Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 26 Ding Yunfeng is a Talent

Chapter 26 Ding Yunfeng is a Talent

After about a week of adaptation, Ding Yunfeng has been able to keep up with the teaching progress in Wong Chuk Hang.


Thanks to the education he received in his hometown in his previous life, Ding Yunfeng's cultural class quickly surpassed the original 'student master' - Miao Zhishun!

Wong Chuk Hang, Administration Building.

Xiong Sir, who was in charge of Ding Yunfeng's street attack this year, put a report card in front of several high-level Huangzhukeng ghosts.

"Everyone, originally, everyone was worried that Detective Lei would give us a thorn that was difficult to discipline."

"Unexpectedly, this kid is really a good seedling!"

Seeing Xiong Sir rarely show a smiling face, Director Chen who appeared at the school gate that day added in time: "Ding Yunfeng got all A's in physical subjects, and all A's in cultural subjects except for a C in etiquette! Sir Jane from the Flying Tigers, You've called me several times to ask for someone."

A dark-eyed blond-haired ghost instructor added: "I don't agree to send Ding to the Flying Tigers! Ding's English has improved rapidly, and now he speaks an authentic London accent of his ancestral home, which is even more London than me as a Londoner! This kind of talent, I suggest sending him to Scotland Yard for training."

Seeing that several of his subordinates were arguing about Ding Yunfeng's whereabouts after graduation, the ghost sitting in the main seat with a flower on his shoulder quickly changed the topic.

"Sir Xiong, your group of teachers has cultivated such an outstanding talent as Ding Yunfeng, I will report it to the higher authorities, and there will be rewards soon."

"Thank you, Sir!"

"You're welcome, this is what your front-line instructors deserve. Well, you go to work."

"Yes, Sir"

Watching Xiong Sir and Director Chen leave, several ghosts present were talking in low voices, their eyes glanced at Ding Yunfeng's files on the table from time to time.

The ancestors leased Hong Kong Island from the opposite side. They could roughly guess what the future would be like from the decline of the ancestors' international influence.

Using China to spoil China is a secret plan of the ancestors.

If one day, the ancestral family has to return Hong Kong Island to the opposite side.

This plan will start!
And to implement this plan, you must use a lot of yellow-skinned and white-hearted banana people.

This kind of person must have a higher level of culture, and must have a certain sense of belonging to the ancestors, and then through layers of brainwashing and interest wooing, they will be sharpened into sharp knives stabbing at the opposite side! ! !

In the officialdom, the ancestors have made arrangements, but in the police field, they are a little crazy.

Because, in this era, people on Hong Kong Island who can serve as police officers are not well-educated. When Lei Luo entered the school for an interview, he couldn't even read newspapers!

Yan Tong can speak English and is already an elite among the elite.

Although the ancestral family has a plan to recruit highly educated Chinese into the police force on Hong Kong Island in the future, compared to the flowers grown in this group of greenhouses.

This Ding Yunfeng, who started in the grass and is eager to learn, is simply a good chess game!



"Yes, Sir!"

"There are relatives and friends coming to visit you, come out."

"Thank you, Sir!"


Ding Yunfeng, who had handed in the papers early in the culture exam again and was bored lying on the table spinning pens, was suddenly called out by Xiong Sir.

Walking out of the school gate quickly, Ding Yunfeng saw a young man in a suit standing under the shade of a tree.

"Hello, Brother Feng! My name is Zhan Mi, He Liansheng Sijiu, Brother Qiang asked me to come to you..." Facing Ding Yunfeng, Zhan Mizai looked a little embarrassed.

Not to mention the miraculous experience that this person had in the Walled City not long ago, he told others to know his situation from nowhere, and specially asked He Liansheng Red Stick Coolie to accept his kindness.

He, Li Jiayuan, will remember him forever.

"I know you, Zhan Mizai Li Jiayuan who likes to do business! How is it? After Ah Qiang accepted you, those who rushed to the street didn't bother you anymore, did they?" Ding Yunfeng took the cigarette from Zhan Mizai calmly.

