Chapter 301 Conflict 2
Don't be too proud of Jane, Ding Yunfeng drove home alone.

On the way, he found a semi-old Lotus car closely following the car.

Knowing that it was someone from ICAC, Ding Yunfeng turned a blind eye to it, even when he got home, after he parked the car, he posed a handsome pose towards him.

The ICAC investigators on the Lotus car quickly pressed the shutter of the camera in accordance with the work procedures.

The person in charge of driving watched Ding Yunfeng walk into the villa, and sighed in a low voice: "Ding Sir has a good reputation in the police force!
I just don’t understand, so many black policemen don’t want to arrest him, why are we required to keep an eye on him 24 hours a day…”

"Why are there so many? We are paid by the ICAC, just remember to obey the orders from above and do things! Hey, look after me, I'll go and buy two hamburgers to resist first."

"Go, go, he's an elite police force who came back from Scotland Yard training!

In fact, Ding Sir has already spotted us in the camp of the Flying Tigers, and it doesn't matter whether he stares at us or not..."

Just like these two ICAC investigators, they were forced to guard outside Ding Yunfeng's villa.

Under the ICAC building, as the police officers from all districts arrived one after another, the five uniformed policemen who were ready to lose their jobs became more calm at this time.

"My colleagues in the police force, if you come here today, if you have any appeals, at least speak up?
Sitting at the door of our office building without saying a word, besides hindering our ICAC's daily work, it can't solve the problem at all..."

Yan Guoliang couldn't bear the press of the reporters, so he could only put down his posture and came to the five uniformed policemen who were sitting quietly to persuade them.

The five of them gave him a cold look, and all raised the banner in their hands.

The corners of Yan Guoliang's eyes twitched, just when he was in a dilemma.

Ma Jun brought the chiefs temporarily selected by several regional police stations, and the five major police superintendents of Hong Kong Island made a luxurious appearance in the future.

These five people are:
Dongjian - Wong Yiu Ping "Play Back To School";
Xikeng-Lin Leimeng "Police Story 1-2";
Nanqiao-Cao Dahua "Five Lucky Stars" series, "Best Partner" series;
Beijue-Chen Jianxin "Police Story 3", "Fight Back to School 3 Dragon Passing the Year of the Rooster", "Double Dragon Going to Sea" and so on;
Insidious - Hu Xin's "Fighting Ghosts" and "Fighting Ghosts School".

Striding forward, Ma Jun used his two well-developed pectoralis major muscles to knock Yan Guoliang back two steps.

Seeing the embarrassed ICAC commissioner, Ma Jun pointed to the people around him: "You are Sir Yan, right?

My name is Ma Jun, the inspector of Shau Kei Wan, and Zhang Yaoxiong, who was captured by your men this morning, is with me.

According to the helper, these two are Inspector Wong and Sir Chen from Wanchai District, these three are Inspector Lam Sir in Yau Tsim District, Inspector Cao Sir in Central District and Inspector Sir Wu in Kowloon. "

Yan Guoliang's face changed slightly when he heard the words. Ma Jun is easy to deal with, but the five people who accompany him are existences that thousand-year-old foxes have to run away with buckets on the spot.

"Hey, Sir Yan, you arrested Ah Jun's man today, he has a bit of a temper.

You have a lot of adults, don't care about it like a rough guy like him. Cao Dahua took out a pack of cigarettes with a smile: "Smoking?"Officer Yan? "

"Cao Sir, you are being polite. I don't smoke during working hours."

"Exactly, I only have six..." Cao Dahua didn't even look at Yan Guoliang, shook out the cigarettes, and lit them for the six people on his side.

Huang Yaobing took a sip and sprayed it on Yan Guoliang's face: "Sir Yan, the guys from the police stations in each district trust us, and now push us out to talk to you.

I won't say much, brothers who were captured by you, when are you going to release them? "

"Our ICAC acted according to the rules. We have the right to detain civil servants on Hong Kong Island who may be involved in corruption for 48 hours." Yan Guoliang looked disgusted, staring at the fat man who looked like a gangster and more like a bad guy in front of him.

Hu Xin exclaimed and replied: "48 hours? Such a long period of torture to extract a confession, Iron Man can't bear it.

Hey, Sir Yan, do you want to be so extreme?
When Huo Qilin was in the police force, he was famous for being tortured into tricks, and he only detained people for 24 hours.

Why is your ICAC wrist darker than that bastard? "

"Hu Sir, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!

ICAC has a strict and legal interrogation process for suspects, and there is no such thing as torture to extract confessions..." Yan Guoliang saw the reporters swarming up, and quickly refuted.

Leimeng Lin pushed his glasses and showed a gentle smile: "Sir Hu is famous for his exaggerated speeches in the police force. Please don't be offended, Sir."

"Lin Sir's words are somewhat reasonable.

Hu Sir, in public, I hope you at least think about it before you speak..." Yan Guoliang glanced at Lin Leimeng and said in a deep voice.

Lin Leimeng nodded solemnly and shouted: "Coercion is definitely not acceptable, but it is hard to talk about temptation...

Dear friends from the press, our Hong Kong Island is a place where human rights are respected and ruled by law. Just now, Sir Yan said that he agrees with what I said..."

"Hey, hey, Lin Leimeng, don't talk nonsense in front of the reporters? How can we be tempted? When did I agree with what you said?" Yan Guoliang's complexion changed drastically.

Chen Jianxin took a step forward and gave him a bear hug: "Sir, it's your duty, I understand your embarrassment..."

"Let go, let me go!"

Facing the tall and burly Chen Jianxin, how could Yan Guoliang's thin body have the strength to struggle?

Ma Jun and Cao Dahua looked at each other, walked a few steps forward silently, and blocked the shots of several cameras nearby.

With Hong Kong Island journalists always pissed, it doesn't matter if the news is right or not, the key is whether there is something hot or not.

Today, the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the Hong Kong Island Police are at loggerheads, which is already very eye-catching.

Now from the dialogue between the two sides, there is actually a point of coercion and temptation?
Don't think about it, just record it immediately, go back and cut the beginning and end, then take it out of context, edit it a little, everyone's bonus for this month will be settled!

The two larger TV stations sent on-site director vehicles. Ding Yunfeng sat at home, watching Yan Guoliang who was bent by Huang Yaobing and others, and silently mourned for him for a second.

These five major pitfalls cannot be carried by Chengdu on Mondays.

It's hard enough for one person, and today all members are dispatched, obviously wanting ICAC to lose face once, so as to facilitate subsequent negotiations.

Sure enough, I saw Lin Leimeng getting more and more outrageous in front of a bunch of unscrupulous reporters.

Yan Guoliang couldn't help shaking people out to help. He saw more than a dozen young people rushing out of the ICAC building.

Lin Leimeng quickly hid behind the three of them, looking at Yan Guoliang who was surrounded by reporters.

Huang Yaobing, who was standing next to him, secretly kicked a military uniform: "Put yourself in a dizzy way, don't tell me you really want to sit here for 48 hours?"

"Someone fainted!"

Yan Guoliang hadn't dealt with the media well on his side, and a uniformed police officer sitting in protest on the other side had fainted on the ground.

The police officers who shouted slogans and protested, under the secret instigation of Si Yankun, rushed up one by one with clenched fists.

(End of this chapter)

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