Chapter 174

Lei Luo came over to hold a banquet in his jurisdiction.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be hidden from Wanchai Inspector Yan Tong.

"Is the news accurate? You can't joke about this kind of thing!
That Lei Luo hit the street, does he really want to fight me to the death? Yan Tong was smoking a cigar, staring at A Bing sternly.

A Bing kept wiping away his sweat: "Brother-in-law, if you give me ten guts, I wouldn't dare cover it up!

Zhu Youzai, Four Eyed Kun, Fat Sen, and Chen Xijiutong are all here.

The needle we buried on the opposite side told me that the lard boy had specially ordered them yesterday.

You can forget to bring everything today, but you must not forget to bring a gun! "

"I'm protruding!" Yan Tong was taken aback. He quickly put on two holsters, opened the drawer and carried a shotgun on his back: "Hurry up and shake people, don't care about Lei Luo's jumping gun!" Whether the street has this meaning, our side must be prepared to deal with it."

"Okay, brother-in-law, I'll do it right away."

A Bing was terrified, turned around and ran out, he was able to survive until now because of Yan Tong's cover.

Yan Tong was killed by Lei Luo tonight, and he will never survive dawn.

However, as soon as Ah Bing left, the ghost chief of the Wanchai Police Station called in.

Yan Tong answered the phone quickly. He heard that Lei Luo came to hold a banquet this time, simply because he liked the craftsmanship of Man Han Lou Ou Zhaofeng. Get rid of it, let your subordinates bring guys...

"Tsk tsk, Detective Lei, he underestimated me, Yan Tong!
Even if he and I have some different opinions on work, there is no reason to be serious enough to use a knife or a gun?

Director, don't worry!

I won't make it hard for you.

Even now, I have to go over to offer a toast to Inspector Lei!
After all, this is Wanchai, according to the rules of our Chinese people, I want to do my best to be a landlord..." Yan Tong was relieved, he thought that Lei Luo was afraid of him, and even asked the ghost to talk to him after a meal.

After hanging up the phone, Yan Tong laughed for a few minutes.

While sending someone to call A Bing back, he put the guns on his body back to the original place: "Come here, take the suit I just ordered, and polish my new pair of leather shoes. I want to help Detective Lei." Long cheers! Hahaha..."

Thinking of being able to show off his prestige in front of his old opponent, Yan Tong moved quickly, took A Bing and a few other cronies, they drove a total of three cars, and swaggered to Manhanlou.

As soon as Yan Tong came.

The corner of Lei Luo's mouth curled up. In order to get the ghost to make this call, he spent hundreds of thousands the day before yesterday!
Putting on a slightly embarrassed expression, Lei Luo strode out with Lard Boy and the others.

"Oh! Inspector Lei, you're coming to our Wanchai, why didn't someone tell Yan Mou?" Yan Tong saw Lei Luo's vigilant face from a distance, and felt relieved, he opened his arms and hugged Lei Luo.

Lei Luo gently pushed him away: "Aren't you afraid of causing trouble to Master Yan..."

"Look at what you said? What is trouble? Since you and I have known each other, now there is one more trouble and one less trouble. Is there any difference?"

"Ah? Haha, Master Yan was joking." Lei Luo continued to pretend to be embarrassed.

Lard Boy's acting skills are also online, he squeezed out a forced smile at the right time, and stood behind Lei Luo with his shoulders shrugged.

However, Four Eyes Kun, Fat Sen and others don't know the details.

Seeing Luo Ge being squeezed by Yan Tong, they all gritted their teeth and clenched their fists.

If Lei Luo gave the order at this time, they would definitely go up and fight Yan Tong.

"Ah Luo, you see we have been here for a while, and you are still standing at the door like this, you are not afraid of losing face, I still delay the business of Man Hanlou!" Yan Tong made an inch of it, and his words were extremely arrogant.

Lei Luo patted his forehead: "My fault, Lord Yan, please come in quickly... Lard Boy, please ask for more tables inside."

After a while of busy work, Yan Tong and his party walked into the banquet hall proudly like a fighting rooster.

"Mrs. Lei is celebrating her birthday today, everyone must not be rude!
Anyone who has paid less than 20 yuan in congratulatory money will pay the trolls tomorrow and get out of here and wear a military uniform! Yan Tong reminded loudly, then took out 20 yuan and stuffed it into a red bag and threw it to Siyankun, who was responsible for registering gifts.

Siyan Kun looked at the dozen or so red envelopes containing 20 yuan that suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was so angry that he almost broke the pen in his hand.

There are more than a dozen detectives, and each of them can give a gift of 20 yuan. Who the hell is this?

"Akun, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and write it down, don't forget to return the gift." Lei Luo pushed Kun four times, and looked at Yan Tong with a smile.

Repeated provocations failed to make Lei Luo angry, but Yan Tong murmured instead.

He felt that today seemed a bit abnormal. With Lei Luo's status at this time, this kind of ninja method should not be done.

At this time, a young man with glasses and a desperate expression ran in: "I am sent by Sir Jane of the Flying Tigers...

Luo Ge?

what!Grandpa Yan is here too.

Hello two detectives!I'm a member of the Flying Tigers, Anan! "

After saluting, Anan took out a form and handed it to Lei Luo: "Brother Luo, Sir Jane still has some tasks to do, so he couldn't come here. He arranged for fifty pieces of sugar cane and a box of pineapples for me to bring as gifts. "

Sugar cane, pineapple?
What the hell, I, Yan Tong, still gave Lei Luo a face. I gave 20 yuan anyway, and the Flying Tigers were even more ruthless. Not only did no one come, even the congratulatory gifts were perfunctory with fruits...

Yan Tong held back his smile, and A Bing didn't have his worries, so he directly opened his mouth and said, "Is the Flying Tigers so poor? Not only can't afford the banquet, but they can't even afford the gift money?"

Anan pretended to be stupid and ignored him, just looked at Lei Luo, waiting for the other party's response.

Lei Luo glanced at the list: 10 microcharges, 10 shotguns, 30 Glock pistols, and 50 ring-pull grenades in a box.

"These sugar canes and pineapples are very beautiful. Jane Sir has a heart." Lei Luo put away the form in satisfaction, and the lard boy next to him immediately stuffed two stacks of money into Anan's pocket.

"Brother Luo, Lord Yan! I have to go back to training, so I'm retiring first!" Anan resigned wisely.

Yan Tong naturally looked down on people who brought sugar cane and pineapples as gifts, so he used Lei Luo to accept such gifts as an excuse, so he continued to laugh at Lei Luo.

Just when Yan Tong was killing all directions, a few clear gunshots came along the night wind.

Lei Luo, who had been looking at his pocket watch all the time, buttoned the cover of the watch, put away his fake smile, reached into his pocket and took out a pistol.


The muzzle of the gun charged, and Lei Luo pulled the trigger twice. Ignoring the shocked Yan Tong and his party who crouched down with their heads in their hands, he shouted coldly: "Everyone, load the bullets and come with me!"

"Let's go!"

"hurry up!"

"Brother Luo ordered something to be done!"

Seeing that Lei Luo ran downstairs with Zhu Youzai and Chen Xijiu, Four-eyed Kun and Fat Sen rushed to chase after him.

Looking at the Lei Luo people who left his wife and ran away in an instant, Yan Tong was confused, and he slapped A Bing hard: "Why is there a gunshot? What's going on? How did you catch the wind?"

(End of this chapter)

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