Chapter 31 Flexibility and Stretch
The two sides exchanged a few words, and Zhu Tao said vaguely that he was a small shopper following Chaozhou porridge for food.

Hu Xiang was a little surprised. In this day and age, it is a very normal business in Hong Kong Island to go out of business.

It's just that he couldn't figure out why Zhu Tao wanted to find Ding Yunfeng?
In his eyes, Ding Yunfeng is a real boss!
"Boss Zhu, I can try my best to introduce you. However, I don't think you can make friends with Ding Sheng." Hu Xiang reminded with professionalism.

When Zhu Tao heard the words, he stuffed a red envelope in the past, Hu Xiang squeezed it, and took him up to the third floor with a smile: "Please wait a moment, I'll go over and find out for you."

"I'm sorry to trouble you."


At this time, in the box.

While holding Ding Yunfeng's shoulders, Chen Xijiu loudly told the old story about the first time he and Ding Yunfeng met in the Walled City Ring, and the other party helped him win a lot of money.

"Brother Feng, is that Tang Judy really like what the gossip magazines wrote about, without underwear?"

"Tick, Axiong, can't you hear clearly? Brother Feng is being supported by that young woman Zhao, and he hasn't approached Tang Zhudi, how can you tell?"

"Aqiu, I can tell from the first listen that you are inexperienced..."


Seeing that this group of little white sheep was brought down by Chen Xijiu, an old driver, Ding Yunfeng coughed lightly: "Hey, hey, pay attention to the influence. After graduation, everyone will be police officers."

As soon as the words came out, boos abounded.

Chen Xijiu laughed so hard: "You are a Stanley prison guard under the Correctional Services Department, what kind of police officer are you???"

The joyous atmosphere that was originally filled with the private room immediately dropped to freezing point following Chen Xijiu's words.

Ding Yunfeng smiled and didn't speak, but Chen Jiaju couldn't bear it with his bluntness: "Inspector Chen, Ah Feng..."

"Stop, I know what you're going to say, Jia Kui?" Chen Xijiu suppressed her smile, pointed at Ding Yunfeng and said, "I'm going to Stanley to be a prison guard. This is what I discussed with Brother Luo before going to Huangzhukeng. !"

"But, the prison guards..."

"I know that although the prison guards carry the word police, they are promoted within the Correctional Services Department and have nothing to do with the police department we belong to! Once Ah Feng goes there, basically he can only rely on himself ..." Chen Xijiu put down his wine glass and talked eloquently.

Chen Jiaju nodded slowly when he heard the words, his old bean Chen Zhichao was even higher than Lei Luo, he already knew these things.

"Don't worry, this scumbag, he rejected my favor back then, but today he can get married with Luo Ge and have two prosperous shops!

All of you, why worry that he won't be able to get out in Stanley?
Besides, one day I really can't get along, I just need to resign and start working again, can't I join the police force again? "

Chen Xijiu has been with Lei Luo for many years, and he has seen many things clearly. With a single word from him, Chen Jiaju and others let go of their worries.

Looking at Ding Yunfeng who was smiling and not speaking, Chen Jiaju blushed a little, he was really embarrassing that the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuchs were in a hurry.

"I know that Brother Ninth knows a lot about politics, you are a veteran of the police force, and Louis XIII can't stop your mouth." Ding Yunfeng pushed Chen Xijiu to help Chen Jiaju out of the siege.

"Choose! It's true that good people don't get rewarded. I'll help you get rid of my brother, but I'm still being embarrassed by you." Chen Xijiu pretended to be dissatisfied, picked up his wine glass, cursed and got up and left.

It can be seen that Inspector Abalone's EQ is not low. He knows that if he stays, Miao Zhishun and the others will not be able to let go.

Pushing the door open, Chen Xijiu just lit a cigarette when she saw Hu Xiang hurried over.

"Old Hu, it just so happens that you are here. All the expenses in this building will be charged to my account." After greeting casually, Chen Xijiu walked towards the box he had come out of earlier.

