Chapter 28

Looking at Wen Jianren, who was full of ambition and obviously came to show off deliberately, Ding Yunfeng smiled.

This street attack will appear in "Police Story 1" in the future. First, he acts as the internal agent of the drug dealer Zhu Tao, which leads to the failure of the "pig hunting operation" formulated by Raymond Biaoshu!
Then, under the suspicion that his identity was exposed, he tried to blackmail Zhu Tao for a sum of money, but Zhu Tao sent someone to shoot him to death, and used it to blame Chen Jiaju!
Greedy, stupid, and bad, that's how you describe it.

If Ding Yunfeng hadn't been afraid to get rid of this person in advance, he would have lost the advantage of being familiar with the plot.

I'm afraid he has already found an excuse to kick this black sheep out of the police academy.

"Bitch Wen, say it again if you're brave enough!!!" Ma Jun twisted his neck and stepped forward, while Qiu Jinjiang and Zhang Yaoxiong rushed forward with fists clenched, not to be outdone.

This kind of provocative behavior from other dormitories, as long as the instructor is not present, Ma Jun has two options:

First, he fights out alone;

Second, he led people to fight out!
"Brother Shun, Jiaju, stop everyone, we don't have to be as knowledgeable as this kind of villain." Ding Yunfeng shouted at Chen Jiaju and Miao Zhishun.

Seeing the three of Ma Jun being stopped by Ding Yunfeng's men, Wen Jianren's eyes flashed with disappointment.

"Tsk tsk tsk, why, you want to hit someone?
Could it be that I said something wrong?

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~ Stanley, eat oranges! "Wen Jianren continued to provoke.

As soon as these words came out, Ma Jun was furious. He pointed at Wen Jianren's nose and cursed: "Bastard, what are you talking about?"

Orange, a standard item on the dinner plate of Stanley prisoners.

Shicheng, Wen Jianren is mocking Ding Yunfeng for going to Stanley as a prisoner! !
Miao Zhishun hugged Ma Jun desperately. Looking at Wen Jianren who was too arrogant today, he began to feel suspicious.


When Miao Zhishun saw Ding Yunfeng pointing to the school alarm watch on the ground, he understood!

Wen Jianren, this is the Wanchai Police Station where Ma Jun is about to report!
In their dormitory, Ding Yunfeng, Qiu Jinjiang and Zhang Yaoxiong were assigned to Qingleng Yamen.

Kowloon, where Miao Zhishun himself was going, hadn't been developed yet, and there was a sinful city called the Walled City, so it wasn't a good place either.

Only Chen Jiaju's Mong Kok and Ma Jun's Wanchai are good, but Wen Jianren dared not count against Chen Jiaju even if he gave ten courage.

In this way, only Ma Jun, who is full of muscles and impulsive loyalty, can start!
No wonder this bastard invited a group of instructors like Sir Xiong in advance.

If he is allowed to provoke successfully, he will be beaten up by Ma Jun.

Afterwards, crying and whining in front of Xiong Sir and others, and then spending money to make some connections, it is really possible to replace Ma Jun's seat!
Wan Chai Police Station is under the jurisdiction of Yan Tong, and there is much more oil and water than most police stations!

In addition, Yan Tong is at odds with Ding Yunfeng's foster brother Lei Luo.

Provoking Ding Yunfeng today, this move can not only anger Ma Jun, but also please Yan Tong, hand in a vote...

Miao Zhishun's mind was spinning quickly, and he quickly came up with seven seven eight eight. He looked at Ding Yunfeng with admiration, and explained to everyone in a low voice.

Now, not only the three of Ma Jun scolded Wen Jianren for being insidious, but even Chen Jiaju showed disgust.

Wen Jianren didn't expect that Ding Yunfeng could see it out because he was so secretive.

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it!" Wen Jianren retorted with a hard mouth, and looked at Chen Jiaju with a smile: "Jiaju, besides the instructors like Xiong Sir, I also invited Director Chen! Your monitor , be sure to show respect..."

Chen Jiaju resolutely refused: "No need! Ah Feng and I made an appointment to go to Zhenbao Seafood Restaurant to eat mouse spots together.

