Chapter 184
While Li Jie said this.

Ding Yunfeng casually tells Shou Guxiang that he was rescued by Coolie Qiang from the beach in Saigon, and mistakenly thinks that he is a coolie.

"Ding Sir, please help me say thank you to Brother Qiang.

Although I was shot by them, I also killed five of them.

One thing more is worse than one thing less, forget it. Li Jie smiled calmly after hearing this.

Ding Yunfeng had expected Li Jie to have such a reaction.

Seeing that he was about to speak, Ding Yunfeng told him a piece of bad news first—he will not be able to go back to his hometown on the other side.

"How could this happen?" Li Jie sighed in a daze.

Ding Yunfeng lit a cigarette and handed it over: "Take it as a natural phenomenon that cannot be explained by science.

I've heard people say it's about eight years away.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the doctor has rushed to the street, you can go back and tell your sister-in-law and nephew sooner or later. "

"Hey, no wonder I gave [-], and they still want to kill me. It turns out that they have no way to send me back..."

"Okay, don't think about it anymore.

The drip is ready, if you want to go back and continue to follow Long Wei, I will ask someone to take you to Longhe Film and Television Company;

If you have no place to go, I will arrange for you to recuperate in Tsuen Wan;
Take advantage of this time, think carefully about what you want to do in the next eight years. "Ding Yunfeng first helped Li Jie pull out the needle, and then helped him up.

Li Jie had just left Long Wei's side, so he naturally didn't want to go back in such a desperate way, so he chose the second option.

Ding Yunfeng was as expected again, proudly ordered Zhanmi to pay the medical expenses.

Unexpectedly, Guishou Liu would not accept money for anything, and in the end he couldn't refuse. Guishou Liu sighed, pointed at the white rice at the door of the clinic, and told everyone about the doctor's life experience.

"The old man has no way to teach disciples!

Li Jie, your wife and children died at the hands of my apprentice.

Now that Ah Xiao is dead, it can be regarded as only paying for your life. If you have any resentment in your heart, you can take the old man's life as compensation. "Ghost Hand Liu walked up to Li Jie with a Bazhan Dao in both hands.

The pheasant came over crying, but was kicked over by Coolie Qiang.

Li Jie looked at the Ba Zhandao in front of him, and said in a low voice: "One day is a teacher and life is a father. If you teach a disciple without a way, you are a teacher without a way. If I take your life, you are not wronged."

"Not wronged!" Ghost Hand Liu puffed up his chest.

Hearing that the pheasant was still crying, he turned around angrily: "Peasant, shut up!

I, Liu Kui, have taken in two apprentices in my life. The former one was not taught well, and I have been ashamed for half my life.

If you continue to mess around like this, you will lose all your last bit of shame as a teacher!Stand up and don't cry! "

Pheasant choked up and stood up, coolie forced the dust off his body: "A warrior must have the backbone of a warrior.

Now that you have worshiped Mr. Liu as your teacher, your pheasant is no longer a bad boy.

Hurry up and wipe away the tears, let the old man walk with dignity. "

Seeing the pheasant wiping away the snot and tears indiscriminately, Ghost Hand Liu Ruyi nodded, and solemnly raised the sharp knife in his hand: "Come on, give this old man a good time!"

If you don't suffer from others, don't persuade others to be kind!
Ding Yunfeng looked at Li Jie silently, whether to kill or not, only Li Jie has the right to make the decision, no one can jump out and pretend to be the Virgin at this time.

"If I kill you, will my wife and children come back to life?"

"The man has passed away. My apprentice owed you two lives. He paid back one himself, and today I will help him pay back one to you. Pheasant has nothing to do with this matter. I just hope you don't take your anger out on him."

"Okay!" Li Jie stared at Liu Kui, took the Bazhan Dao with his left hand, and plunged it straight into Liu Kui's chest.

The blade pierces the body for three points.

Blood quickly blushed Ghost Hand Liu's undershirt.

Li Jie let go of the handle of the knife, turned his head and said, "I have ended my grievances with your apprentice."

After saying that, Li Jie urged everyone to leave. Ding Yunfeng knew that Brother Jie had already kept his hand. If this knife was stuck in the heart, Ghost Hand Liu would definitely be killed on the spot.

Kicking the pheasant that was kneeling on the ground and crying out of breath, Ding Yunfeng scolded: "Go to the street, quickly find someone to help, if you treat it in time, your master still has a chance to live, keep crying like this Go down, you can really mourn for him tonight."

"Ah? My master can still be saved?" Pheasant was stunned for a moment, before he got up, a white figure flashed past, grabbed the ghost hand Liu lying on the ground, and rushed into the clinic.

"I want to save your master, why don't you come in quickly?" Yi Yitian put the ghost hand Liu on the operating table, and looked at the pheasant with cold eyes.

The pheasant scrambled and rushed in. Ding Yunfeng took a few steps forward and secretly called out the system to take a look at the person coming.


Name: Liu Yunqiao/One Line Sky
Status: Ace of the Blue Shirts Club, Grandmaster of Bajiquan
In the turbulent era, Yiyitian was ordered to assassinate the Fusang officer, but fortunately got the cover of Gong Er at the train station to escape the danger.

The Blue Clothes Club was corrupted in the late stage, Yi Yitian left sadly, came to Hong Kong Island alone, opened the White Rose Barber Shop, and guarded the second lady Gong Ruomei for life.

Skills: Eight-level boxing (top level)

Lifting the willow knife (top level)
Assassination (top level)

WARNING: This character has legendary traits

1. Night combat power 130%;

2. Melee combat power 130%;

3. If Gong Er is present, the combat power is 150%;

4. If the opponent is Fuso, the combat power is 180%.


Although I was a bit mentally prepared, I saw the dazzling skill bar and legendary characteristics of Yixiantian.

Ding Yunfeng was still shocked by this hairdresser with greasy hair and white coat.

Wait a minute, Yixiantian suddenly appeared. Obviously, he had been observing in the dark just now. To be noticed by the ace of the Blue Shirts Club, it might not be easy for Ghost Hand Liu...

Thinking of this, Ding Yunfeng looked up at Liu Kui who was lying on the operating table with icy eyes. The latter had been woken up by the pheasant and was instructing his disciples to treat him.


Name: Liu Kui/Ghost Hand Liu

Status: Blue Shirts Swordsmanship Instructor, Wing Chun Master
Wing Chun Chen Shici's apprentice, General Songpo's guard.

When the star fell, Liu Kui was invited by the bald man to accept the position of the swordsmanship instructor of the Blue Clothes Society. Later, Liu Kui couldn't understand the corruption of the Blue Clothes Society, so he assumed the identity of a mortician and avoided the Kowloon Walled City on Hong Kong Island, practicing medicine for a living .

Skill: Eight Cutting Knives (top level)
Index (Intermediate)
06:30 stick (advanced)
Legendary Features: None


Although it is not a legendary figure, it is just the top eight chopping knife.

If it wasn't for this old man who took the initiative to lead him to death, his group of people might not be enough to kill the other party with two knives.

Ding Yunfeng took a deep breath, and admired Liu Kui's uprightness even more in his heart. No wonder he had served as General Songpo's guard, but unfortunately he couldn't teach people, and he taught doctors to be such scumbags.

Coolie Qiang saw that Ding Yunfeng hadn't followed for a long time, so he ran back alone.

Seeing Yi Yitian guarding the clinic door with his hands behind his back, he quickly put on a stance against the enemy: "Brother Feng...what's the situation? This old man..."

(End of this chapter)

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