Chapter 25 Me and Brother Feng

Seeing a fat woman getting off the car, Fei Zaiquan, who was guarding the entrance of the city, took a few of his men and stood up with unfriendly eyes.

Aunt Dart was apprehensive, she bowed her head and walked up.

Don't look at her in Shek Kip Mei Uk Village, she is fighting with other females every day.

But if she wanted to come to the Kowloon Walled City, she would make preparations before she set off. If there was any danger, she would definitely report her cousin's name.

As for her reporting...

Believe it or not, Fei Zaiquan, this group of low-level rotten boys, the majestic Inspector Lei, there is such a down-and-out cousin...


The dart aunt who has not seen much of the world has never considered the above situation at all.

"Brother Quan! What is this fat woman doing here?"

"You ask me, who should I ask? Ma De, ugly, old and fat, definitely not for sale..."


Fei Zai and the others pointed at Aunt Dart, one and two of them spoke obscenely.

Last time, the skinny man in the flowered shirt who was so embarrassing and hardworking came up to him with a machete on his shoulder: "Stop! Fat woman, what are you doing in the city?"

Taking a step back, Aunt Dart avoids the bad breath coming towards her.

Just as she was about to speak, a figure suddenly rushed out behind her.

"Little brother, I'm really sorry. My wife has some brain problems. She's lost. Let's leave immediately." Uncle Biao, who followed secretly all the way, explained with a smile on his face.

Aunt Dart pulled Uncle Dart's arm angrily, and the latter glared at her, then turned around and took out the banknotes he had prepared in advance and stuffed them into the hand of the floral shirt.

"Small meaning, let's have a cup of tea, brothers, we won't bother you..." Uncle Dart winked at Aunt Dart, pulling her away as he wanted to leave.

But how do they know that it's okay not to withdraw the money.

Seeing that Uncle Biao made five hundred shots, Hua Shixie excitedly waved at Fei Zaiquan, who quickly stepped forward with his troops and surrounded Uncle Biao and his wife.

The taxi that brought Uncle Biao saw that the situation outside was not right, so he didn't care about the fare, so the driver kicked the gas pedal and decided to run away.

"Everyone...Everyone..." Uncle Biao forced himself to calm down, and he raised his chest to protect Aunt Biao and said, "What else can I do?"

"I see that you look like a rat, and you act sneaky. You are obviously a spy who came to the city to find out the truth!" Fei Zaiquan said nonsensical nonsense, almost writing the word "framed" on his face.

Uncle Biao, a reporter, had never seen such a scene before, his face was instantly pale with fright, but Aunt Biao couldn't help but shouted: "My cousin is Lei Luo! You short mules, don't go too far."


"You said your cousin is Inspector Lei?"

Fei Zai and the others looked at each other, and then each of them raised their heads and laughed loudly under Aunt Dart's astonished gaze.

"Crazy line! Your cousin is Detective Lei, and my old man is still the governor!"

"Choose! There really is something wrong with this fat woman's brain."

"What are you doing with the fat woman's brain? Hurry up and search for money..."

After pushing and shoving, Uncle Dart finally understood what went wrong.

Regretting that he shouldn't have revealed his wealth, he was quickly stripped of his suit, watch, leather shoes and most crucial wallet by Fei Zai's group.

The escort, who was also robbed of her purse, sat on the ground and kept wiping away her tears.

She couldn't figure it out, isn't cousin Lei Luo famous?Why can't even these dwarf mules be restrained?

Uncle Biao, who only had a pair of red underpants left, helped Aunt Biao up with a distressed expression, "I told you not to look for that Ding Yunfeng, but you just don't believe me! Now that no one is found, your husband will run naked and make headlines on TV first..."

"Oh, now you're blaming me again? If you don't secretly hide the phone number Ah Feng left behind, do I need to sneak over here?"

"Honey, you've seen it all. This man surnamed Ding lives in this kind of place, so you can tell what kind of person he is. If you take your daughter..." Uncle Dart pulled Aunt Dart away, avoiding seven or eight strong men who were walking towards the walled city.

He does not mean that.

The leading capable man stopped suddenly.

He turned around and walked in front of the second elder: "This uncle, what you just said, is it Ding Yunfeng who just came from the opposite side a few months ago—Brother Feng?"

Uncle Biao was covered with a pair of red underpants to cover up his shame, and when he saw the man in front of him with a tough look, and the horsemen accompanying him were tall and burly, he was ashamed and shocked, and didn't even dare to answer for a while.

"Yes, yes, brother, do you know my son-in-law Ding Yunfeng?" Aunt Biao pulled her husband away and rushed to answer.

son in law?

The shovel!

These two are actually Boxing King Peak's father-in-law and mother-in-law?
The expressions of the few short mules following behind Coolie Qiang changed drastically.

Among them, the ordinary-looking young man who followed Coolie Qiang took off his coat without saying a word, and carefully put it on Uncle Dart.

"Zhan Mizai, you take people there, and drag those gangsters here." Coolie shouted in a deep voice, and Uncle and Aunt Dart were completely stunned.

Zhan Mizai, who has just joined Coolie Qiang's subordinates, has fair skin, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and his looks are not inferior to Ding Yunfeng.

Bringing a few people to fight with Liansheng, Zhan Mizai quickly escorted Feizai with a group of people.

It's not that Fei Zai can't beat all of them, but that it's Jimmy's boss, but Inspector Lei Luo greeted him personally, transferred from Fu Yixing to Liansheng, and Fei Deng, the leader of Liansheng, accepted him as a student and took up his post at the same time. The coolie of the red stick is strong!
Before Coolie Qiang could speak, Fei Zaiquan immediately knelt down to Uncle Biao, he kept kowtowing to beg for mercy, which made the two elders at a loss.

"Big brother, we..." Uncle Dart questioned Chi Chi while wearing the clothes that Zhan Mi had brought back.

Coolie shook his hand again and again: "Uncle, big brother, I can't bear the word "big brother"! I'm with Brother Feng, just keep calling me Qiangzi."

Seeing that Coolie Qiang suddenly came out to his husband and wife, Aunt Dart already had a premonition.

Upon hearing this, she anxiously asked: "Brother Aqiang, you, what do you mean, my son-in-law Ding Yunfeng, he has already joined the club?"


The thin man in floral shirt who was kneeling behind Fei Zaiquan collapsed in an instant. He was the one who picked Uncle Dart's clothes just now.

"No, Auntie, don't get me wrong. Although Brother Feng is very famous in Taoism, he doesn't come out to mess around. He is studying at the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy..."

"Hey, another black policeman who collects bad money..." Uncle Biao muttered in a low voice, but Aunt Biao immediately stared back at him angrily.

The coolie is rough but fine. At this time, he saw that there was a story between Ding Yunfeng and Lei's family.

In order to avoid an oolong, Coolie comforts Uncle Biao and Aunt Biao, and then sends Zhan Micai to escort them back to Shek Kip Mei Uk Village.

"Qiang, Brother Qiang..." Fei Zaiquan raised his head, showing an ugly smile: "These two..."

Looking down at the street, Coolie showed a dangerous smile: "Originally, I came here today to break your legs!

But now, I won't move you.

Quan Zi, your life and death, from now on, must be decided by Brother Feng. "

(End of this chapter)

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