Chapter 231

This time Ding Yunfeng came to Haojiang, got a gaming table in the VIP room, met Huang Shihu, the future king of thousands of kings, and finally found Jiang Zhen, a gambling master who has been reclusive for 20 years. It can be said that the trip was worthwhile.

When they returned to Lisboa, Ding Yunfeng wrote a letter and handed it to Huang Shihu.

"Huzai, I think Jiang Zhen, who has lived in seclusion in Haojiang for so many years, must still want to avenge Nie Wanlong for losing his hand.

I'm going to bother you to watch over him for me.

If one day, Jiang Zhen is going to challenge Nie Wanlong, please remember to call me in advance.

If you can't get in touch with me by then, try to give this letter to him before he starts a bet with Nie Wanlong. "

Seeing Ding Yunfeng's serious face, Huang Shihu took the letter seriously: "Brother Feng, don't worry.

I, Huang Shihu, am in Haojiang, and I still have some energy, guarding a coolie on the pier, sprinkle water. "

"That's good, I still have things to do on Hong Kong Island, and I'm going back tomorrow morning.

If you have the opportunity to come to Hong Kong Island, remember to contact me and let me greet you well. "


At noon that day, Ding Yunfeng took the opportunity of having dinner, and formally bid farewell to He Xin.

"Well, your stall in Hong Kong Island is not small, so I won't force you to stay." He Xin wiped his mouth, looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked, "I heard that you and Nie Wanlong bet on Thirteen Shops this morning. Stud?"

"Yes, I lost [-] times in a row. Mr. Nie's gambling skills are even sharper than the legends!" Ding Yunfeng replied with a smile.

He Xin said with a disdainful smile: "One mountain is still higher, in this world, how can there be a gambling king who never loses?
Fengzi, you have to remember that we are businessmen, we can manage gambling as a business, but not as a profession.

If you travel a lot at night, you will encounter ghosts sooner or later!
I have never regarded Nie Wanlong as an opponent.

If it wasn't for me not wanting the Australian government to be too jealous of me, how could he run a casino here in Haojiang?
Hehe, that is to say, the current gambling scene is so weak that it is his and Hong Guang's turn to show up.

If we push forward 30 years...

Huaguo bets on Dragon Four! ("The King of Thousand Kings Comes Back")
Kita Senju Takukazu! ("The King of Thousand Kings")
Nanshen's eyes are all over the world! ("The King of Thousand Kings", "Thousand Kings Fighting Thousand Tyrants")
There is even a hidden Sha family on Hong Kong Island that has been passed down for 2800 years! ("Gambler's Big Scam")"

He Xin shook his head while speaking. If these words were spread outside, not many people would believe them.

However, Ding Yunfeng believed that what He Xin said was all the truth.

Because there were really related movies about these strange people in the gambling world before he crossed over.

"No wonder Mr. Nie and I met for the first time, he was thinking about the entertainment city between me and Robinson.

It turned out that he was squeezed by his new brother to the point where he couldn't stand in Haojiang. "Ding Yunfeng pretended to be dissatisfied, looked at He Xin and said.

He Xin laughed loudly: "Hey! Fengzi, you can't blame me for being targeted by Nie Wanlong, old ghost Nie also has a part in suppressing him.

He publicizes to the outside world all day, he Nie Wanlong is the No.1 in the gambling world today!
I don't know how to gamble and I can't see it, let alone Old Ghost Nie who has gambled all his life? "

Ding Yunfeng couldn't help but laugh, this is really Nie Wanlong's style.

Looking at Nie Wanlong's appearances in the two episodes of "The Winner Is King", even if he is crazy and becomes Uncle Long.

This person's competitive spirit is still strong, and he actually wants to force Hong Ying, who lives in seclusion, to bet with him.

It can be said that the pursuit of high or low gambling skills has been engraved in Nie Wanlong's bones.

