Chapter 227 Oops, I Was Calculated
It could be seen that the person sent by He Xin didn't take himself and his party seriously at all.

Jiang Tiansheng said "see you in Lisboa" to Ding Yunfeng with a cold face, and took the beautiful sister into the Mazda that Hong Xing had prepared.

Haojiang is very small, and Ding Yunfeng and Jiang Tiansheng got off at the entrance of Lisboa Hotel almost at the same time.

Looking at Ding Yunfeng who was surrounded by He Xin's big help, Jiang Tiansheng felt more and more like a green leaf.

"Come on, let's go in together." Glancing at the many subordinates, Jiang Tiansheng shook his suit jacket and walked into the hotel gate with his arms in his arms.

Skipping the crowded casino lobby, Jiang Tiansheng and his party took the elevator, and soon saw Ding Yunfeng who had met He Xin and was eating deliciously with a bowl of crab porridge.

"Brother Xin." Facing He Xin, the gambling king of Haojiang, Jiang Tiansheng put on a smile and greeted him proactively.

He Xin wiped his mouth, and lit Hong Xing's group with a cigar: "Jiang Longtou, not only did you send people to my casino to kill people, you even used grenades? Jiang Zhen is not as powerful as you when he is alive. Sure enough, Father Hu No dogs!"

"Brother Xin, this is a misunderstanding..." Jiang Tiansheng forced a smile.

He Xin waved his hand to interrupt him: "Misunderstanding? Fat Dog's head was chopped off by your men, and you actually told me it was a misunderstanding?
Someone, go and hand over that dog head to Jiang Longtou, lest he say that I, He Xin, falsely accused him. "

"No need!" Jiang Tiansheng glanced at Ding Yunfeng, who was eating porridge, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Xin, Hong Xing was the one who was rude to you today, how do you want to solve this matter, you might as well speak up."

"Disrespectful? Haha, do you know that in the morning when your people came to work, more than 20 gamblers were accidentally injured during the scuffle.

I won't talk about the medical expenses and the money for the casino renovation. The problem is the impact on the reputation of the casino. Can you use two words to sum it up?
You can go, I'm in a bad mood.

After I fill those streets and reclaim the sea, you can talk to me about how to deal with the aftermath. "He Xin turned his head and picked up his teacup.

Several bodyguards in suits approached Jiang Tiansheng, apparently intending to drive them away forcibly.

Jiang Tiansheng hurriedly shouted at Ding Yunfeng: "Ding Sir, it's already at this time, you can't stop talking, right?"

"Why are you in a hurry? I still have two crab claws." Ding Yunfeng gave Jiang Tiansheng a sideways look. It is a heinous crime to interrupt someone's enjoyment of food by throwing himself on the street.

Putting down the exquisite porcelain bowl, Ding Yunfeng wiped his mouth: "Brother Xin, calm down first.

If you pour those idiots into the sea to fill the sea, the feng shui of Haojiang might be defeated by their cheap bones instead!

Although Jiang Longtou's clumsy tongue and tongue quacked like a goose, making you very angry, but he still has some sincerity.

Today, just in front of me, Fengzi, you raised your hands high and marked a way for Hong Xing to go. "

It's stupid, it's cheap, even Jiang Tiansheng was ridiculed by Ding Yunfeng as a goose.

Everyone in Hong Xing dared not speak out.

At this time, it was no longer the question of whether Chen Haonan could be fished out, but the question of whether everyone could get out of Lisboa in case He Xin was angered.

"Hmph..." He Xin's expression softened a little, looking at Jiang Tiansheng and his party, he said, "It's lucky for you to have Feng Zai come forward to intercede..."

Enduring his unhappiness, Jiang Tiansheng first bowed his hands to Ding Yunfeng to thank him.

Next, Jiang Tiansheng, on behalf of Hong Xing, promised He Xin many conditions, and finally settled the matter.

This time He Xin used Hong Xing's knife to cut off the dog of his old opponent Nie Aotian, and reaped a lot of benefits from Jiang Tiansheng. He had a dark face on the surface, but he was already smiling inside.

"Come on, go and bring those few people out."

"Okay, new brother."


A few minutes later, Chen Haonan, Datianer, Chaopibaopi, and Shitou were escorted out by a dozen black suits.

Seeing that although all of these people were injured, they had more or less been treated with simple bandages.

The audience was not qualified to speak, and Big Brother B, who had been sitting in a wheelchair, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, this scene fell into Jiang Tiansheng's eyes. He had just agreed to many unequal terms, and he immediately woke up - he was calculated!
If He Xin really wanted to fill these people with cement and fill the sea, he would definitely not send a doctor to treat their injuries.

It can be seen that whether or not Chen Haonan and the others are killed is not important to He Xin, but whether Jiang Tiansheng can take the bait is more important!

"Mr. Jiang, boss." Chen Haonan called out tremblingly, his face was very pale, and he shivered from time to time.

Big Brother B said anxiously: "A'nan, are you okay?"

"Don't talk too much, we'll talk about it when we get back." Jiang Tiansheng glanced at them, his anger almost uncontrollable.

At this time, Chen Yao also saw that Hong Xing was set up by someone, he winked at Fat Guy Li, and quickly stepped forward to support Chen Haonan and Da Tianer.

Fat guy Li hurriedly took his two younger brothers and lifted the most seriously injured nest skin and bract skin.

"Brother Xin, Sir Ding!" Jiang Tiansheng looked at the two of them, and said casually, "Jiang is leaving. We will meet later."

After saying that, Jiang Tiansheng turned around and strode towards the elevator, Chen Yao and others hurriedly chased after him.

He Xin and Ding Yunfeng looked at each other and laughed together.

Yesterday, Ding Yunfeng learned from Liang Kun and several people that Chen Haonan was going to take people across the sea to kill Fat Dog, so he called He Xin afterward.

According to Ding Yunfeng's original intention, this time he was going to use Chen Haonan to squeeze out the Prince of War God Hongxing, so he had to help Liangzinan succeed in getting rid of the fat dog.

However, Ding Yunfeng didn't know whether this fat dog belonged to He Xin, so he had to make a phone call to inquire.

Brother Xin gave him a lot of help this time when he sought out Lejia's "Hong Kong Island Daily". Naturally, he couldn't do the bad thing of stabbing someone in the back for the sake of a Causeway Bay.

Who knows!

As soon as He Xin heard about Fat Dog, he directly told Ding Yunfeng that this was the subordinate of Ghost King Nie Aotian.

Knowing that He Xin also wanted to get rid of Fat Dog, but he was worried about Nie Aotian, so it was always inconvenient to do so.

Ding Yunfeng and him negotiated a plan on the phone, and only then did Chen Haonan and the others break into Lisboa with a guy, and "coincidentally" met the fat dog who had lost contact with the bodyguards.

As for catching Jiang Tiansheng...

In fact, this was not in Ding Yunfeng and He Xin's plan.

The two of them are not gods, so how could they have imagined that this leader Hong Xing would take the initiative to send him to be slaughtered for a handsome boy Nan.

"Feng Zai, this time you help me get rid of the small gambling table that Hong Xing transferred to you, and I will replace it with a VIP room." He Xin looked at Ding Yunfeng and smiled.

Ding Yunfeng immediately declined when he heard the words: "Brother Xin. This is not good, you have already helped me a lot..."

"Oh. This time I got even more benefits from Hong Xing!
Don't say no, it's settled. He Xin shook his head, got up and patted Ding Yunfeng on the shoulder: "It's rare for you to come here, so I'll rest tonight. Tomorrow, I'll send someone to take you to the casino." "

(End of this chapter)

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