Chapter 274

Cointreau Hotel, Moon City.Drunk A Bing came out of the elevator with a bunch of dog legs.

Looking up at the signboard of the Moon Club, Ah Bing smiled and said to the people around him: "Look, this is called hanging sheep's head, selling, selling dog meat!
If you open a casino, open, open a casino, what kind of club is it called..."

"Bingo is right! They hang the sign of the club, engage in gambling activities, and call themselves Moon Entertainment City outside.

This kind of covert behavior is the most despised by everyone. "

"Bingge, I heard that they have a thing called membership system. None of us have members, so we probably can't get in..."

"I'm afraid of his hair! Bingo's brother-in-law is Detective Yan.

Black and white, who dare not give Brother Bing face?

It doesn't matter if everyone doesn't go in, if Brother Bing still can't get in, I don't think this club needs to open! "


This group of cronies continued to boast, and A Bing drank again, and immediately threw Yan Tong's advice to Siberia.

With one hand on his hip, he pointed at the entrance of the casino: "Go! Come in and play a few games with me. I'm really curious. Who dares to stop us today?"

After finishing his rhetoric, this one rushed to the street, staggering and leading the charge.

The other people who accompanied him swarmed behind.

This group of people pushed up to intercept the security guards, and rushed into the casino reeking of alcohol, yelling obscenities, causing some regular customers who came to play to frown and stand up.

Before opening, Ding Yunfeng and Robinson had discussed that the target of Moon City is the customer group with higher income.

Therefore, despite the fact that there are only a few dozen people in the field, in fact, everyone bets a lot.

In the rest area next to it, there are also several semi-partitioned booths. If you meet acquaintances, you can drink and chat there.

Where have A Bing and his group seen such a place?
Chen Zhichao, Nie Wanlong, and Le Yiwu's Star Entertainment City, they have been there several times.

It just opened there, and although it claims to be taking the high-end route, Le Yiwu is basically alienated and excluded in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

A few old friends from the business world have been there a few times, and they gradually stopped going because they were concerned about the opinions of several giants of the chamber of commerce.

The people who play there now are basically police officers, people from the rivers and lakes, and nouveau riche.

Compared with Rihuo, there must be more Star City than Moon City, but in terms of grades, the latter can kill the former by a few blocks.

"Ma De, what are you looking at? I didn't bring any money to play?" Taking out a 1 yuan bill, A Bing held it in his hand and raised it, staring fiercely at the many gamblers who were looking at him curiously.

A middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Robinson said to the croupier in front of him: "Little girl, according to the old rules, put away the chips for me. There are too many flies today, so it's not suitable for playing cards."

Moon City has a service that other casinos do not have-open a personal account and deposit chips.

It is not decades later that a certain Alipay or a certain payment can be bound to a virtual account for recharge and cash withdrawal.

For a slightly larger gamble, it takes a long time just to count money and exchange chips.

Afterwards, they exchanged money and left, and had to go through cumbersome banknote inspection. After coming and going, everyone's enthusiasm disappeared at least half.

Moon City was able to provide this service, in addition to Ding Yunfeng's suggestion based on the perspective of future generations, the key was Robinson's strong character in the Chinese business circle.

Nie Wanlong knew that he also wanted to operate like this, but who in the circle would dare to believe him?
Qian Wendi came over quickly and opened an order: "Uncle Qiu, the total amount is 41 yuan. If the amount is correct, please sign the order."

"Hey, forget the mantissa, buy me a few cups of mandarin duck milk tea, and please the beautiful girls and boys under your command." Qiu Benli crossed out the numbers with a gold pen, and signed his name on the blank page behind: "Wendi, fill in the numbers for me." , I went up to find my grandson for tea." (1981 version of "The Legend of the Sparrow Heroes")

"Uncle Qiu, go slowly, I'll send you the list later."

"En." Qiu Benli leaned on his crutches and walked towards the elevator.

He is a frequent visitor of Moon City, has good friends with Robinson, and is also a well-known master in the gambling industry, but he specializes in mahjong, so he is not as comprehensive as Fang.

A Bing was compared to a fly by the other party, so he was naturally very unconvinced. He cast a glance at Qiu Benli: "Three hundred mosquitoes invite mandarin duck milk tea? Damn old man, if you are stingy, don't go out and pretend to be a rich old man! , please have a round of wine in the audience, you are not as good at showing off as you are!"

As soon as A Bing said this, the audience suddenly fell silent, and then burst into loud laughter.

Qiu Benli shook his head, thanked the security guard who helped him open the elevator door, and then walked in slowly with a cane.

"Laughing? What are you laughing at?"

"Don't laugh, don't laugh at all!"


Followed by A Bing's gang of dogs, pointing at the crowd and shouting angrily.

But those who come here to play, who is afraid of them?

A skinny old man in a suit opened the Pai Gow in his hand, pretending to be puzzled and sighed: "Shuangtian Supreme is actually eaten by the opponent. This is the first time my fifth child has seen such a strange thing." what."

"Fifth Ping, do you think these short mules have seen the world like you?"

"A bunch of idiots! Mr. Qiu said he wanted to erase eleven thousand.

As for the 300 yuan, except for the banker who has to write it down due to rules, who here regards hundreds as a number? "

The taunts from around made the faces of Ah Bing and his group turn green and red, and those who were not drinking well wished to find a hole in the ground and get in.

Qian Wendi is in charge of watching the scene daily. He has already recognized A Bing's identity and knows that the other party is Yan Tong's brother-in-law.

Although she was not afraid of the other party, Qian Wendi still held back her smile in order not to cause complications.

He came up with a few people watching the game with Liansheng: "Bing Ge is here, we are at a loss to welcome you, would you like to change the chips to play two games, or should we wait and see first?"

A Bing had already drank a lot before he came, and he would be teased by a group of high rollers. He became angry and took out his gun and smashed it on the betting table next to him.

"I didn't bring too much cash when I went out today, I want to exchange this troll for 10 chips!"

Seeing that A Bing even smashed out his plainclothes gun, Ping Wuye and others stopped laughing.

Qian Wendi put on a serious face, looked at A Bing and said, "Bing, if you don't happen to have money, then next time you come to play with enough money.

Since the opening of Moon City, no one has ever lit a firearm.

For Master Yan's sake, let's forget about today, the guest is drunk, you send him out. "

After putting down a few words on the scene, Qian Wendi turned around and left.

Two spectators and Liansheng Lao Sijiu, one picked up the sprayer and stuffed it back into A Bing's gun pouch, and the other picked up his collar, stripped off a few dog legs who wanted to come to protect the Lord, and dragged him to the elevator.

Ten seconds later, there was a sudden gunshot from the direction of the elevator.

Qian Wendi's complexion changed drastically, and he rushed out with a group of guests, only to see A Bing turning pale and holding the spray gun, and the Liansheng thug who pulled him out was lying on the ground clutching his right lung.

The elevator door opens.

Ding Yunfeng, who brought Zhan Mi to pick up Robinson, saw the scene in front of him, his eyes turned cold instantly: "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you arrest people and call Bai Che?"

(End of this chapter)

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