Chapter 252 Time is fast
Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng sighed helplessly.

Go ahead to dangers.

This is Fang Zhen, a gambling king who is stronger than Sanwa!

He took out two cigars, first threw one to Bao Fu, Ding Yunfeng lit it himself, and then read the letter.

Huang Shihu was obviously very excited when he wrote this, because Ding Yunfeng discovered that the letter paper was scratched by the tip of the pen.

Two days later, the two sides played the second game.

This time it was just as Ding Yunfeng expected.

Seeing that the video recorder couldn't capture the process of Fang Zhen's changing cards, Nie Wanlong simply invited a Fusang man to PS a video of Fang Zhen's cheating on the spot, successfully slandering Fang Zhen's cheating.

Fang Zhen obviously won the bet, but lost to Nie Wanlong's despicable means, so he was naturally not angry.

But Fang was really not Yang Guo, he was no match for many of Nie Wanlong's subordinates with one punch, and was quickly pressed on the gaming table like a rag.

For this old opponent who only uses his left hand, he can still beat his old opponent.

Nie Wanlong is proud on the surface, but he is extremely jealous in his heart.

Under the witness of the gambling referee, he stuffed a pistol to Fang Zhen, who was ashamed, and gave Fang Zhen 2 days of 'kindness' to kill himself.

Facing the cheating video that had been recognized by the Gambling Association, Fang Zhen couldn't argue with anything, just when he was disheartened and was about to find a place to commit suicide.

Ding Yunfeng saw what was written in the letter—He Xin brought someone to appear...

Pull back a few days ago:
Nie Wanlong Casino, unlimited VIP rooms.

The closed door was suddenly pushed open forcefully, causing Nie Wanlong and others to look at it in astonishment.

More than a dozen grim-looking bodyguards in black suits filed in. The two stood facing each other without saying a word. They opened their suit jackets with one hand on their hips, revealing their respective pistols pinned to their waists.

With a smile on his face, He Xin walked in playing with a video tape in full view of everyone: "Brother Nie, why don't you post a post and invite me, He Xin, to come and witness it?"

Cursing inwardly at the scumbags watching outside, Nie Wanlong pushed Fang Zhen away, and walked towards He Xin with a smile on his face: "Brother Xin, you are a very busy person!

How dare I bother you with such a small scene of less than [-] million today?
I'm afraid you'll mistake me for Nie Wanlong——I'm making a fuss out of a molehill. "

"That's wrong! I congratulate Xin. I do see a lot of big scenes. However, sometimes I see some people who can't afford to lose, and a small theater that specializes in small moves is also a kind of life adjustment." He Xin smiled playfully, using The video tape patted Nie Wanlong's chest.

Nie Wanlong looked at the video tape in He Xin's hand in surprise, and just as he was about to speak, Huang Shihu grabbed Mr. Yamada, who was helping him with the video tape, and walked behind He Xin.

Resisting the horror in his heart, Nie Wanlong looked at He Xin in doubt.

He Xin smiled faintly, and pointed at Fang Zhen, who was being held by his subordinates, with the video tape.

Nie Wanlong heaved a sigh of relief. He strode up to Fang Zhen's side and snatched the pistol he had handed to Fang Zhen: "You're lucky, I'll ask He Xin to help you out..."

After saying that, he announced loudly that he was thinking of the friendship of the same family, and he would not pursue Fang Zhen's misdeeds, nor would he pursue Fang Zhen's lost life.

Several referees sent by the Gambling Association naturally saw at this time that there must be details in the gambling game just now.

Now, not only He Xin, the Haojiang giant, is involved;

And the winner, Nie Wanlong, took the initiative to back down again. Several referees discussed in a low voice and decided to acquiesce in this ending.

"Hey, it's a bit late. It's a pity that I didn't see Brother Nie's superb gambling skills." He Xin achieved his goal, threw the video tape in his hand to Qin Jian, took his men and horses, turned around and left.

Nie Wanlong stopped He Zunan who wanted to chase after him, and stared at Fang Zhen who was led away by Huang Shihu: "Don't mess around! Yamada is still in He Xin's hands!"

