Chapter 32
Tangtang, a fan who demolished his house, was aggrieved and buried his head in front of Ding Yunfeng, like a young daughter-in-law who had been bullied.

Zhu Tao's poor appearance, if he let the Taoist know, I don't know how many eyeballs will be shocked! ! !
However, Ding Yunfeng, who is familiar with the path this person will take, how could he be confused by his deliberate weakness?

"Okay! If in order to support Wen Jianren, I come here to apologize for plotting against Ah Jun, then I will reveal this page on his behalf. If there is nothing else, Boss Zhu, please go ahead."

Glancing at Zhu Tao, Ding Yunfeng smiled and drove away.

Uh ~
This kid doesn't follow the rules, does he?
Zhu Tao raised his head in astonishment when he heard the words. Before he came, he prepared many countermeasures for Ding Yunfeng's possible reaction.


He was also ready to be beaten up by Ding Yunfeng or Ma Jun.

But driving him away like this is not in line with what Ding Yunfeng should do at his age.

"This... good... good..." Zhu Tao's face turned red and blue, he put down a business card on the table, and walked out anxiously.

Back to a few minutes ago...

Hu Xiang, who recommended Zhu Tao to Ding Yunfeng, went to find Chen Xijiu immediately when he went out, and told him that Zhu Tao had recommended Ding Yunfeng to him.

Rewarding him with a generous tip, Chen Xijiu asked Hu Xiang to say something to Ding Yunfeng, and asked Ding Yunfeng to come find him when the show was over.

Hu Xiang scooped up enough red envelopes at both ends, so he naturally agreed, but he didn't expect that the matter of God of Wealth Gaozhao was yet to come.

Zhu Tao, who was bored smoking on the deck, saw Hu Xiang approaching, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "Manager Hu, the consumption of Sir Ding's box..."

"Boss Zhu, I'm sorry, Ding Sheng's consumption tonight has been settled by Inspector Chen."

"Inspector Chen? Which Inspector Chen!"

"Who else can make friends with Ding Sheng? Of course it is the Shau Kei Wan Police Station, Chen Xijiu, and Inspector Chen."

Inspector Abalone?

Mad, the little fox named Ding has slippery hands.

Wen Jianren was sold by himself again, it seems that there is only one more gamble! ! !

Zhu Tao gritted his teeth and took out a red envelope: "Ninth brother is here too? Manager Hu, just a little bit, do me a favor..."


Originally, Ding Yunfeng and his group had almost finished eating and were about to leave.

But with Zhu Tao's arrival, everyone sat back and Miao Zhishun persuaded Ding Yunfeng.

You must not get too close to people like Zhu Tao, lest you seek skin from a tiger, and one day you will be betrayed by him like Wen Jianren.

As for Ma Jun, he suddenly learned that he was caught in the vortex of the battle between the two big men, Lei Luo and Yan Tong. Of course, he was a little scared. Accompanied by Zhang Yaoxiong and Qiu Jinjiang, he called a case of beer and blew one bottle after another. .

"Ah Xiong, Ah Qiu, stop Ma Jun, if he drinks like this, will he die of drunkenness?"

Ding Yunfeng kicked the two little brothers, and then looked at Miao Zhishun with a smile: "I never promised that what happened to the street, Brother Shun, you don't have to worry so much, right?"

"Before today, who would have thought that among the classmates around us, there were some who had not yet graduated and would be in touch with the big brother who was a fan?" Miao Zhishun gave Ding Yunfeng a white look.

Chen Jiaju suddenly sighed: "Ah Feng, is this one of the reasons why you would rather be a prison guard than join the police force?"

"Perhaps." Ding Yunfeng smiled lightly, and immediately looked at Zhan Mizai: "It's getting late, go and pay the bill."

"Alright Brother Feng."

Zhan Mi nodded and stood up, and soon came back with a smiling Hu Xiang.

"Ding Sheng, Inspector Chen has settled your bill. He even asked me to tell you, after the show, go to Room 303 to find him."