Zhan Mi smiled and nodded for him: "No, no, brother Qiang is so popular with Liansheng, who has the guts to go against me again?
Brother Feng, thank you very much!Previously, I had been sweeping the streets and sweeping my booth every day, and I couldn't bear it any longer, and I was going to pay my respects to Guan Zisen..."

"Guan Zisen, how can he have the qualifications to accept a talent like you? His boss Longgen is a piece of shit, let alone a bad gambler like him?" Ding Yunfeng said as he walked, holding Zhan Mizai's shoulder generously.

Zhan Mizai was flattered and nodded repeatedly.

In fact, Long Gen and Guan Zisen at this time also had some reputations in the Tao, but compared with Ding Yunfeng, of course they are not worth mentioning.

"By the way, Ah Qiang told you to come and find me, what's the matter?"

"Brother Feng, the thing is like this, a few days ago..."

Hearing that cheap father-in-law and mother-in-law ran to the city to look for him, Ding Yunfeng's expression suddenly became very strange.

At the beginning, he left his contact information in Shek Kip Mei Uk Village, but he did not receive a reply for many days, so he thought that the Lei family intended to regret the marriage, so naturally he did not continue to pay attention.

Lei's family suddenly came to the door today, there... maybe there is something inside? ?

"So..." Ding Yunfeng pondered for a while: "I'll write a letter, and you ask Ah Qiang to forward it to Han Bin, the manager of Hongxing Kwai Tsing District."

"Okay, Brother Feng."


In the evening of that day, there was a backbone restaurant.

Coolie Qiang, Dinosaur and Han Bin sat together. The latter read Ding Yunfeng's letter, sealed it and stuffed it into the inner pocket of his suit.

"Hey, what did Ah Feng ask you to do to make it so mysterious?" the dinosaur asked curiously.

Han Bin smiled without saying a word, and raised his glass to invite wine. Seeing this, Coolie Qiang hurriedly followed.

Dinosaur's heart was like a cat scratching, but he had always admired Han Bin as a younger brother, so he didn't ask him if he didn't say anything.

After the banquet was over, Han Bin drove to Shamshuishe alone, and found Hong Xing's talker in Shamshuishe, who was not yet fat and was in her prime.

"Sister Liang, the situation is like this, please take care of yourself." Han Bin took the letter, took out the lighter and lit it.

The beautiful sister who had just climbed up to Jiang Tiansheng and took over Shen Shui She patted her heavy chest and promised: "It's just to find out the news, it's a small thing!

What's more, I want to thank you, Abin, for helping Boxing Wangfeng and earning a favor from him! "

"Help from the same family, pretty lady is polite."


Three days later, Zhan Mizai came to Huangzhukeng to look for Ding Yunfeng again with the information found out by the beautiful sister.

The village of Shek Kip Mei was wading in deep water. After Sister Liang left Ding Yunfeng's marriage letter, all the big and small things that happened to Uncle Biao's family were revealed.

Ding Yunfeng was not surprised that the eldest daughter eloped with Kaikouxiao;

But when he saw that the second daughter changed her name to Lin Xiaohua and was sent to Shengdeyu Girls' Academy by Uncle Escort, his complexion instantly became very ugly.

This is the plot of "Happy Ghost"...

[System, don't you forget to tell me that this Hong Kong drama world also involves supernatural movies? 】

[The governor is carrying a wisp of the national destiny of his ancestors, he will not die for a day, and the ghost will not come out! 】

Ding Yunfeng understood that after this ray of family fortune suppressed the ghosts and snakes on Hong Kong Island, he probably had no spare power, which led to confusion in the timeline of Hong Kong Island.

If the governor dies, before the new governor takes office, a supernatural drama will be staged on Hong Kong Island.



It seems that there is time to win over a few strange people in Hong Kong movies.

Uncle Feng from Dongpingzhou, Zhong Fabai who runs a grocery store, and Uncle You who fried glutinous rice in the old building will do!

(End of this chapter)

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