Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 223 Working hard for the same goal

Chapter 223 Working hard for the same goal

"Okay! Now that the unrelated people have left, it's time to open the champagne!" Brother Tong smiled and got up to open the wine cabinet.

A waiter at the Huashang Guild silently pushed a trolley in, with crystal champagne glasses placed on it.


Having had a drink with these Chinese business tycoons to celebrate, Ding Yunfeng was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

Turning around in surprise, he found that it was Brother Gang with thick eyebrows and Buddha eyes.

Ding Yunfeng silently followed the other party out of the hall and came to a quiet private room.

"Fengzi, Artai, Aping, and I have received wind. That Le Yiwu, who rushed to the street, may have betrayed and joined the ghost!" Brother Gang sat down and said that it was bad news.

Ding Yunfeng looked at the other party intently: "Uncle Gang, is the news accurate? In this way, the big ship contract, wouldn't the ghost know about it?"

"The news brought by Brother Tong is naturally correct, don't be nervous, the sky is falling and we old guys are holding it up!
What's more, judging from Le Yiwu's actions today, since he wants to use the contract to return to "Hong Kong Island Daily", he probably hasn't informed Guilao about this! "Brother Gang stroked his thick eyebrows, sneered and said: "So, I deliberately warned him just now.

If he dares to expose this matter in front of the ghost, at most you will be blacklisted by the ghost.

However, he has to consider how to bear the anger of the few of us.Le Yiwu is not stupid, he knows how to choose. "

Ding Yunfeng nodded slowly. Ever since he landed on Hong Kong Island, he has been mentally prepared to stand against the ghost.

It's just that his strength is not enough at present, and many things he wants to do for his hometown have not been completed in advance.

"However. Just in case, we won't buy the big boat.

Anyway, your deposit has already been paid, let's bear it for a few more years, and when the time is right, I will take you to Maoxiong Country to choose a ship. " Brother Gang took out a stack of photos from the inner pocket of his suit while talking.

Ding Yunfeng took it curiously. These photos are all kinds of warships currently serving in Mao Xiongguo, even including two Moscow-class aircraft carriers.

"Well, in fact, Artest and I have thought about buying a boat a long time ago.

Money is not the problem, the problem is that this kind of thing, even I have no way!

You young man is so lucky, you beat up a gang of XX elements, and you actually saved Ivanov and Shirgay by the way?
Haha, the parents of these two people, Mao Xiong and Ermao are both big names among big shots. "The more Brother Gang talked, the happier he became.

Ding Yunfeng even said it was a fluke, but his hands were tightly holding two photos of the Moscow-class aircraft carrier.

Before Mao Xiong fell, there were ten aircraft carriers in total.

The first ship, the Kuznetsov class of Da Mao in the future, will be developed in the 80s, with a displacement of 6 tons, but Da Mao is too poor, causing this aircraft carrier to fall into disrepair. Before Ding Yunfeng crossed, this aircraft carrier was already in obsolete edge.

Another Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier is the most familiar to Chinese people, the Varyag bought from Ermao.

Ding Yunfeng is not aiming at these big ships that have not yet been born, but the two Moscow-class ships that Mao Xiong researched in the 60s, which are no different from warships.

The first-generation big ships made by these two bears were limited by technology and ideas, and their final fate was to be dismantled by the bears and sold for money.

Ivanov signed so readily, there is no shortage of such factors.

After all, Mao Xiong participated in two wars. He is really strong when he is strong, and he is really poor when he is poor. However, he still has to grit his teeth and fight against the United States.

Mao Xiong looked down on the Moscow class, but Ding Yunfeng and Brother Gang were very jealous. Their hometown was just a poor foundation and a slow start.

In terms of research and development and replication, the group of rabbit scientists who can handle big killers with hand-cranked computers and abacus, if 40 years in advance, give them a lowest-end aircraft carrier.

40 years later, what they will be able to develop the aircraft carrier fleet in their hometown, even Ding Yunfeng, a traveler, can't imagine.

The old and the young talked about the future, more and more speculative, until Brother Tai and Ping knocked on the door, and Ding Yunfeng realized that it was already lunch time.

"How long are you two going to chat? Brother Tong has reserved a seat at Fulinmen, if you don't leave, we'll have a big meal first." Brother Tai, who likes to joke the most, looked at the two of them and said.

Ding Yunfeng helped Brother Gang up, and the group drove directly to Fulinmen in a few Rolls-Royces.

at the same time.

Le Yiwu, who also left Hong Kong Island TV in a Rolls-Royce, finally ordered the driver to turn around in front of the Hong Kong government gate.

Le Yiwu, who has just been given the Heart-Rescuing Pill by the doctor, the first thing he does when he wakes up is to report Ding Yunfeng's plan to buy a big boat for his hometown to the boss of the security department - Sir James!


Just as Brother Gang expected.

Le Yiwu calmed down a little, and he immediately dismissed the idea of ​​losing money.

So what if Ding Yunfeng was reported?
Ding Yunfeng, who has won the favor of many giants of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, even if he is recorded in the notebook by the ghost, at most he will not be the director of Stanley Correctional Services, and he might be even more at home in the business world!
On the contrary, once he saw something happened to Ding Yunfeng, Brother Gang, who had warned him face to face today, would definitely crush him to powder on the ground.

"Pu Jie boy, you are lucky. So many bosses are covering you..." Le Yiwu held his hands and felt a dull pain in his heart.

He took out his mobile phone, but he couldn't reach Yazi after calling several times.

After a little thought, Le Yiwu dialed another phone number: "Hey, Sir Chen, do you have time to play golf together?"


While Ding Yunfeng was accompanying a group of bigwigs to Fulinmen.

Mingxin Hospital, Inpatient Department.

Jiang Tiansheng brought Chen Yao and Sister Liang to a senior single room.

Chen Haonan, who was sitting on the accompanying bed and peeling apples, put down his things in surprise, and helped the lying boss B up.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and visit me, a useless person." Big Brother B bit the cigarette Jiang Tiansheng handed over, and said while sipping tears.

Seeing this loyal and loyal horse paralyzed on the bed, Jiang Tiansheng felt uncomfortable, and he took the soup cup carried by the beautiful sister: "What do you call a waste? The doctor said that your condition has improved!
I also sent people to the United States to find the top neurosurgeon, no matter how much money I spend, I will heal you! "

"Mr. Jiang, don't comfort me. My own body knows that I'm useless. Please come here today. I want to ask you for one thing." Boss B smiled wryly after smoking his cigarette, looked at Jiang Tiansheng and said .

"Don't say one thing, I will promise you ten things. Ah B, you drink the soup first, and I told Ah Liang to boil it for ten hours!" Jiang Tiansheng personally fed boss B soup, and the latter He swallowed with tears.

A club leader can do this, no matter whether he is putting on a show or not, at least the pretty boy next to him is touched.

(End of this chapter)

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