Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 226 I, Jiang Tiansheng, Help Him Pay Back

Chapter 226 I, Jiang Tiansheng, Help Him Pay Back

Under the order of Wadao, Jiang Zhen established Hongxing on Hong Kong Island.

Many of the subordinates who helped Jiang Zhen fight the world in the early years, either because of disabilities or other reasons, these people did not continue to serve as the head of the hall in Hongxing, but received a sum of money from the association every month by virtue of their respective contributions. Substantial banknotes.

Among them was a patriarch of the uncle's generation who chose neither to go to Wa Island nor to stay on Hong Kong Island, but retreated to Haojiang to spend his life.

According to the words of Fatty Li, Uncle Guan has lived in Haojiang for more than ten years, so he should know He Xin, the gambling king of Haojiang.

How about asking the old man to come forward and see if he can get Chen Haonan and the others out?
Jiang Tiansheng also counted on Chen Haonan to support the situation left by Big Brother B, so he decisively asked Fat Guy Li and Sister Liang to bring enough money to Haojiang.

Although the money given by the club was sufficient, when he heard that He Xin was going to recruit someone, Uncle Guan quickly shook his head: "Ah Sheng thinks too highly of me. With my face, how can I be qualified to recruit someone from Brother Xin?

What's more, I have also received wind of what happened today.

Tsk tsk, actually beheaded people in Xin Ge's casino, even using pineapples.

I've lived this age, and it's the first time I've seen such a reckless youngster.Help me bring a word to Ah Sheng.

Tell him not to waste any more time, this young man named Chen Haonan is not worth the price he paid to save him. "


The matter is of great importance, Fat Guy Li and Sister Liang come and go in a hurry.

They repeated Uncle Guan's exact words to Jiang Tiansheng.

"Anan did it for the society, especially the fat dog has been beheaded by him. If Hong Xing ignores him, then I, the leader, will be negligent!" Jiang Tiansheng looked at everyone solemnly: "Uncle Guan is timid and afraid of getting into trouble. He didn't even have the courage to run for the brothers!

Starting today, the association will no longer distribute his allowance every month. Do you have any opinions? "


"Mr. Jiang is very right. This kind of old guy who only knows how to ask for money and refuses to help his brother get ahead should have been dealt with long ago."


Most of the hall masters agreed, including Liang Kun.

"Then it's settled like this! It's only a few hours before dark, let's think of a way together." Jiang Tiansheng made the final decision, and then brought up the old matter again.

It's one thing to deal with club moths, but quite another to save people from He Xin.

Faced with Jiang Tiansheng's urging, not to mention Liangkun, the prince and others, even the pretty sister who was very optimistic about Chen Haonan, kept silent at this time.

Chen Haonan not only did it, but also threw pineapples in the Lisboa Casino.

This kind of nonsense that was wronged by grandma's family, see, even Uncle Guan would risk offending the new leader and refuse?

Seeing that Jiang Tiansheng's complexion was getting worse and worse, his anger was on the verge of erupting.

The white paper fan Chen Yao coughed lightly: "Brother Sheng, why don't you ask Ding Yunfeng for help?"

Looking for Ding Yunfeng?

Are you crazy?

Not only Jiang Tiansheng looked at Chen Yao in shock.

Liang Kun, Han Bin, and Dinosaur, who are recognized by Hong Xing as members of the Ding family, also looked at Chen Yao with the expression of seeing a ghost at this time.

"Ding Sir, he has just joined the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and it is said that the introducers who introduced him into the association are Brother Tai and Brother Ping.

As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face, if you can ask Ding Yunfeng to speak, if the new brother doesn't give him face, he should give Ding Yunfeng the face of the two behind him. "Chen Yao pushed his glasses and said.

Jiang Tianyang's eyes lit up, but immediately he said with a wry smile: "Even if this is the case, given the relationship between me and Ding Yunfeng, why should he help me?"

"Benefits!" Chen Yao replied in a deep voice: "Since there is no way to talk about friendship, then we can only start with interests."


After about an hour.

Ding Yunfeng, who was about to have dinner, looked at Jiang Tiansheng, who came to visit him with a heavy gift, and suddenly he was really confused.

"Ding Sir, I'm sorry for disturbing you at this time. In addition to saying sorry, I would like to ask you to lend a helping hand..." Jiang Tiansheng told Ding Yunfeng the whole story, opened his briefcase, took out a document and handed it to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng took it over and took a look, and found that it was a contract about the transfer of gaming tables in Haojiang.

"To save Chen Haonan, Mr. Jiang, is it worth it?" Ding Yunfeng raised the contract in his hand.

Jiang Tiansheng's heart was bleeding, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

"Ding Sir, a thousand soldiers are easy to get, but a general is hard to find!"

"Ding Sir, if you save Anan, my big brother B owes you a favor. As long as you speak, it will come in the wind and go in the fire..." Big brother B, who was about to be carried over after hearing the news, spoke with his neck stuck .

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng laughed: "Back then Chen Haonan used my name to bully people in housing estates.

In order to keep him, you owed me a favor in Shiduodian.

Today, do you want to owe another one?
What's more, you are paralyzed, come in the wind, go in the fire?

Let me ask you one question, are you capable of repaying? "

Big Boss B was ashamed and ashamed, if he could still move, he really wanted to kill him, it was too embarrassing.

Seeing the old courtier being forced to lose face by Ding Yunfeng's few words, Jiang Tiansheng took a deep breath: "Ding Sheng, Ah B can't pay it back, I'll help him pay it back!
As long as you can rescue Chen Haonan and the others, I, the leader of Hong Xing, owe you two favors in total, right? "

"Mr. Jiang!"

"Brother Sheng, no!"


Big Brother B, Pretty Sister, Chen Yao and the others all changed their expressions after hearing the words.

Jiang Tiansheng waved his hand resolutely: "Don't talk too much, Mr. Ding, a Haojiang gaming table plus two favors from me, can you help me with this favor?"

In this way, Chen Haonan will be saved...

It seems that Jiang Tiansheng's position in Hongxing is in jeopardy.

Ding Yunfeng took a deep look at Jiang Tiansheng: "Okay, Mr. Jiang has already said this, if I don't agree, won't it be a disappointment to your kindness?"

The original plan was to help Chen Haonan accomplish something, wait for him to come back and replace the prince, and then the coolies would take Causeway Bay by force.

Now, there is still a chance to prostitute Jiang Tiansheng with a gambling table and two favors. It would be really stupid for Ding Yunfeng not to agree.

First he made a phone call to He Xin, and learned that some of the young men who were on the street were still alive, so Ding Yunfeng took Jiang Tiansheng and others, took a total of many cars, and arrived at the pier overnight.

Hongxing's people had already made preparations, they got on the speedboat and crossed the sea to Haojiang in the dark.

However, to the surprise of Hongxing's people, a Rolls Royce had already parked at the pier just as they landed.

"Ding Sheng, Brother Xin is waiting for you to eat crab porridge in Lisboa, please!" He Xin's subordinates ran over and only talked to Ding Yunfeng, treating Hong Xing's people next to him as air.

Jiang Tiansheng and others were shocked. Seeing that Ding Yunfeng was able to call He Xin on the phone at Ding Yunfeng's home, they were mentally prepared. This Stanley Correctional Officer who just joined the Chinese Chamber of Commerce should have more energy than they imagined.

But they never expected that Ding Yunfeng would receive such courtesy from He Xin!

(End of this chapter)

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