Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 251 The VIP of the Smith Family

Chapter 251 The VIP of the Smith Family
Haojiang Lisboa, the top floor of the hotel.

He Xin was sitting on a large chair, holding a cigar between his fingers, staring at the night view of the Haojiang River outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Brother Xin!" Huang Shihu knocked on the door and came in, greeted him, and stood by the desk with his hands tied.

Without looking back, He Xin asked with a smile, "Tiger Boy, why are you so restrained today? Do you have something to do?"

"Brother Xin, that Fang Zhen that Brother Feng ordered me to take care of, went to Nie Wanlong's place today to make trouble." Huang Shihu said in a low voice.

"Oh?" He Xin became interested, waved back the bodyguard and asked, "Didn't Ah Feng leave you a letter? That kid is pretty safe. I believe he should have explained something in the letter, right?"

Huang Shihu smiled wryly when he heard the words, and recounted how Fang Zhen won all three of Nie Wanlong's subordinates, and finally made an appointment with Nie Wanlong next week, gambled his wealth, and made a grievance...

"Ah Feng's concerns are very reasonable! As far as I know, there are people in Fusang who have the technology to manipulate the video." He Xin took a sip of whiskey and said slowly.

Huang Shihu took the opportunity to suggest: "Brother Xin, Fang Zhen is too stubborn. He thinks his gambling skills can't even be captured by a video camera. I think..."

"Huzai, it's not that I think, or you think, that I can help Fang Zhen!
These years, from Haojiang to Las Vegas, what kind of gamblers have I, He Xin, never seen?
A person like Fang Zhen, if you don't let him be convinced by one defeat, it is impossible for him to be used by Ah Feng. "He Xin interrupted Huang Shihu with a wave of his hand, showing a disdainful smile.

Seeing this, Huang Shihu let go of the huge stone in his heart.

Since Brother Xin said this, it was an indirect indication that for Brother Feng's sake, he would not stand idly by this time.

Sure enough, He Xin pondered for a moment, and ordered Huang Shihu to do something: "I thought about it, how about this..."


On the other side, Ding Yunfeng's plane finally landed at London Airport.

"Oh, the damn air is as damp and wet as Merlin's socks!"

Rubbing his itchy nose, Ding Yunfeng mocked himself with an interpreter accent, then packed his suitcase and stepped into the crowded passenger aisle.

Ten minutes later.

Ding Yunfeng walked out of the passenger exit, and among the crowd who came to pick up the plane, he found an M-shaped bald young man who was holding up a sign with his name Ding Yunfeng on it.

Watching the young Asians walking towards him, Bow Smith put away the pick-up sign: "Hi, may I ask, are you Mr. Ding from Hong Kong Island?"

"Hello! I am Ding Yunfeng."

"Good! John Smith is my elder brother. My name is Bauf. Today, on behalf of the Smith family, I welcome Mr. Ding. The carriage is just outside the airport. Mr. Ding, this way please."


Following Bauf out of the airport, Ding Yunfeng was stared at by several London policemen and many white-skinned foreigners.

Sitting in a four-wheeled carriage painted with the Smith family emblem, Da Da Da left London Airport and went to Smith Manor in the suburbs.

Listening to Bauf's introduction of the British-style buildings passing by on both sides of the road, Ding Yunfeng secretly looked at this exquisite carriage that should have lost its practical value, but is still supporting the face of an old London aristocrat.

The gold paint on the inner wall is very mottled, the pedals creaked from time to time on bumpy roads, and the velvet cushions that were supposed to be soft became flat and hard...

Based on the above signs, Ding Yunfeng roughly judged that the financial situation of the Smith family seems to be a bit tight.

Seeing the carriage leave the city, Bauf was still chattering, and wanted to help himself introduce the relationship between the dirt road ahead and Victoria I's cat.

Ding Yunfeng suppressed a smile and asked, "Bauf, are you also working in the London Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Oh! Yes, that's right. However, I'm not a regular post, but, you know..." Bao Fu hesitated, and finally shrugged his shoulders at Ding Yunfeng.

Ha ha, maybe others don't understand, but I really understand.

Just based on your Ben Miller's comedic face, I know that you, the elite of Scotland Yard, will have a colleague named Johnny English in the future.

Excusing the exhaustion of the journey, Ding Yunfeng closed his eyes and secretly recalled the plot of "Agent Bean".

Originally, it took about 10 minutes to get from London Airport to Smith Manor by car, but it took almost an hour to take a carriage.

The fact is also as Ding Yunfeng expected, although the Smith Manor occupies a large area, it should be one of the few big nobles in London at its peak, but now, this nobleman is obviously in a poor family.

The fountain that is no longer spraying water, the statue that has cracked but has no money to repair, and the withered garden that has just pulled out the weeds when we know that the guests are coming.

The more Ding Yunfeng looked at it, the more satisfied he was. An old nobleman with financial difficulties was simply a natural ally—very nice.

Perhaps John's personal letter with wax hadn't arrived yet, and the Smith family, which had temporarily received a call from the eldest son, only sent the second son to receive Ding Yunfeng.

The owner, Earl Smith, wore an elegant tuxedo and showed his face holding a cane. Then he got into the carriage and went to the city to visit friends.

"Ding, don't worry, the pace of life in London is not as fast as Hong Kong Island.

No matter tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.It’s okay if I take you to report, my mother’s family happens to be in charge of Scotland Yard..."


Using banknotes to clear the way, and a week later, the upright Sir John finally delivered the handwritten letter with the family coat of arms sealed with wax.

Ding Yunfeng has been upgraded from a distinguished guest of the Smith family to a close friend of the heir of the Smith family!
With the help of the Smith family, Ding Yunfeng quickly gained a firm foothold in Scotland Yard.

Although there were still some people who laughed at Ding Yunfeng's background behind his back, but in daily training, no matter the instructor or the students, no one dared to show him any face.

A few weeks later, Ding Yunfeng finished his day-long study, and just as he returned to the dormitory to sit down, Bao Fu walked in with a thick letter.

"Ding, this is the thickest letter I've ever seen." Bauf complained, while digging out Ding Yunfeng's own fried peanut kernels from the drawer.

The two have similar temperaments, and they have become acquainted these few days.

Ding Yunfeng didn't bother to pay attention to Bao Fu, this guy came here every day with excuses to pick him up, but actually he came here for his homemade snacks.

Opening the envelope and looking carefully, Ding Yunfeng found that in addition to the weekly greeting letters written by Shi Shi, Xiaoxia and Zhao Su.

Most of the content was actually written by Huang Shihu to himself, about the gambling fight between Fang Zhen and Nie Wanlong.

Although I have already made a phone call to Yuanyang, the dictation of Zhan Mi is not as detailed as that written by a professional, Huang Shihu!

Just like in the drama, Fang Zhen won the first game against Nie Wanlong, but Qin Jian used Shi Zhikang to fall and pour tea to destroy the game.

According to normal people's thinking, at this time, Fang Zhen should be aware that as long as you fight in the opponent's casino, the opponent can use off-the-board moves to reduce your winning rate to 0.

Helpless, Fang Zhen was too confident at that time.

He felt that if he could beat Nie Wanlong once, he could win a second time.

Agree to Nie Wanlong's request on the spot, wait two more days, and the two will decide the winner again!

(End of this chapter)

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