Chapter 185
"I'm sorry, Ah Qiang is blunt. I have offended you with my words. Please bear with me." Ding Yunfeng took a step forward, blocked Coolie Qiang, and saluted Yixiantian with his hands clasped together.

"The matter is over, you should go." Yi Yitian's voice was very low, but his words were very clear, and it was completely impossible to tell that he was over sixty.

Ding Yunfeng pulled up the somewhat unconvinced coolie, turned around and strode away. Since there was no conflict of interest, there was no need to conflict with an Baji master.

Well, definitely not afraid!

Pulling coolie out of the city, Ding Yunfeng got into Zhan Mi's car: "Let's go to Tsuen Wan."

"Brother Feng, what happened?" Zhan Mi asked curiously when he saw that the back of Brother Feng's shirt was soaked in sweat while driving.

Ding Yunfeng nodded his luck: "It's nothing, it's just that I met a master who can kill me and A Qiang with only two punches."

"Pfft...cough cough..." Zhan Mi laughed at Ding Yunfeng's words, and the coolie sitting in the passenger seat was very unconvinced: "I'm afraid that the boxing is too young! I haven't fought before, so how can I be sure whether I win or lose? Feng Brother, he is too cautious."

"Ah, yes, yes, what Brother Qiang said is correct. Zhan Mizai, turn around at the intersection ahead, and we will send Brother Qiang back to have a fight with the old man."

"No, no, it's almost time for dinner. There must be another traffic jam in Kowloon. Let's talk about it next time." Coolie was startled, and he hurriedly stopped Jimmy.

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~
There was booing in the car.

Even Li Jie, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, couldn't help being embarrassed by the coolie and said: "Ding Sir's skills on the other side are enough to enter the special forces, and the old man who can't even grasp him is either a master or a fake master.

Brother Qiang, in fact, you can escape from this kind of person, which is enough for you to brag for a long time. "

The coolie trained Tan's legs, he naturally knew how strong the master was.

In fact, as early as at the gate of Guishouliu Clinic, he had been vaguely aware of it when facing the first-line sky.

However, retreating without a fight like this made Coolie Qiang a little embarrassed, so it was just a few words.

Ding Yunfeng got off the bus halfway, and he had to go to Zhenbao Seafood Restaurant to entertain his colleagues in Stanley.

As for the Tsuen Wan side, he had asked Big D to make arrangements, and the small house where Li Jie was resting was next door to Inspector Robin.

Manager Hu Xiang reserved a full floor for Ding Yunfeng at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant. Zhong Chuxiong, Qiu Jinjiang, the Four Heavenly Kings of Stanley and other prison guards with positions in the two other prisons all came.

As the host of the banquet, Ding Yunfeng unexpectedly arrived an hour late, and was poured three glasses of spirits by the crowd when he arrived.

"Hey, what happened? I heard that you answered a phone call and then ran out all morning in a hurry." Zhong Chuxiong pushed Ding Yunfeng and asked in a low voice.

Ding Yunfeng ate a bowl of shark's fin to suppress the alcohol, and then found an excuse to prevaricate.Zhong Chuxiong was very clever, knowing that the things inside were not suitable for him to mix, so he immediately turned his attention to good wine and delicious food.


Ding Yunfeng has been a regular customer of Jumbo Seafood Restaurant for the past year, and manager Hu Xiang soon came over to toast.

Ding Yunfeng had never underestimated Hu Xiang, a broker with a wide range of contacts, and he made a drink to save face.

In the same way, for Ding Yunfeng, a high-ranking guest who not only gives face, but also gives lizi.

Hu Xiang also attached great importance to it. He first greeted everyone attentively, and then said that it was rare that Brother Feng came today, so he wanted to invite the chef to come out and cook two delicious dishes for everyone to taste.

Zhong Chuxiong and his gang applauded loudly when they heard the words, and Ding Yunfeng smiled and toasted Hu Xiang to thank him.

In fact, Ding Yunfeng didn't take this matter to heart. Based on his personal relationship with Ou Zhaofeng, the latter seldom failed to make whatever he wanted to eat.

Hu Xiang left in a hurry, but ran back within a minute.

Others didn't pay attention to the details, but Ding Yunfeng's eyes were full of shock when he saw Manager Hu who was always calm.

"Ding Sir, there are two guests in Box 404 who want to meet you, can you..." Hu Xiang walked to Ding Yunfeng, leaned over and whispered in his ear.

Ding Yunfeng became more curious when he saw that Lao Hu was begging. He thought for a while and nodded with a smile: "Okay, let's go, take me there."

"Hey! Ah Feng? You're not going to run away again, are you?" Zhong Chuxiong hadn't finished pouring his wine yet, seeing Ding Yunfeng stand up, he chased after him holding his glass.

Seeing this, Hu Xiang quickly turned around and stopped Zhong Chuxiong. Ding Yunfeng knocked on box 404 and saw two ghost couples sitting inside. It's the manager. You help me go back and greet everyone, and I'll go there later."

"Hey, what you said." Zhong Chuxiong was skeptical, and went back with his wine glass. Hu Xiang wiped off his cold sweat, and a burly man next to him came over and stuffed a roll of banknotes into his pocket: "Don't talk nonsense, You didn't see anything, did you?"

"Yes yes yes... I didn't see anything... I don't know anything..." Manager Hu was terrified.

If a person of his profession is most afraid of meeting any guests, it is this kind of foreign consul with a special status.

The geographical location of Hong Kong Island is very special. It gathers spies from almost all countries in the world. In particular, there is an oriental lion sleeping on the other side. People here, you can't tell whether they are loyal or traitors based on their skin color, appearance, and nationality.

All in all, for guests like foreign consuls, it's okay if there are no problems. Once something happens, it will be a big event that can make the relevant personnel disappear.

Just now the other party found Hu Xiang and asked him to invite Ding Yunfeng to come over.

Hu Xiang's expression was almost like that of his dead parents, and he even secretly made up his mind.

Did Ding Yunfeng still hide his taboo identity? Otherwise, why would Consul Mao Xiong and Consul Ermao not look for anyone but this Stanley Correctional Officer?
After dismissing the idlers, Ding Yunfeng pulled out his chair and sat down, looking solemnly at the four foreign consuls who had hidden their identities and went to the jewelry exhibition that night, and almost became the hostages of the XX elements.

"Hello, Sir Ding, we are sorry, but we can only invite you to meet in this way." The older, somewhat bald consul said with a smile.

Ding Yunfeng was a little surprised to find that the other party spoke fluent Hong Kong Island dialect, and said with a smile: "Mr. Consul, I can understand."

"Haha, Sergey, from the smell of alcohol on Ding Sir's body, I can tell that he must be a good talker.

Ding Sir, my name is Ivanov, Consul Maoxiong, Sergey is Consul Ermao.

We want to say thank you for that night by having you come over this time.

After all, our identities are special, if we meet you directly, everyone will be in trouble. "Ivanov is very talkative. He is obviously a strong man with a height of two meters, but he is very talkative.

Judging whether a person speaks well or not, is there any smell of alcohol on the other person?
Ding Yunfeng was speechless. He really didn't understand that a person like Ivanov could be a bear consul.

(End of this chapter)

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