Chapter 222 Le Yiwu Spits Blood
After exchanging pleasantries, everyone found their seats and sat down.

Brother Ping glanced at Le Yiwu, and spoke first: "Awu, since Fengzi is here, if you have anything to say, hurry up, everyone is very busy..."

This person didn't talk too much, but he blamed Le Yiwu for making a fuss out of a molehill, but everyone smiled.

Le Yiwu nodded with a straight face, looked at Ding Yunfeng and said, "Ah Feng, I asked you out today because I want to make a deal with you."

"Deal? Could it be that Mr. Le still wants to sell Hong Kong Island TV Station or Le's Cinema?" Ding Yunfeng pretended to be curious and asked with a smile.

Street Fighter!
Such a big appetite?
Even Hong Kong Island TV and Rock Cinemas are interested?Be careful to swallow!
Le Yiwu took a puff of his cigar, and took out a document from the briefcase at hand: "Ah Feng, I'm not free today, so I specially asked you to come out and chat with members of the chamber of commerce!
See this contract in my hand?

You forgot that the ship purchase contract is still in my hands! "

While talking, paying attention to Ding Yunfeng's face, Le Yiwu couldn't see the panic or anger he imagined, and took another puff of his cigar: "I don't ask much, I just want to exchange 51% of the "Hong Kong Island Daily" stock!
This time, you are empty-handed, even if you return the "Hong Kong Island Daily" to me, you will get 24% of the "Hong Kong Island Daily" stock for nothing!You youngster, don't be too greedy, you should accept it when you see it! "

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of everyone present became very strange, and Robinson sitting next to Ding Yunfeng couldn't help laughing and cursing: "Awu, are you out of your mind?

Last time, I have already explained to you that the reason why the two consuls of Mao Xiongguo signed this contract was mainly to repay Ah Feng for saving their lives!

The file was hacked by you, Ah Feng had already told them frankly when he paid the deposit, now you use this thing to threaten Ah Feng, don’t you think you are mentally handicapped? "

The corner of Le Yiwu's mouth was slightly curved, he didn't even look at Robinson, he stared at Ding Yunfeng confidently: "Since the contract exists because of favors, it proves that favors are more important than contracts!
Ah Feng, you are a smart person, you should know why I threatened you today.

It is two different things to go to Mao Xiongguo to buy a ship with the original contract, or to sell favors empty-handed.

51% of the "Hong Kong Island Daily" stock or the favor of the two consuls Mao Xiong.

How to choose between the two, today I will bet that you, Ding Yunfeng, will choose the latter! "

After saying that, Le Yiwu leaned back tactically, raised his teacup and drank it down in one gulp, Robinson sat down frowning, even though he didn't want to admit it, but what the other party said was really reasonable.

After all, the status of Ding Yunfeng and the two hairy consuls is quite different.

If you use 51% of the shares of "Hong Kong Island Daily" in exchange for not losing impression points in front of Consul Mao Xiong, this deal is not considered a loss...

Lu Binsun looked at Ding Yunfeng worriedly, he didn't dare to speak casually to persuade him about this kind of matter.

At this moment, Ding Yunfeng, whose expression was very plain at the beginning, suddenly looked at Le Yiwu and said with a joking smile: "Mr. Le, what you can think of, can't I think of it?

I am very puzzled, how on earth did you achieve such a large business?
Could it be that the opponent you met before was either an idiot or an idiot? "

What does this kid mean?
Le Yiwu sat up straight suddenly, and immediately looked at the Russian contract in his hand.

He saw Le Xiaowen take out this document from the safe at the beginning, so there should be no problem!
"Don't look at it, if the contract in your hand is real.

At that time, Ivanov, a soldier from Call's special department, who escorted Le Xiaowen away, would he tolerate you taking these documents away from Maoxiong's capital? "Ding Yunfeng laughed maliciously.

Le Yiwu's complexion changed drastically, he slapped the table and shouted: "You want to cheat me? No way, I watched Xiaowen take this thing out of the safe..."

"Hey, Ah Wu, I heard Brother Ping and Brother Tai talk about it.

You said it yourself last time, you are Le Yiwu, you can afford to win and lose, so stop messing around to make people laugh.

Everyone is very busy, and there is no way to spare time to come out to see you making a fool of yourself. Brother Gang shook his head and sighed in a low voice.

Hearing this, Le Yiwu felt like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw. He rushed to the world's ship king with one stride: "Brother Gang, you know Russian, help me take a look..."

"Don't look, yours must be fake!
Because the real document was delivered to me by Brother Tai last week. "Brother Gang raised his eyelids, and his eyes were like knives with a warning: "I have carried this ship down!"

This is the end of the matter, I can guarantee that as long as Lejia doesn't provoke Feng Zai, he won't attack you.

However, if you let me know that you, Le Yiwu, don't want to stop and continue to work on this ship or Fengzai, I don't mind breaking arms with your Le family. "

"Gang... Brother Gang, you..." Le Yiwu heard this, a chill rose from the soles of his feet to the top of the sky.

Looking at the mocking eyes that were looking at him one after another, Le Yiwu bit his cheek and swallowed back the blood that had reached his throat.

Throwing the waste paper contract in his hand on the table, he looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked, "How do you exchange this contract?
Xiaowen's Swiss safe has the most advanced electronic mechanical lock, even I don't have a password, not to mention, you don't have a key..."

Looking at Le Yiwu who suddenly aged more than five years old, Ding Yunfeng didn't explain too much to him.

He just told the other party that the contract was replaced by someone he sent as early as Le Xiaowen took it out of the safe.

The password, that's what an insider told me, the key, I just met an expert who has a lot of research on mechanical locks.

Le Yiwu left the chamber of commerce in a daze, sat in a Rolls-Royce, and returned to HKTV.

Using the password given by Ding Yunfeng and an ugly key made of twisted iron wire and copper wire, he opened Le Xiaowen's safe as expected.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Le Yiwu fell with his head up amidst the exclamation of a group of bodyguards.

Time back to a week ago.

Before Le Huizhen flew to the United States to join her best friend, she asked Tang Ma to bring a letter to Ding Yunfeng.

In addition to expressing her apology for what her family has done, the letter also contains several sets of passwords that may open her daddy's safe.

With the password, Ding Yunfeng immediately notified Black Panther and Li Jie to act.

Although this time we have to bring Father Wang, the lockpicking expert, but with the skills of Black Panther and Li Jie, the plan went smoothly.

It took about 2 hours before and after. Father Wang made a key on the spot, and then used the password given by Le Huizhen to successfully open the safe door, and exchanged the original contract inside.

Retrieving the original contract, looking at the scribbled name he signed when he was drunk, Ding Yunfeng deeply felt that his current strength was not enough to help his hometown operate a big ship.

Therefore, he rushed to Uncle Tai's house overnight and handed over the contract to this absolutely trustworthy boss.

Today, it seems that Uncle Tai chose Uncle Gang, a world-class ship king, to take charge of this matter.

Ding Yunfeng is very satisfied with the result of this treatment, because the ship king has a good personal relationship with the giant who gave Ling Lingqi the knife, and he is also trustworthy!
(End of this chapter)

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