Chapter 302 Johnny, You Exposed

"Not good! Close, close the door! Close the door!" Yan Guoliang ran back to the building with Han Zhibang and a group of people.

A few of them ran slowly, and were pinned to the ground by the rushing police officers in the blink of an eye, punching and screaming.

Ma Jun crossed his arms and looked at with a sneer.

Cao Dahua and the others stood beside him, one by one shouting weakly on their toes: "Stop beating, stop beating..."

[Now, play a news report!
This morning, under the ICAC building on Queen's Road, a physical confrontation broke out between police officers who came to protest and ICAC investigators...]

On the top floor of the ICAC Building, Sir Jeddah turned off the TV angrily.

Looking at Yan Guoliang, he shouted loudly: "Now, I need an explanation!
Why, just arresting a few plainclothes leaders and military uniform leaders, will it be like this? "

Yan Guoliang was also very annoyed, but facing Guilo's boss, he could only gritted his teeth and said, "Sir, we are seriously short of manpower, only 1/8 of the police officers downstairs! I want to apply to call the water police over to help maintain order." !"

"No! It's impossible!
So far, no detective-level black policeman has been found, so you ask the water police to help you?

When you want to arrest Ding Yunfeng, do you want to ask the governor to mobilize the barracks to do things? "

Jida shook his head resolutely, he stared at Yan Guoliang and shouted: "There is not enough manpower, you can find a way by yourself!

This time, on the media side, I will help you say hello and stop them from continuing to smear ICAC.

However, next time, I will ask Lord Du to change someone to take your seat.

Now, you can get out! "

He was slapped by Ma Jun's group downstairs, and then sprayed by the dead ghost when he went upstairs.

Yan Guoliang held back his anger, turned around with a salute, and walked out of the room.

Back on the ICAC office floor, seeing that Han Zhibang and the others either had bruises on their faces or their suits were torn, Yan Guoliang swallowed back the swear words that he almost uttered.


"Sir Yan, I'm here!" Han Zhibang handed the safflower oil to the fat man and ran to Yan Guoliang.

Looking at Han Zhibang with bruises on his face, Yan Guoliang passed a cigarette over: "You help me order, arrest these people, eat three meals a day, don't miss them.

Then besides not being able to make phone calls, they have other reasonable requests, which they can agree to at their discretion. "

Yan Sir, that's not what you said this morning! ! !
Han Zhibang was stunned.

Yan Guoliang looked at the large group of police officers downstairs who hadn't left yet, with a gloomy look on his face: "The wicked need to be tortured by the wicked. It seems that my methods for these people are still too gentle..."

"Sir, what did you just say?"

"It's nothing, you, you go to work." Yan Guoliang returned to the office after dismissing the suspicious Han Zhibang.

Quickly changing into a shirt and trousers, Yan Guoliang went downstairs to drive, quietly left through the back door, and drove to the New Territories Reservoir alone.


After this direct confrontation with ICAC, everyone is considered to be the same enemy, and it is also a disguised confirmation of the same camp.

Ma Jun and Siyan Kun didn't hide from everyone anymore, and told Huang Yaobing the five leaders.

Even without the four major detectives and Chen Zhichao, we still have Brother Feng to rely on!
These five people are not stupid, except that Chen Jianxin had been with Yan Tong before, and was worried that he would not be accepted by Ding Yunfeng.

The other four people have clearly stated their positions, as long as Brother Feng comes out and leads everyone to fight against ICAC, everyone will follow his lead in the future!
A moment later, as Jeddah greeted the major media.

Even Ma Jun, Huang Yaobing and others continued to make two uniformed policemen faint.

It's a pity that this time, not only did no TV station arrange a live broadcast, but even many reporters who stayed here to wait for the news left one after another.

"Akun, the situation is not right. Go and ask Sir Ding for instructions. What else can he do?" Cao Dahua looked at the ICAC personnel who locked the gate and ignored the police protesting.

Si Yankun took out Ding Yunfeng's processed mobile phone: "Brother Feng, except for the people from "Hong Kong Island Daily" and "Yijiu Magazine", most of the reporters have left."

"Akun, don't panic!
I know someone from the chamber of commerce told me that Guilao Jeddah personally called the major media to save face, and you are leading everyone to continue spending time with ICAC.

Wait until 48 hours, you immediately take Ma Jun and the others to ask for someone from the other party.

I just counted the time, Ah Xiong and the others came out, and there was also news from the ancestor's house. "Ding Yunfeng grabbed another phone with an anti-tapping function, and replied calmly.

Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi sat on the sofa next to Ding Yunfeng.

When Brother Feng hung up Si Yankun's call, Coolie Qiang said anxiously: "Brother Feng, Young Master Gan and Azun, they just rushed to Kai Tak Airport half an hour ago, is there too little time?"

"Haha, Ah Qiang, do you think I spent those two years in my ancestor's house for nothing?

Don't worry, Ahong and the others haven't gone there yet. I've asked my friends in London to do a lot of things. "Ding Yunfeng showed a confident smile.

Coolie felt a little relieved after hearing this, and he and Jimmy looked up to the direction of Kai Tak Airport, where a passenger plane roared away...

The next day.

At London Airport, Gan Lianghong and Lin Dazun came out of the passenger exit with tired faces, dragging their suitcases.

Bauf held up a boarding pass with their names written on it, and beside him stood a man with a serious expression, but his whole body exuded a funny temperament all the time.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith?"

"That's right, I'm Bow Smith, and this is my good friend Johnny Ingrid. You two, are Mr. Gan and Mr. Lin that Ding talked about on the phone?"


The two sides exchanged a few pleasantries to confirm their respective identities.

Bauf and Johnny took Gan Lianghong and they got into Johnny's recognizable light green BMW mini.

"Young Master Gan, I heard people say that Mr. Ding came here last time and went back to Smith Manor in a carriage..."

"Shh, in the eyes of these old London nobles, unless they are receiving distinguished guests, they will not use the family carriage with the badge."

"I know, I'm just curious, what exactly is the old Smith carriage that Ding Sheng complained about many times?"

Gan Lianghong and Lin Dazun talked in low voices while looking at the British buildings flying backwards outside the car.

But the two of them didn't realize that no matter Johnny who was driving, or Bauf who was sitting in the passenger seat, they had weird expressions at this moment.

Although the BMW mini was carrying four rough men, the speed of the car was much faster than the carriage that Ding Yunfeng was riding in.

It only took ten minutes to get back to Smith Manor from the airport.

Looking at the iron gates, fountains and sculptures with a sense of history in front of them, Gan Lianghong and Lin Dazun both put away their small peeping hearts.

"Two guests, that one is the Smith carriage that Ding told you about." Before entering the villa, Bauf pointed to the carriage that Old Smith happened to take out.

Gan Lianghong and Lin Dazun were taken aback by this slightly blunt Hong Kong language.

Johnny on the side suppressed a smile, and he added in Hong Kong dialect more fluent than Bauf: "As a qualified royal agent, it is not normal for us to master several languages ​​​​of other countries? Two guests, Don't be surprised."

"Ahem, Johnny, you seem to have missed your identity..."

"Oh, Merlin's beard!"

(End of this chapter)

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