Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 273 Luo Ge Donates His Life

Chapter 273 Luo Ge Donates His Life
The Deputy Commissioner of Police, Rice, is currently the direct leader of the Flying Tigers of Hong Kong Island.

This time when Ding Yunfeng came back from Scotland Yard, it was Taige and Pingge who arranged for him to work under the command of this ghost.

Therefore, regarding the relationship between Lei Luo and Ding Yunfeng, Rice has a clear mind.

When Lei Luo wanted to donate 1500 million to the Flying Tigers for equipment, Rice took the initiative to come out to receive him.

It's cheap but not profitable - bastard!

If Rice was afraid of being blamed by Gebo afterwards, he would not agree to Brother Tai and Brother Ping to cover Ding Yunfeng.

"Officer Rice, although I have left the Hong Kong Island Police Force, as a Hong Kong Island citizen, I have always admired the Flying Tigers for maintaining the peace and stability of Hong Kong Island.

What's more, my foster brother Ding Yunfeng happens to be in the Flying Tigers. Last time I heard him say that the current equipment of the Flying Tigers is far behind Scotland Yard's conventional training weapons.

For the stability and peace of Hong Kong Island, and for the improvement of the Flying Tigers' fighting power.

Lei Mou decided to donate my life savings, a total of 1500 million, to the Flying Tigers.

I have brought all these banknotes here, please give me this opportunity, Chief Rice, so that I, a former police officer, can use my last remaining energy for the police force. "

Lei Luo became more and more excited as he spoke. Standing at the gate of the police headquarters, he opened his hands and his eyes were filled with moisture.

Lard Boy fell over the Rolls-Royce with a serious face, and took out three large suitcases from the trunk and back seat of the car, and placed them neatly on the steps of the gate, opening them one by one, revealing the neatly packed banknotes.

Seeing Lei Luo smashing out the 1500 million silver paper directly, not only Les and Yan Tong were dumbfounded.

The ghost policemen and Chinese policemen who came to the police headquarters to work, all stopped, admiringly looking at Luoge, who could immediately turn into an angel if he added five-feather wings special effects.

"Hmm..." Rice held back his excitement, waved his hands and called six of his men to collect the three boxes of banknotes surrounded by police officers.

"Mr. Lei, I will temporarily accept your donation today in the name of the Deputy Commissioner of the Police Department.

1500 million is not a small amount. Since the establishment of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, it has never received such a large private donation.

I will bring it up at the internal meeting of the police force next week. I will send someone to answer you after the higher-ups discuss a safe acceptance plan. Do you think this is good? "

"OK, I believe..." Lei Luo put away his pose when he heard that, he stretched out his right hand, just about to shake hands with Rice.

Outside the police headquarters, a dozen news reporting vehicles suddenly stopped. Coolies pretending to be drivers and airplanes rushed past the Indian police officers who were guarding the door.

Reporters from "Hong Kong Island Daily" and "Yijiukan" each ran behind the two with a photographer.

The former cameraman, he first took a close-up of Les and Lei Luo's handshake;
The colleague from "Yijiukan" next to him bent over and carried the machine, and walked around the six ghost police officers and three boxes of banknotes who were collecting money.

One shot to the end, the action is silky smooth.

When Les reacted, he hurriedly ordered to drive people away.

The queen cameraman of the action movie Qiu Sir, already under the wind, jumped into the car of "Yijiukan" with the machine on his shoulders and drove away.

"Mr. Rice, Inspector Lei decided to donate his life savings for the stability of Hong Kong Island.

Excuse me, do you have any thoughts on the police force's approval of Detective Lei's application to retire? "The reporter of "Hong Kong Island Daily" put the microphone to Rice's mouth.

"News from our newspaper: Mr. Lei Luo, the former chief inspector of China, donated 1500 million yuan of his savings to the Flying Tigers at [-]:[-] this morning..."

"The Hong Kong Island Police Force has received Lei Luo's 1500 million private donation.

In view of the large amount of the donation, a high-level police force said that Mr. Lei may be awarded an honor by the governor's office for this matter..."


Some people surrounded Rice with microphones, and some started making up stories directly at the camera on the spot, and some tabloids who didn't have the strength to send a cameraman even held up their cameras and desperately pressed the shutter.

The police headquarters was in chaos, only Lei Luo lighted a cigar calmly, raised his head and waved his hand in the direction of a tall building a hundred meters away.

Planning this scene, he held up his binoculars and watched Ding Yunfeng over there from afar.

Seeing Luoge waving at him, Ding Yunfeng smiled and said to Zhanmi next to him: "Let's go, next, we'll see what Gan Shao and Azun do."

Zhan Mi took the binoculars, he helped Ding Yunfeng go down the stairs from the rooftop, and then ran to press the elevator.

After a few minutes, the elevator door opened, and Ding Yunfeng and Zhan Mi were surprised to find a man who looked like a fire unicorn standing inside.

"At this time, besides us, there are actually people on the rooftop?" Zhan Mi closed the elevator door and smiled at Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng stared at the man's back, and suddenly remembered a very classic Hong Kong movie - "Infernal Affairs"!
"Zhan Mi, you are looking for someone to stare at him. I want the detailed information of this person." Ding Yunfeng handed Zhan Mi a cigarette and said slowly.

Zhan Mi knew something was going on when he heard the words, and immediately nodded in response: "Okay, as soon as I get out of the elevator, I will call someone to do something. Brother Feng, is it literary or military?"

Text: secret investigation;
Wu De: You can use violence.

Ding Yunfeng waited until Zhan Mi lit a cigarette for him, and said speechlessly: "How can such a f*cking thing be revealed? I suspect that he is a bad guy."



Within 15 minutes.

Reports that former Chief Inspector Lei Luo donated his life savings for the police force spread everywhere.

A member of the police force, Ge Gebo, was said to have been seen smashing two telephones in his office that day.

Someone also discovered that Lord Yan, who had just been promoted to Inspector Hua, had a slap on his face when he left the police headquarters.


"Hey, it's me, Wu Shihao.

See, I'm watching TV at home.

Luo Ge is generous, 1500 million, donated to the police force without blinking an eye. "

Wu Shihao coiled up his lame legs and sat on the sofa in the living room of the villa. He held the wine in one hand and the receiver in the other. The news about Lei Luo's donation of property was playing on the opposite TV.

Yan Tong, who called, held an ice pack to cover the cheek that was slapped by the ghost, and also raised the receiver with the other hand: "Ah Hao, Lei Luo is so angry that the ghost is very angry. They told me not to Let these reporters continue to talk nonsense..."

"Hey. Lord Yan, isn't Hong Kong Island free of speech? You don't want me to send people to burn newspapers, do you?"

"Brother Hao, this is the meaning of the ghost..."

"But I'm bored!
Inspector Yan, the Hong Kong Island Police Force is now being raised by me, Wu Shihao.

Since you have received the money, you should give me Wu Shihao some convenience;
But I listen, you have received money and want me to continue doing dirty things for you.

I have to contribute money and work hard, so I might as well follow Brother Luo and retire early! "After spraying hard, Wu Shihao hung up the phone directly.

Yan Tong was so angry that his face turned blue, and he slammed down the receiver. Seeing that A Bing was not there, he got up and went to the door: "Come here! Where is A Bing? Where did that one go to the street?"

(End of this chapter)

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