"Mr. Nie, is this the way to go?"

"Shut up! Do you want to force He Xin to announce everything?" Nie Wanlong gave him a hard look: "In Haojiang, Nie Aotian can't beat He Xin, let alone us?
Besides, I'm busy with next month's Chinese Gambling King Competition, so I really don't have time to clash with He Xin. "

He Zunan and Qin Jian nodded together.

On the other side, He Xin rescued Fang Zhen, but he didn't even say a word of solicitation afterward, and directly led people back to Lisboa, almost breaking the mentality of the gambling king who had just jumped the line between life and death once.

In fact, seeing what Huang Shihu wrote here, Ding Yunfeng already knew the reason why He Xin did this. It was to help him subdue Fang Zhen!

Follow-up development, just as Ding Yunfeng guessed, Huang Shihu ordered Fusang man Yamada to dictate the process of making the video tape for Nie Wanlong this time.

Fang Zhen was very regretful after hearing this, and he agreed to become the gambling consultant of Moon City, and compete with Nie Wanlong in Starry Sky Entertainment City in the gambling arena of Hong Kong Island.

At the end of the letter, Huang Shihu also attached a photo of the opening ceremony of Moon City.

Major shareholders Robinson, Lei Luo, gambling consultant Fang Zhen, Qian Wendi, Liao Zhi, and Zhan Mi, who represented him, stood at the entrance of the Cointreau Hotel.

Taking out the lighter and lighting the eloquent letter with thousands of characters, Ding Yunfeng showed a gratified smile.

I have been operating on Hong Kong Island for more than two years, and I not only have a basic team, but also have made many friends who are sincere and sincere.


A month later, the Smith family, who hadn't held a banquet for many years, suddenly spread invitations widely in the London aristocratic circle.With the excuse of helping the second son Bauf choose a mate, several grand banquets were held in succession in the renovated manor.

During the banquet, Ding, who was young and rich, came from the mysterious East, and as a close friend of the eldest son of the Smith family, John, and the second son, Bow, made friends with many middle- and lower-level officials and nobles in London.

At this time, the Chinese Gambling King Competition on Hong Kong Island also came to an end.

Nie Wanlong narrowly defeated Hong Guang and won the No.1 title, and at the same time won the title of the opponent's Hong Kong Island Gambling King;
Hong Guang won No.2, not only lost his legs, but also left Hong Kong Island and retreated to Nanyang in accordance with his prior agreement with Nie Wanlong.

As for No.3, it was snatched by a cheater named Jin Neng.

Fang Zhen learned the lesson of underestimating the enemy before, this time he did not participate in the competition in person, but instead taught Qian Wendi and Liao Zhi how to gamble.

Qian Wendi made it to the top four, Liao Zhi made it to the top eight, plus Fang Zhen, who is recognized as one of the top three players in the gambling world.

The signboard of Moon City is officially launched.

Time flies, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Ding Yunfeng pulled the trigger, and the white ghost who was in charge of recording the results looked at the 10 rings on the target with a wry smile and shook his head.

"Ding is the most talented student I have ever taught!

Two years, just two years, I witnessed his marksmanship, progress from a 'body stroke master' to a master of marksmanship!This is incredible! "

Another tall, strong man in a straight police uniform nodded: "It's not just marksmanship.

Student Ding Yunfeng is fighting, reconnaissance, demining...

The results of a total of 23 subjects are also excellent. Sometimes I wonder if he is a robot with a system, otherwise how can he achieve this level? "

"Unfortunately, he is a member of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, and he is also Chinese. Otherwise, I really want to keep him as an instructor at Scotland Yard!"

"Ahem, actually, I heard from that old fellow Smith.

Ding was the first in Scotland Yard's history to train as a prison guard.

I was so stunned that I almost bought a plane ticket overnight and flew to Hong Kong Island to kick that idiot's ass!

Why didn't this kind of talent be sent earlier, and it was wasted in the prison system? "

(End of this chapter)

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