Chapter 175 The melee begins

Lei Luo took the lead, grabbed the pistol and got on Chen Xijiu's convertible BMW.

Brother Jiu kicked the accelerator to the end, the engine roared and pulled the four wheels, and rushed directly to the Cointreau Hotel.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Move faster!" Lard Boy stood at the gate of Manhan Building and commanded loudly.

Lei Luo's cronies, Siyan Kun and Fei Sen, came to the restaurant first, and the car parked nearby.

They opened the doors one by one, drove by themselves, and chased after them with their men.

As for the late arrival, the car was parked too far away by the parking boy. At this time, either the rickshaw was stopped, or the cars of passers-by were forced to be confiscated...

The scene was chaotic, and the chickens were flying around.

Yan Tong led A Bing and others to chase out of the restaurant. Seeing the scene of war in front of him, he slapped his brother-in-law twice again: "I didn't dream, did I? Could it be that the other side is going to take back?"

"Brother-in-law, it's impossible. If this kind of thing really happened, would the ghosts still dare to stay on Hong Kong Island?" A Bing held his cheeks, these few slaps cleared his brain thrombosis for many years, and his clever IQ finally took over the high ground.

Yan Tong nodded slowly, scolding himself for being too nervous.

If that kind of thing really happens, it will not help the more than 2 short dogs of the Hong Kong Island Police Force to go together.


Lei Luo's banquet today is fake, but the opportunity waiting for this moment is real...

"Where's the car? Where's my car, hurry up and catch up! What are you doing standing here?" Yan Tong yelled loudly after slapping his brother-in-law again.

If you say it wrong, you will be drawn, and if you say it right, you will be drawn.

A Bing's face was swollen like a pig's head: "I...I'll drive over right away, brother-in-law, you, wait a while..."

"Convex (艹盘哉), why don't you go soon?"

A few minutes later, Ah Bing drove over in Yan Tong's Mercedes-Benz.

Meanwhile, the Cointreau Hotel.

Li Jie took Yuan Haoyun and Lan Bao, and the three successfully outflanked more than thirty gangsters.

Miao Zhishun, who came to ask TNT security company to cooperate with the work before being rescued, was rejected, and was almost blocked by a gang of doctors in the underground garage.

"Miao Sir, can you still hold on?"

"It's okay, I'm lucky everyone came in time. Mad, that TNT security director, is simply an idiot!
I almost got killed by him. "Miao Zhishun's ribs were grazed by a bullet, so he asked Li Jie to bandage it up and prepare to return to the team to join the battle.

Thinking of the pile of corpses left in the utility room on the first floor by the gang of doctors, Yuan Haoyun smiled wryly and said, "Sir Miao, it's embarrassing for you to throw yourself into the street.

During the period when you fought with the enemy, the male mother-in-law saw it through the surveillance.

The people from TNT and the people on the first floor of the hotel were all wiped out by the gang of doctors. "

"Convex (艹盘哉), that jumping on the street is really damned, and it also hurt so many innocent hotel employees."

Li Jie handed Miao Zhishun a pistol: "Time is running out, if there is no problem, continue to act."

Miao Zhishun nodded, took the pistol and stood up.

Li Jie looked up at Lanbao: "After Lanbao is broken, Sir Miao will cover Yuan Haoyun, and I will open the way!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jie climbed up the stairs with Wei Chong in his hand vigilantly.

Yuan Haoyun carried an OK-47 on his back and another in his hand. He crossed paths with Li Jie upstairs, and the other two followed.

Tens of seconds later, gunshots rang out in the corridor.

And a few minutes ago, the gang of doctors who had gone up to the first floor from the underground garage had been killed.

Except most of the minions were assigned to guard the garage, first floor and other floors.

Sangbang and Rabbit, the gang elites, had already taken the elevator to the top floor and cooperated with the doctor to control the scene.

"Everyone, we are seeking money, not murder!

As long as you cooperate, you will not die. Now you sit down obediently and don't play tricks.

Even if the messenger comes, it's useless, he will be killed by us, do you understand? The doctor smiled coldly, his eyes swept across the audience.

