Chapter 230 The Stubborn Fang Zhen

First show off a wave of muscles, and then offer a lot of benefits.

It turned out that Nie Wanlong actually wanted to plan the entertainment city he and Robinson partnered with.

It seems that Nie Wanlong, who claims to be able to share half of Haojiang's gambling industry with He Xin, is actually in a less prosperous situation in Haojiang...

Taking a playful look at the chips that were close at hand, Ding Yunfeng directly refused: "Mr. Nie, I have no way to agree to your conditions.

If you are really optimistic about our entertainment city, I think you should go directly to Hong Kong Island to meet the major shareholder, Robinson Robinson, and discuss the matter of buying shares face to face. "

After speaking, Ding Yunfeng took Huang Shihu and Qian Wendi with him, and left the casino calmly.

"Mr. Nie, this kid won't eat a toast, why don't I send someone..." He Zunan didn't finish his sentence.

Nie Wanlong stared back viciously: "Idiot! Ding Yunfeng's backer can't even offend me. Besides, this person is also very powerful. If you want to die, don't involve me."

Ding Yunfeng took Huang Shihu and Qian Wendi and strode away from Nie Wanlong's casino.

As soon as Huang Shihu left the door, he couldn't help asking: "Ding Sheng, why didn't you agree to Nie Wanlong just now?

That's 500 million, you can just take it and leave.

Besides, Nie Wanlong has a lot of talents under him. With his joining, your entertainment city on Hong Kong Island can also open smoothly. "

"Tiger Boy, do you know that I spent 2000 million to get 10% of the shares from Robinson.

Nie Wanlong also used 2000 million yuan to occupy 40% of the entertainment city's shares, which was whimsical.

What's more, what do you think, once the croupiers and spectators are his Nie Wanlong's people, who will have the final say in the entertainment city in the future?

Don't you forget how Xin Ge and Nie Aotian drifted apart these years. "Ding Yunfeng patted Huang Shihu on the shoulder and explained.

Huang Shihu's complexion changed, he is He Xin's subordinate, naturally he knows some grievances between He Xin and Nie Aotian.

Compared with Nie Wanlong's proposal just now, Huang Shihu found that if Ding Yunfeng agreed to the other party, it would be history repeating itself.

"However, Ding Sheng, since Nie Wanlong proposed to send dealers and spectators.

It can be seen that your entertainment city definitely lacks manpower in this area. "Huang Shihu lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked at Ding Yunfeng apologetically: "Brother Xin is very kind to me, unless he asks me to leave, otherwise, I can't help you. "

"Tiger Cub, you and I are friends, and I won't make things difficult for you."

"Ding Sheng..." Huang Shihu was moved when he heard the words, he looked up at Ding Yunfeng: "Except for this matter, if I can help you, just speak up."

"Okay! Hu Zai, have you ever heard of Nie Wanlong's brother Jiang Zhen?"

"Jiang Zhen? This person has disappeared for 20 years."

Seeing this, Qian Wendi quickly added: "No, we heard that he lost a hand to Nie Wanlong..."

"A hand was broken? Could it be him..." Huang Shihu thought of someone, and decisively brought Ding Yunfeng and Qian Wendi to the coolie wharf.

Pointing to a middle-aged man who was covered in dirt and carried a bag with only one left hand, before Huang Shihu could speak, Ding Yunfeng was already beaming, and took Qian Wendi up to stop him.

Huang Shihu revealed his identity, drove away the port steward who came to check on the movement, and then walked to several people curiously.

"Mr. Jiang, we are very sincere..."

"Sorry. You misidentified the person. My surname is Fang."

"Is there a difference? Are you willing to lose to Nie Wanlong like this?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, please excuse me, I have to start work."


Seeing that Jiang Zhen refused to accept Ding Yunfeng's solicitation, not only Huang Shihu was faintly angry, but also Qian Wendi, who was preparing to apprentice as a teacher, couldn't stand it anymore.

"Mr. Ding, we don't need to ask him.

It's a pity that my master left Zhabei too early, otherwise, even if I learned half of my master's explosive moves.

What the hell is Nie Wanlong, Jiang Zhensun and Yifeng today, the three of them together are not enough for me to fight alone. "

Qian Wendi was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say, and Ding Yunfeng looked at Jiang Zhen jokingly.

The pseudonym Fang Zhen Jiang Zhen suddenly wiped Qian Wendi's chest with his left hand, and took away the poker that the other party put in the top pocket of his suit.

Then he flipped his five fingers, pinched the pile of cards, and opened a set of five spades and a royal flush in front of Qian Wendi.

"Sharp!" Huang Shihu's eyes lit up.

He could do it with both hands, but with only one hand, and the cards belonged to Wendi Qian, he thought he couldn't do it to shuffle a royal flush of spades in such a short period of time.

Fang Zhen looked at the pale Qian Wendi coldly: "I'm not very capable, but my tone is not small.

Fourth Master Long has a saying, winning is winning, and losing is losing.

If you are not convinced, then wait until you learn your teacher's five-style explosive moves, and then come to Haojiang to find me to save face. "

"You..." Qian Wendi's complexion turned red and pale.

In fact, he has always been a little doubtful about Fang Zhen, a gambling senior who has been missing for 20 years.

Especially when he saw that the other party was actually reduced to working as a coolie on the pier, he was even more skeptical about this character whom Ding Yunfeng praised.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came up, he was slapped in the face by the other party.

"Mr. Jiang... Fang, since you are not pretending anymore, why don't you consider my suggestion?" Ding Yunfeng waved Qian Wendi back, and handed Fang Zhen a cigarette.

Fang Zhen hesitated a little, and finally thanked him and took it.

Ding Yunfeng helped him: "My friend and I built an entertainment city on Hong Kong Island. Now there is a lack of a master like you to sit in it. You can open it for treatment, and even the shares can be negotiated."

"Ding Sir..." Qian Wendi said in astonishment when he heard the shares.

Ding Yunfeng glared at him: "As long as Mr. Fang is willing to give in, the big deal is to transfer my shares to him."

"I am very grateful for this gentleman's kindness, but I am very satisfied with my current life. Please excuse me, I have to start work, and I can't continue chatting with you." Fang Zhen's eyes moved slightly, but he still leaned over to think Grab the sack on the ground.

Ding Yunfeng stepped on the sack and whispered in his ear: "I can help you deal with Nie Wanlong. One hero and three gangsters, you alone, no matter how good your gambling skills are, you will definitely not be able to defeat him There are a lot of people under him."

"What I lost at the gambling table 20 years ago, I will win it back by myself today, so you don't need to worry about it." Fang Zhen glared at Ding Yunfeng, pulled out the sack from the opponent's feet, carried it to his shoulder, and strode towards the warehouse.

"Damn! I really don't know how you can bear this bad temper, Sir Ding." Qian Wendi shook her hands in disdain.

Ding Yunfeng didn't bother to look at him, pointed to the scattered playing cards on the ground, and looked at Huang Shihu with a smile: "Hu Zai, how is it? How is this person's skill better than yours?"

"I'm not as good as him now, but I'll definitely surpass him in the future." Huang Shihu rarely stopped laughing, looked at Ding Yunfeng seriously and replied.

Ding Yunfeng laughed when he heard the words, no wonder this guy can become the king of thousands of kings in the future, no matter his heart or heart, the other party is much higher than Qian Wendi.

 The title of the book was reported by someone. I have been busy for a long time and finally changed it. I will sort out the outline tomorrow and strive for four updates!!
(End of this chapter)

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