After chatting with Nie Wanlong, He Xin mentioned the entertainment city that Ding Yunfeng and Robinson partnered with: "The government of Hong Kong is no better than the government of Macau. Even if you have Lei Luo to support you now, without gambling cards, your entertainment city will not see the light.

Fengzi, I suggest that you focus on the "Hong Kong Island Daily", replace Lejia as soon as possible, and keep our Chinese public opinion position on Hong Kong Island. "

Upon hearing this, Ding Yunfeng straightened his face: "Brother Xin, what do you mean, the matter of Lejia has been confirmed?"

"Well, seeing that we supported you in taking away his "Hong Kong Island Daily", Le Yiwu felt resentful, and he has already turned to the Secretary of Security, Sir James.

This ghost is a confidant of the previous governor, but you don't have to worry too much, all the ghosts in the Department of Correctional Services are members of the current governor.

On the contrary, if you are in the Hong Kong Island Police Force, James will punish you, even Lei Luo can't do anything.

Because, now the first member of the police force, Ge Gebo, is a member of their line. "

Although He Xin gave him reassurance, Ding Yunfeng did not dare to take it lightly.

No matter which faction of ghosts, in fact, they can't be trusted.

If you want to have the ability to protect yourself in the midst of wolves, you must work hard to develop it.

Even if he can't evolve into a big tiger like Taige, he must at least become a little fox with sharp teeth and claws.


In the early morning of the next day, Ding Yunfeng took Qian Wendi and bid farewell to Huang Shihu who sent them over at Haojiang pier.

After two days away from Hong Kong Island, Ding Yunfeng did not go to Stanley, nor did he go home. Instead, he immediately went to Tuo Di, where coolies are strong, to wash and change his clothes.

People in the arena involuntarily.

Blame Tiger Cub for being too enthusiastic.

Last night's show was so hilarious that Brother Feng even took a shower twice and still smelled like a woman on his body.

Zhan Mi helped Ding Yunfeng prepare new clothes, then lit a cigarette, and sat on the coolie's desk to read the report.

In the past, there was only the Hongxin handbag shop, and Zhan Mi could remember the monthly funds in and out clearly without using pen and paper.

However, as Brother Feng’s stall became bigger and bigger, Zhan Mi later enrolled in night school to study management and accounting.

even so.

After Ding Yunfeng swallowed Lejia's "Hong Kong Island Daily", Jimmy once again felt that his abilities were not enough.

Recently, he even considered, or else he would go to a university and spend some money to attend economics courses...

"My sister-in-law wants to open an A-brand branch in the Central District;
Sister Xiaoxia started to take over the bars in Lan Kwai Fong, and she had to find someone to take over the several restaurants she was in charge of;
Ah Qing has hoarded excess building materials and needs a sum of money to turn around..." Zhan Mi muttered to himself, constantly copying and writing on a memo with a pen.

Ding Yunfeng came out of the wash, changed clothes and sat upright on the sofa: "What's wrong? Have you encountered many problems?"

"Brother Feng, it's just a small problem, I can take care of it myself." Zhan Mi smiled and put away his things. He was about to sit down when the phone next to him rang.

Picking up the receiver and saying a few words, Jimmy hung up the phone in a panic: "Brother Feng, Yiqun is calling, Shao Gan has been missing for two days."

"Oh?" Ding Yunfeng was startled when he heard the words, and immediately got up and put on his suit: "Don't panic, I probably know where Ah Hong is.

You call Brother Hao immediately and tell him that at 12 noon, I will make an appointment with him to meet at the bone. "

After saying that, Ding Yunfeng pushed the door open and went downstairs. A Cong, who was in charge of staying behind in Tuodi, ran ahead first, helped Ding Yunfeng open the car door, and then sat in the driver's seat of the Bentley.

"A Cong, go to this address."

A Cong took the note from Ding Yunfeng and quickly put it in gear: "Okay! Brother Feng, sit still."

(End of this chapter)

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