"Ah Feng, then the rest of us will leave first." Chen Jiaju said wittily.

"Okay, Zhan Mizai, you send Jia Kui back.

Axiong and Achou, take care of Ma Jun, don't let him continue to drink.

Brother Shun, when Ma Jun wakes up, tell him that I will settle his affairs for him. "

Ding Yunfeng quickly explained a few words, and watched the few people get off the seafood boat and get into the car to go away. Then, accompanied by Hu Xiang, they came to the 303 box.

Hu Xiang pushed open the door, and Ding Yunfeng saw Chen Xijiu, skillfully playing with a set of Zisha Gongfu tea set.

The white crane bathes, the Guanyin enters the palace, the hanging pot is high, the spring breeze blows, Guan Gong patrols the city, and Han Xin orders troops.

After the six flowing movements, Chen Xijiu stretched out his hand to signal, and Ding Yunfeng sat down with a smile, immersed himself in tasting the soup, and took a teacup to sip the rain.

"Zhu Tao just came to see me."

"His boss is Chaozhou porridge, and he followed Luoge to find one of the four major families."

"This time Luo Ge used Wan Chai to replace Yan Tong's Yau Tsim District. Teochew porridge knew that the original noodle stall in Wan Chai would be wiped out by Yan Tong, so he threw the mess to him."

Chen Xijiu said while making tea.

Ding Yunfeng listened quietly and suddenly laughed: "It would be good if half of what that guy said is credible. There is a school policeman named Wen Jianren in this issue, and he is the financial backer behind it."

"Hehe, this kind of thing, as long as one is in the police force, sooner or later! But this is the first time I have seen this kind of investment in apprentice police. Drink tea." Chen Xijiu snorted.

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng secretly sighed, what is this?In the future, a dwarf will have more fun, and send a few dwarf mules to the police force N years in advance.

"Zhu Tao this time, you should do me a favor and let him go, okay?" Chen Xijiu said in a deep voice after drinking a few cups of Tieguanyin.

Ding Yunfeng couldn't help laughing: "Hey, brother nine, I have already indicated that I will open this page."

"Oh, don't worry about Zhu Tao, he supports that Wen Jianren to provoke you in order to get fans in Wan Chai.

If Brother Luo knows about this matter, believe it or not, he will sink into the sea tonight?
You all know that Brother Luo and Yan Tong are incompatible.

Wen Jianren climbed up to A Bing, and Zhu Tao, as his benefactor, was also the horse boy of Chaozhou porridge. "Chen Xijiu analyzed one by one to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng drank tea silently, he was surprised, with Lei Luo's temperament, Chen Xijiu as his confidant, if this kind of thing happened, he had no reason to protect Zhu Tao!

With Lei Luo's way of doing things, don't you have to be a little suspicious and would rather kill the wrong than let it go?
Chen Xijiu wants to protect Zhu Tao, not afraid that the incident will cause Lei Luo's dissatisfaction?

Do not!
wrong! !
Teochew porridge! ! !
Ding Yunfeng suddenly remembered that in "Empire of Money", the leader of the Chaozhou gang who was smashed to death by Lei Luo with a teacup.

It is said that Yan Tong has a lot of friends in the Chaozhou gang. This time, Lei Luo designed Gui Lao to come forward and push the Yau Tsim District where the former has been operating for many years. Yan Tong must have fought back.

Could it be...

At this time, Chaozhou porridge has been instigated by Yan Tong?

Otherwise, if there is a meeting held in Lei Luo's villa in the future to discuss the sales of roses, Lei Luo will smash to death on the spot if there is a disagreement!

This is the leader of the Chaozhou Gang!
Don't look at him rushing to the street in less than 1 minute in the movie, but in fact, the inside story here is definitely not that simple.

A lot of fog in Ding Yunfeng's mind was instantly cleared away. Assuming that Yan Tong had rebelled against Chaozhou porridge, then taking advantage of Zhu Tao's fall this time, Chen Xijiu took advantage of Lei Luo's younger brother, so it would make sense.

(End of this chapter)

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