Feifei suddenly lost contact, forcing him to order early action.

Knowing that the situation had changed, he was too lazy to hide behind the scenes, not only showing his identity, but also stealing his brother Rabbit's lines.

Bang bang bang!
Rabbit raised the gun and pulled the trigger three times: "Who is Chen Liming, the head of TNT security company?"

A dark-skinned Sulu man stood up tremblingly with his hands raised.

Le Huizhen forgot to bring a video recorder at Night Beauty last time, but this time she stuffed a portable one in her bag.

At this moment, she squatted on the ground and started recording secretly with her bag in her hand: "Live broadcast, finally let me record the big scene..."

"Mr. Chen, the password?" The doctor walked up to Chen Liming with a smile, and snatched the rabbit's lines again.

Chen Liming was so regretful that his intestines were green. About ten minutes ago, the TNT director downstairs responded to him through the hotel's internal phone.

A Kowloon inspector, Miao Zhishun, informed the company that gangsters were planning to storm the Cointreau Hotel and steal the three pieces of Tsarist Russian imperial jewels.

Unfortunately, at that time, Chen Liming didn't take this matter to heart at all.

He asked his subordinates to withdraw a few hundred yuan, and prepared to send Miao Zhishun away.

The Hong Kong government, TNT security company, and the Russian side have been advertising for a long time in the media for this Tsarist-Russian imperial jewelry exhibition.

Not to mention Miao Zhishun, a Kowloon inspector, but the large and small associations around the Cointreau Hotel, which day didn't they come here under the pretext of warning?


Normal people report the fire at most, or the big circle gang is ready to come and make a big tea and meal.

XX attack?

This is the first time Boss Chen has heard of this excuse.

Normally he would give dozens, but this time he would give hundreds, which is considered a reward for Inspector Miao's creativity!
Who knew that such an outrageous thing really happened.

Looking at the barrel of the gun against his chest, Boss Chen was sweating profusely: "Our company's experts came to erect it in the morning. I really don't know what the password is."

Seeing the impatient expression on Rabbit's face, Boss Chen shook his hands in panic: "I don't know, I really don't know..."

The shot rang out and people fell.

The screams became chaotic, and Le Huizhen hid the camera.

The doctor called a dark-skinned Sulu man who was standing next to the rabbit and wearing earphones: "Get the unlock code as soon as possible!"

"No problem. This is my job. Otherwise, why am I here?" The Sulu man smiled confidently. He squatted down and opened a suitcase, which turned out to be a portable deciphering machine.

At this time, gunshots came from downstairs, the doctor waved his hand with a gloomy expression, and Sangbang and Rabbit led people out.

Holding a pistol, the doctor stood by the Sulu man.

Feifei disappeared suddenly, and the team found an undercover agent a few days ago, and now he doesn't believe anyone.

If it weren't for the fact that he had no choice but to launch, with his style of doing things, he would definitely clean up the team before taking action.

"Quickly move!"



In fact, ever since the gunshots sounded downstairs, Ding Yunfeng and Team A wanted to rush into the exhibition hall.

However, at a critical moment, Yazi stopped a few people, and she nodded to the two ghost couples crouching behind the doctor with their heads in their arms.

"Those four people are foreign consuls. They concealed their identities and came to watch the jewelry exhibition. If something happens tonight, there will be a magnitude [-] earthquake on Hong Kong Island tomorrow!
Bullets have no eyes, no certainty, don't act rashly! "

Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun were shocked when they heard the words. Knowing that Yazi was from the Three Banners, they naturally would not doubt the truth of the other party's words.

Ding Yunfeng took a look at the doctor who had made his own intrusion and exposed his identity: "Look now, the doctor doesn't know that there are such heavyweight hostages among the guests!
Don't hesitate, do it now.

If a hostage knows the identities of these four consuls and sells them to find a doctor to surrender in order to survive, then it will be even more difficult! "

After saying that, Ding Yunfeng pointed his gun at the Sulu man stuck on the ground who was cracking the code, and a swarm of bullets turned him into a hornet's nest.

(End of this chapter)

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