Hu Xiang nodded with a smile. When Chen Xijiu was gone, he quickly adjusted his breathing, and with a smile on his face, he pushed open the door.

From Hu Xiang's mouth, I learned that Zhu Tao wanted to see him.

Ding Yunfeng's eyes moved slightly, and he took out a cigarette: "A disgruntled house demolisher wants to see me, a prison guard, ha ha, interesting."

"Ding Sheng, if you don't want to see him, I'll immediately reject him." Hu Xiang's smile remained the same, and it didn't matter what Ding Yunfeng was doing, the key was that he owned two Hongxin handbag shops.

Ding Yunfeng knocked on the dining table jokingly: "It doesn't matter if you see it, you can't refute Manager Hu's golden face."

"Haha, thank you Ding Sheng for your face, then I'll go over and bring him over." Hu Xiang was overjoyed when he heard that.

After he left, Chen Jiaju, who never lacked a sense of justice, snorted: "The slut just graduated from Wenwen, and it's a shame for the police force to have such a friend!"

"That's right! Worst of all, he even invited Director Chen and Sir Xiong!"

"Brother Feng, what do you see this kind of bastard who walks on fans and makes bad money?"

Miao Zhishun and Ma Jun spoke one after another.

Chou Jinjiang and Zhang Yaoxiong didn't say a word, in their minds, it's fine for them to hang out with Ding Yunfeng by themselves, and they don't need to doubt what the boss decides.

Zhu Tao quickly followed Hu Xiang over, and when he entered, he saw that the round table in front of him was filled with top-level dishes and four or five bottles of Louis XIII.

His back immediately bent a bit: "Hello, Sir Ding, hello, Sir."

"I heard from Manager Hu that Boss Zhu wants to see me, so what advice do you have?" Ding Yunfeng raised his wine glass and looked playfully at Zhu Tao, who had not yet developed into a big fan in the fan world.

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

Zhu Tao is very good at business, and his posture is very low.

He first admitted that he ate with Teochew porridge, and said that due to the exchange of districts between Lei Luo and Yan Tong, Teochew porridge left all the noodle stall business in Wan Chai to him. After learning that Wen Jianren, who had been sponsored by him, recently He hoped to squeeze out Ma Jun and join the Wanchai Police Station, so he began to think about it...

Together with Wen Jianren, he was overjoyed and broke the news at the banquet that he climbed up to A Bing and wanted to plot against Ding Yunfeng.

Zhu Tao confessed everything together, Ding Yunfeng kept smiling and listening, the people around him were already covered with chills, especially Ma Jun, who was involved, was even sweating from alcohol.

"Boss Zhu, what you said will not only sell Wen Jianren, but once Yan Tong finds out, you will hardly need to do business in Wanchai." Ding Yunfeng took a sip of his wine, looked at Zhu Tao and said.

Zhu Tao smiled wryly and wiped his forehead: "Ding Sir, everyone outside thinks that we fans are all big fishers with bulging pockets.

But who would have thought that how many people would step in and divide the money from purchasing, distributing, setting up a stall, and collecting money?
Now that Master Yan has lost the Yau Tsim District, he must have shaved badly when he first came to Wan Chai.

My boss Teochew porridge, everyone knows that he eats with Brother Luo. If I go to Wanchai to open, I will be swept by the plainclothes team at least four times in three days.

Originally, I was expecting Wen Jianren to get rid of this Ma Sir, so that I could start with the military uniform, but now he can't count on it, so I might as well give it a go and see if I can use this information to get another one from you. Good fate. "

Seeing Zhu Tao's aggrieved and cowardly expression, Ding Yunfeng sighed secretly, no wonder this bastard can succeed in the future!
Capable of flexing and stretching, seeing every stitch, and having the courage to seize any opportunity to fight.

Chen Jiaju, who only knows how to play his life and be reckless, if he doesn't have the aura of the protagonist, he really can't play this guy!
(End of this chapter)

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