Chapter 29

Of course Ding Yunfeng and the others would not follow.

Hearing that they were also going to have dinner at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant, Zhu Tao glanced at Wen Jianren, no wonder he suddenly asked him to change the venue of the banquet, it turned out that this bastard was angry with his classmates.

Watching Zhu Tao and his group get into the car and leave, Chen Jiaju looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked jokingly, "Hey, I'm going to eat seafood in a car, do you have any arrangements, don't you want us to take a minibus there?"

"I don't care, as long as there is something to eat!" Qiu Jinjiang said, patting his bald head.

Ding Yunfeng jokingly shook his head, pointed to the opposite road and said, "Here, I have already prepared the car."

After hearing the words, several people looked quickly, and two Mercedes-Benz parked opposite, beeped their horns twice, and drove over slowly.

"This is my little brother, Jim Chai. He and I opened the two red heart handbag shops in Wanchai, Mong Kok. Ma Jun, Ka Kui, please take care of Jimmy in the future."

After listening to Ding Yunfeng's introduction, Chen Jiaju and others were shocked.

Since its opening a year ago, the Hongxin handbag shop has been where countless Hong Kong girls spend their money. It is no exaggeration to say that these two shops are making money every day!
It is said that...

The owner of the Red Heart Handbag Shop takes black and white.

Unexpectedly, Ding Yunfeng was actually one of the shareholders.

"Brother Jiaju, Brother Jun, Brother Shun, Brother Xiong, Brother Qiu, and younger brother Li Jiayuan, just call me Zhan Mizai." Zhanmi smoked a cigarette while stuffing his business card.

"My little brother put more than a dozen bags of the latest style in the car. Don't be disgusted with them, you big brothers, take them back and give them to your sisters-in-law."

In fact, Zhan Mi came a long time ago, but he saw that Ding Yunfeng was talking to Director Chen Xiong, and he didn't get a signal, so he didn't dare to come and disturb him.

"Wow! How is this so embarrassing??" Everyone was overjoyed upon hearing this.

Regardless of whether you have a girlfriend or not, the cheapest A-grade bags in the Hongxin handbag shop cost a few hundred dollars, so it would be nice to take them home and give them to your mother.

"Okay, okay, they are all my brothers, don't be polite!
Zhan Mizai quickly took us to eat, you didn't hear that Jia Kui's stomach was about to thunder. "Ding Yunfeng waved his big hand, and everyone got on the car and rushed towards Zhenbao Seafood Boat.

At the same time, Wen Jianren and others, who were one step ahead, came to the seat reserved by Zhu Tao.

Looking at the dining table in the lobby on the second floor of Jumbo Seafood Restaurant, Wen Jianren asked in a low voice, "Boss Zhu, did you make a mistake? It's in the lobby?"

Zhu Tao's smile froze when he heard this, and he pulled Wen Jianren and said, "This is your first time at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant? It's a temporary idea, and it's good if I can find a seat."

The current Zhu Tao is just a small demolisher who eats with Chaozhou porridge.

If he didn't have enough silver bullets to deal with the plainclothes team in Wanchai, would he really be willing to win over a rookie like Wen Chien-jen who hasn't entered the police force yet?
Jumbo Seafood Restaurant! ! !
Zhu Tao himself has never been to this kind of place a few times.

"Aren, Boss Zhu, sit down." Director Chen didn't tell the truth, and instead invited the two to the table.

At this time, Xiong Sir also wanted to leave quickly after eating, and sat down by himself, looking at the sea view outside silently.

"Everyone is welcome, you are welcome, I will order."

Zhu Tao suppressed his anger, smiled and invited several other instructors and student policemen who came with him to sit down.

Then, he hurriedly withdrew and left, he was afraid that Wen Jianren's nonsense would make him unable to step down again.

After ordering a few delicious dishes, Zhu Tao chose two bottles of foreign wine with heartache: "Putting mother! If Brother Porridge didn't give me all the noodle stalls in Wanchai, I would really think that I would invest in you, an idiot!"

Thinking of Wen Jianren's failure to fish Majun, Chen Jiaju, the second son of Chen Zhichao who had promised to invite, did not show up.

Zhu Tao's heart became more and more angry. What he wanted to do was not done, and the people who should be hired were not invited, and the consumption was more than doubled-tonight, he suffered a blood loss!
Taking a deep breath, Zhu Tao smiled.

He and Ni Kun's horse, Han Chen, belong to the same kind of people, they are both popular and know how to seize any opportunity to climb up.

Today's money cannot be spent in vain.

At least make friends with one or two bad guys who will be used by him in the future.

"Boss Zhu is very generous...

He promised that as long as I cover his business, there will be..."

Zhu Tao came over with two bottles of wine, and he heard Wen Jianren bragging from a distance.

But except for one or two stunned young police officers who were a little interested, everyone else looked ugly.


Can I tell you what I told you?

Zhu Tao was so angry that he almost failed, he bit his cheek and smiled, "Sir Wen was joking, everyone..."

In the middle of the conversation, Zhu Tao saw two opened bottles of Louis XIII on the table, and exclaimed in a low voice: "This wine?"

"Oh, just now a pretty girl came over and asked us if we want to drink wine. I remember Boss Zhu, you said this one last time, so I asked her to order two!" Wen Jianren smiled and compared to Zhu Tao One thumbs up: "The taste is good, Boss Zhu's taste is really extraordinary!"

Zhu Tao's heart bleeds, a bottle of this thing is nearly ten thousand.

These days, fellow Taoists only need one or two yuan to enjoy a puff, how many fans does he have to go to get it back?
The last time I was able to drink it, I had to go to Lei Luo's villa for a meeting to taste a cup with his big brother Teochew porridge.

"Ahem, I just laughed, I made everyone laugh." After knocking out his teeth and swallowing, Zhu Tao filled himself a glass first, got up and said excitedly.

"Come on, let's not get drunk tonight."

At this time, Ding Yunfeng and his party also rushed over.

The younger brother who was in charge of watching the scene saw the visitors sitting in two Mercedes-Benz, scrambling over to help park the car.

In charge of welcoming the guests, a beautiful girl in a high-cut cheongsam came to receive them with a smile.

Both Ding Yunfeng and Chen Jiaju had seen big scenes, but the others, including Miao Zhishun, were all bumpkins at this time.

They followed along in a daze, while secretly sweeping the big white legs that appeared while the cheongsam was shaking with the corners of their eyes.Zhan Mi saw it and decided to arrange some digestion programs after the meal.

"Gentlemen, do you have a reservation?"

"I booked a box this afternoon, Manager Hu answered the phone." Zhan Mizhai took out a business card.

The pretty girl was taken aback, bowed her body to leave, and was soon replaced by a man in a suit with a collar and flower.

"Li Sheng, I'm sorry, I just entertained Detective Chen and the others on the third floor..." Before Manager Hu arrived, laughter had already passed.

Ding Yunfeng and the others could tell that this was just a scene.

Zhan Mizai came forward to deal with him, and followed him up to the third floor.

"It's Lao Hu who came down to receive them? It seems that these few are not very old, and they don't look like young or old..."

"Haha, these youngsters can be received by Manager Hu in person. Naturally, they are not people we can offend. Let's have a meal."

Many regular customers in the hall, seeing Manager Hu leading Ding Yunfeng and his party upstairs, began to discuss.

Zhu Tao was sitting on the opposite side of the stairs, and when he looked at it, he suddenly felt that the Louis XIII in the glass was not too full-bodied.

(End of this chapter)

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