Chapter 232 Don't Be So Low
Cheng's house on Hong Kong Island, in a small alley nearby.

Gan Lianghong looked haggard, looking at the middle-aged woman who came out of the old building.

He had complicated eyes, clutching the file bag Ding Yunfeng gave him with one hand, and clasping the electric pole with the other, his fingers turned slightly white.

Since receiving the "gift" from Ding Yunfeng, Gan Lianghong, who has been living a lie since birth, finally knows his true identity.

It turns out that he is not the biological son of aviation tycoon Gan Shupei, but his real biological parents are Cheng Yaogang and Gu Yumei.

Looking at Gu Yumei who came out to take out the garbage, Gan Lianghong wanted to rush out several times to ask what happened, but he still didn't have the courage to take the first step.

And scenes like this have happened many times in the past two days.

Ten seconds later, Gu Yumei turned around and walked back into the house. Gan Lianghong's expression was tangled, and he beat the electric pole with self-blame.

At this time, a familiar voice came from the alley behind him: "Ah Hong, this telegraph pole didn't offend you, what are you doing with it?"

"Brother Feng? Is that you?" Gan Lianghong was surprised and delighted. He took a few steps forward and saw Ding Yunfeng who came to pick him up alone.

Shaking the wrinkled suit on Gan Lianghong's body, Ding Yunfeng pointed to the stubble on his face and sighed: "How did this happen? I regret it, maybe I shouldn't have told you these things so early."

"No! Brother Feng, you should have told me the day you met me. For 20 years, I didn't even know my biological parents..." Gan Lianghong was very excited when he heard this, with tears in his eyes.

Ding Yunfeng grabbed his shoulders with both hands: "Okay, now your biological mother is over there, why don't you go to meet her?
I heard from people in Yiqun that you have dismissed your bodyguards for two days.

These two days are enough for you to meet your family dozens of times, why do you still hide in the dark alley and dare not go out? "

"I..." Gan Lianghong's Adam's apple rolled, he lowered his head with guilt, avoiding Ding Yunfeng's questioning gaze.

"Stand up and look up, answer me! Why? Since you have the courage to find the Cheng family, why don't you have the courage to go up and recognize each other?"

"Brother Feng, I..." Gan Lianghong hugged his head in pain, squatted down and choked up: "No...don't force me..."

Looking at Gan Lianghong who was almost collapsed, Ding Yunfeng took out a handkerchief from the outer pocket of his suit and handed it over: "You are afraid, you are afraid that once you recognize your biological parents, you will lose everything you currently have in Gan's family! Including the affection of Gan's family , fame and status..."

"No! I didn't think so..." Gan Lianghong looked up in horror, but when he met Ding Yunfeng's sharp gaze, he finally flinched, covered his face with his hands and began to cry.

Ding Yunfeng patted away the dust on the roadbed, and sat down beside Gan Lianghong: "Ah Hong, let me tell you a story."

"I have seen a handsome guy who makes a living by writing novels, once he wrote a novel that was well received by the market.

Just when he thought that relying on this novel, he could add one or two dishes to the three meals at home.

Suddenly, someone began to report the content of this novel frequently, which caused the novel in sale to be almost removed from the shelves.

This person worked hard to revise, and finally saved this work.

But at this time, someone ran to report the title of the novel again, forcing him to even change the title.

Hong, what do you think about this matter? "

"Brother Feng, is there someone who comforts you like this? I'm not in the mood to listen to your story right now." Gan Lianghong took the handkerchief and wiped his nose and tears vigorously.

Ding Yunfeng looked at him seriously and said, "I'm serious, tell me, what do you think about this matter?"

"Well, it depends on two situations.

If there is a problem with the book, then of course the pretty boy who wrote the book should be damned;
If there is no problem with the book, of course it is a waste of effort to report those people.

Today's Hong Kong Island is full of gold. If you can eat enough, you can't have loose stools.

It's not like if you step on this book, the one you wrote will sell well!

Readers have sharp eyes, good-looking is good-looking, and ugly is ugly.

It is useless to write a book without thinking, and spend your whole life on the street, playing dirty tricks. "Gan Lianghong was helplessly entangled by Ding Yunfeng, and his tone was angry.

Ding Yunfeng lighted a cigarette calmly: "That book is fine, patriotism is the main line, anti-drug is the premise."

"I choose! If you are patriotic, you have to step on it. The baby has no butthole, and you are not afraid of being struck by lightning when you go out!" Gan Lianghong was furious when he heard this.

Ding Yunfeng snapped his fingers: "Well said! Your current situation is like that pretty guy and the book he wrote.

You Gan Lianghong has no problem with himself, why don't you have the courage to accept the reality, why don't you dare to face the wind and rain swords from all directions?

I remember you told me that when you were studying at your ancestral home, because you came from Hong Kong Island, you were excluded by a group of ghosts.

In order to fight for breath, as the young man of a wealthy family, which day did you not wake up in the middle of the night to study? "

"Whether you are Gan Lianghong or Cheng Lianghong, you are the business elite in your early twenties who already have the ability to control half of the Yihai Group!

Ask yourself, even if Gan Shupei drives you out of the Gan family now, do you have the ability to build a company that is not inferior to Yihai Group by relying on your own hands? "

Looking at Ding Yunfeng standing in front of him and berating Fang Qiu, Gan Lianghong was stunned, and he muttered to himself: "Yes, I am me, just like the story that Brother Feng told, the book is fine, so why be afraid? I am Gan Lianghong, can also be Cheng Lianghong, the bow is hard and the string is often broken, and disasters will follow when people are strong..."

Watching Gan Lianghong slowly stand up holding the file bag, Ding Yunfeng secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

In "Heaven and Earth Pride", why Gan Lianghong became black is not only the exclusion of Gan's family who knew his true life experience, but also his own lack of self-confidence.

Gan Shupei is a smuggler, and even Cheng's factory can take off if he hacks.

Gan Lianghong, a business elite who has been carefully cultivated by the former since he was a child, started much higher than Gan Shupei, his adoptive father.

If he is reluctant to part with Gan's family property, no matter how he struggles, it will be a dead end;

If Ah Hong has the courage to abandon the Yihai Group, plus his own help.

With Gan Lianghong's current age and ability, not only can he get immediate help, but Gan Lianghong will definitely have a place in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the future!
"Brother Feng, I've made it clear that in the past few days, regardless of the Cheng family or the Gan family, I will have a showdown with them.

As for Brother Hao, please tell him for me.

Starting today, I may no longer be the youngest of the Gan family.

I guess I can't do anything about arranging the volunteer group to start work, so please forgive me. "Shaking his suit and straightening his hair, Gan Lianghong patted the file bag, looked at Ding Yunfeng and said.

Ding Yunfeng handed over a cigarette: "I have an appointment with Brother Hao at noon, and I will explain to you about the start of Yiqun's work.

Go ahead, just like the handsome author in my story, he is supported by a bunch of lovely readers, you are supported by me, Ding Yunfeng!

Even if you are really kicked out by the Gan family, Brother Feng will find a tens of millions of companies to manage for you when selling blood. "

(End of this chapter)

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