rushed to the restaurant.

The next day, Ding Yunfeng, who had been drunk a lot, woke up to see Lard Boy's greasy face, beside him sat Chen Xijiu on the sofa, and Inspector Abalone was flipping through a book of Liu Bei.

"Damn, Brother Zi, Brother Nine, when did you two come?"

"We just arrived, don't worry, you wash your face first. Let's go have breakfast together. If you are interested, you can go to have a firecracker together! Anyway, the police academy is in Wong Chuk Hang, so we can go there whenever we want. "

(End of this chapter)

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