Chapter 300 Conflict 1
Smash the door of Chen Zhichao's house!

Does the birthday boy hang himself for a long time?

Chen Jianxin sat down depressed when he heard the words. When Yan Tong was around, he was the opponent's right-hand man.

Although Chen Jianxin is not ranked as a trusted confidant in Yan Tong's group, like Huang Yaobing, he is considered an old man in the Wanchai Police Station.

"Chen Sir, Huang Sir, what should we do now? Are you just sitting and waiting for the other party to come and arrest you?"

"I think, since the headless brother has run away, why don't we run away too?"

"Run? Where can you run? Headless Brother, he can run. They prepared the boat in Saigon in advance. Now, the marine police have sealed off the surrounding waters, can you run?"


There was a lot of discussion, and halfway through the discussion, they quarreled instead.

The plainclothes and military uniforms outside the room became more and more panicked upon seeing this.

Just when Huang Bingyao and Chen Jianxin were shouting, trying to appease many detectives.

Ma Jun, who came by racing from Shau Kei Wan, saw the chaos when he entered the door. He directly pulled out the spray gun on his waist, raised his head and snapped three shots in a row.

As soon as Ma Jun's gunshots rang out, those wastes present who only knew how to behave like a bully, covered their heads with their hands and knelt down on the spot.

"Why panic?

Look at your bad looks, now that the ICAC people haven't come over yet, you've messed up yourselves?
Lao Huang and Lao Chen, are you two dead?

If you don't die, immediately choose ten loud and fearless guys to represent the Wan Chai Police Station and follow me to the ICAC Building! Ma Jun shot to calm the scene, his face darkened and he shouted into it.

Huang Yaobing just used the scissors to crush a few crazy people who fled the street. He was picking up the leather shoes that had been thrown away. When he saw Ma Jun coming to the rescue, he quickly pulled Chen Sir and ran out.

"Yes, yes. Both of us!
Loudly heroic, crying mournfully, you guys put on your guns and come with us immediately.Hurry up, hurry up. "

Someone came out to talk about things, and people's hearts that were originally floating stabilized instead.

Wanchai Police Station selected ten elite soldiers, led by Huang Yaobing and Chen Jianxin, drove two cars, and followed Ma Jun to the ICAC headquarters.

A scene similar to the above happened almost simultaneously in other police stations.

The big police station sent ten people, the small police station sent four or five people, and even small places like Tung Ping Chau, outlying islands, and Lamma Island sent 1-2 people over!
At this time, the five Shau Kei Wan military uniforms who had received Four-Eyed Kun's relocation allowance, each wearing their ironed uniforms, had already arrived at the gate of the ICAC building ahead of time.

【Release innocent arrested colleagues】

[No evidence, no pulling people]


Banners with black letters on a red background were slapped up, and they lined up in a row, sitting on the ground at the gate of the ICAC.

The police force sent five police officers out to protest, and ICAC immediately called people out to negotiate.

But these five people kept Siyankun's advice in mind, no matter how you ask, no matter how much you persuade, we just didn't say a word, just sat still.

Yan Guoliang stood by the blinds and looked at the five people sitting in meditation downstairs. He turned to look at Han Zhibang and said, "Since they want to sit in meditation, let them sit. You tell everyone not to have physical conflicts with each other."

"it is good!"


As time went by, people from various district police stations arrived one after another.

"Ah Jun, are these people from Shau Kei Wan?" Huang Yaobing asked in a low voice as he pulled Ma Jun's clothes.

Ma Jun greeted the detectives of several other police stations, and replied in a low voice: "They are my people, but after this thing is done, they will not be anymore."

"As the saying goes, shoot the first bird, and now the higher-ups have ordered the ICAC to investigate us. Whoever dares to stand up at this time, no matter right or wrong, will be liquidated by the higher-ups..." Chen Jianxin said in a low tone.

Huang Yaobing buried his head in lighting a cigarette, it was because of this that Chen Zhichao of Three Flags would stay behind closed doors.

Otherwise, with the prestige of the other party, they only need to raise their arms and negotiate terms with ICAC on behalf of the police force, and they will definitely win the loyalty of [-] police officers.

This kind of great opportunity was missed, so it can be seen that even Chen Zhichao couldn't grasp the level of support for ICAC this time...

Thinking of this, Huang Yaobing was startled.

Everyone thought that if Brother Luo was not around, they could still count on Brother Chao.

Now that the other party has lost contact, shouldn't he also run away?
The number of police officers present gradually increased, and everyone spontaneously rushed towards the gate of the ICAC, shouting the slogan written on the banner.

Huang Yaobing knew the meaning of the person who initiated this incident. This is to fight but not to fight. He wants to show the ICAC the muscles of the police force and control the level of conflict.

More than 100 police officers blocked the ICAC gate to demonstrate, and five were sitting on the ground. Without the need for the Hong Kong Daily to take the lead, many media outlets sent people to cover and report.

In less than half an hour, the television that was broadcasting the news of the mass demonstrations in rotation immediately inserted another piece of news - ICAC detained seven police officers without reason...

Ding Yunfeng was sitting in the office of the Flying Tigers, watching TV. Yan Guoliang, in front of a group of reporters, came out to negotiate with the five sit-in police officers on behalf of the ICAC.

He smiled slightly, and took out a temporarily modified mobile phone: "Ah Hong, Ah Kun didn't remind me, he reacted very quickly!

What about you, you won't hold everyone back, will you? "

"Brother Feng, Siyankun is fighting locally. Now I want to help you fight the public opinion war across the sea, and I'm still in a big city like London. Do you think it's easy?" Gan Lianghong stayed up all night. Holding the phone between his hands, he quickly wrote on the manuscript paper with his right hand.

Ah Zun sat opposite Gan Shao with dark circles under his eyes, with a cup of bitter and astringent fast coffee in his hand, and he was burying himself in proofreading the news release.

Ding Yunfeng got up and looked outside the camp: "There are still a few shepherd dogs staring at me outside. Now, I'd rather be still than move. I can only work hard for you."

"Talking about hard work, you are embarrassing at this time, and everyone is not having a good life.

Well, when Ah Zun finishes this manuscript, I will fly to London with him. If the trip goes well, there will be news in two days! "

"Bon voyage, I am waiting for your good news on Hong Kong Island."


After hanging up the phone, Ding Yunfeng removed a small circuit board, restored the phone, put on his coat and got up to get off work.

Jane proudly waited for Ding Yunfeng in the parking lot, and saw Brother Feng was about to get in the car and go home.

Jane Sir hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "Ding Sir, a tiger will not chase its prey when it is full.

In fact, your monthly salary as a tactical consultant is quite high.I think you should know what I mean. "

"Jane Sir, thank you very much for your kindness.

However, as a person in the arena, in many situations, I can't retreat if I want to!
Besides, this game of chess has not come to the end, so it's really hard to say who will win. Ding Yunfeng was a little surprised, looked at Jane and smiled proudly.

"Haha, I just thought of it suddenly, and then said so. Ding Sir, don't take offense if I'm wrong."

"Where will it happen? If you dare to approach me, Ding Yunfeng, at this time, then you are a true friend!"

(End of this chapter)

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