Director Chen and the instructors, we will invite them another day..."

Jumbo Seafood Restaurant?
Depend on!
This Ding Yunfeng, who is already going to Stanley, actually wants to put on a show to win people's hearts! !

Wen Jianren's eyes twitched, and he said: "That's a coincidence, the place where I hold the banquet tonight is also from Jumbo Seafood Restaurant..."

Wen Jianren, who couldn't catch any fish, turned around and left with a dark face after leaving a scene.

Ma Jun walked up to Ding Yunfeng: "Ah Feng, thank you! If it weren't for you, I would definitely have been tricked by this bastard this time."

"If you say this, you will be out of touch. If you help me get ahead, I can watch you suffer?"


Pushing away the smirking Ma Jun, Miao Zhishun came over to suggest.

Since the instructors were all invited to leave by Wen Jianren, it might as well be rescheduled.

Ding Yunfeng waved his hand, drink as usual, dance as usual, don't save him, we are rich and arrogant!
When they heard this, they immediately started howling.

After all, in this era, they who have not yet entered the police circle are still super detectives who make criminals frightened!
A group of people left as soon as they said they would, put on casual clothes, talked and laughed and walked towards the school gate.

"Hey, Jia Kui, Ah Feng, where are you guys going?" Director Chen and Xiong Sir, who had changed into casual clothes, asked curiously when they saw a few people coming.

"Sir Chen, Sir Xiong! We wanted to hold a teacher appreciation banquet to thank everyone for their teachings this year.

It's just that Wen Jianren came to tell us just now that he has invited you.

So tonight we're going to have to hang out by ourselves.

Tomorrow, the two of you will be rewarded, otherwise, we have been waiting at the Jumbo Seafood Restaurant, Ah Feng will definitely be overwhelmed by us! "Chen Jiaju stepped forward to talk.

Ma Jun and the others took the opportunity to boo, and naturally Ding Yunfeng would not be stage frightened.

He smiled and assured that it would be no problem to have three meals a day at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant before entertaining Director Chen and Sir Xiong.

"Eh, Ren said earlier that Ka Kui..." Xiong Sir heard the clue.

Director Chen gave him a wink, and then smiled: "Then we can't easily agree to Ah Feng! How about this, you guys pack the three meals a day for us, and we'll delay Ah Feng for a month or two before we talk about it." .”

"The two Sirs like it, and it's no problem to send it every day." Ding Yunfeng replied with a smile.

"Hey, I heard it, and Sir Xiong also heard it."

Everyone chatted and laughed for a while, and two Ford cars stopped at the school gate one after another.

Wen Jianren and a round-eyed man came down one after the other.

When Ding Yunfeng saw this person's appearance, his heart moved slightly - Zhu Tao!
"Director Chen, Sir Xiong. This is Boss Zhu who is doing big business in Wanchai..." Wen Jianren walked over quickly.

Director Chen and Sir Xiong looked at Zhu Tao, who was wearing gold-rimmed glasses, a suit, and a smirk all over his face, feeling faintly unhappy.

Wen Jianren invited them to the banquet earlier, but he promised that the monitor, Chen Jiaju, would attend.

Later, they learned that there was an internal reason for the incident, and the two of them were already a little unhappy.

Who knows, Wen Jianren brought this Boss Zhu here again for a parting get-together, what are you doing with an outsider?
Wen Jianren, in order to put on a show for the Jumbo Seafood Restaurant, managed to get Zhu Tao, a big plumber, and seeing Ding Yunfeng and the others present, he naturally tried his best to praise him.

Zhu Tao observed his words and saw that Director Chen and Sir Xiong's complexions were getting darker and darker, so he quickly interrupted Wen Jianren: "Everyone, Sir, I have reserved a seat at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant, and I would like to give you a thin noodle!"

Seeing Ding Yunfeng and others standing beside him, Zhu Tao greeted by the way: "There are these students, come together, after we finish eating seafood, we will go to Li Chi Nightclub to have fun."

(End of this chapter)

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