Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 33 Teochew porridge destined to be bullied

Chapter 33 Teochew porridge destined to be bullied

"Is Chaozhou porridge going against Luo Ge?"

Chen Xijiu, who was using the technique of rolling a hydrangea with a lion, pretended to be serious and washed the Kung Fu teacup.

Hearing Ding Yunfeng's words, his fingers trembled, the boiling water splashed, and his teeth were scalded: "Hiss... you... where did you get the wind from?"

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng smiled and lit a cigarette, Chen Xijiu cursed inwardly and rushed to the street, he quickly got up to open the door, stretched out a grease tip, and looked around vigilantly.

Hu Xiang, who was standing not far away, smiled and waved to this side.

This time, Chen Xijiu didn't give a good face, and slammed the door directly!


Rubbing her burned fingers, Chen Xijiu sat back in fear with a face full of fear: "Pujie, can you say such things here?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Seeing Ding Yunfeng smiling so much that he showed two rows of big white teeth, Chen Xijiu became annoyed and pulled him up, grabbed his shoulders and walked out of the box.

Sitting in Chen Xijiu's Mercedes-Benz, Ding Yunfeng put away his smile and said in a deep voice, "I will ask Zhan Mi to close the store in Wan Chai tomorrow."

"Well, it's fine to shut it down. Yan Tong probably won't lower himself to deal with your handbag shop, but it's hard to say that A Bing is on the street." Chen Xijiu said while driving.

"By the way, I have a friend who was going to report to the Wan Chai Police Station. His name is Ma Jun."

"Sitting across from you earlier, she looked a bit like Master Ye, who was designed by Zhu Tao and Wen Jianren today?"

"Yes, he is very skilled. How about changing it to your Shau Kei Wan?"

"Okay, if these things happened, he would not be trusted by Yan Tong when he went to Wan Chai. Come to Shau Kei Wan and follow me, I guarantee that he will be promoted to plainclothes in a year." Driving to the door of Lei Luo's villa, Chen Xijiu pushed the door and got off .

Ding Yunfeng patted him on the shoulder: "You've missed it. Ma Jun is very good at fighting. In the future, he will help you solve a few big cases. Maybe you can make Yan Tong die of sourness."

"Aren't you joking? How good is it?" Chen Xijiu's eyes lit up, and he quickly took out a cigarette.

"Ma Jun and I are about the same."

"Wow, I'm really interested if you say that."

"Hey, use good steel on the blade, don't take him to the city to be a boxer!"

"Damn! As I said last time, I'm here to cooperate with Brother Luo!"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

The two talked and laughed, and walked into Lei Luo's house.

After saying hello to his sister-in-law, Ding Yunfeng, led by Chen Xijiu, walked into Lei Luo's luxuriously decorated study.

"Hey, at this point, you two don't go drinking or picking up girls, what are you doing here?" Lei Luo was wearing pajamas and threw a cigar to the two of them.

Ding Yunfeng took it and put it in his pocket, watching the other two curse secretly.

They have completely given up treatment for the former's reluctance to smoke cigars.

In fact, they didn't know that in the eyes of Ding Yunfeng, cigars are the favorite of the rich, ghosts and nouveau riche, and he will smoke special red pandas in the future.

"Brother Luo, the thing is like this..." Sitting opposite Lei Luo, Chen Xijiu told the story of Zhu Tao in detail.

Hearing that Ding Yunfeng learned that there was a problem with Chaozhou porridge, Lei Luo also showed a surprised expression: "Ah Feng, where did you get the news, did Ah Hao tell you?"

Wu Shihao?
He also knows that Teochew porridge is going against it?

Wu Shihao's Yiqun is a new brand founded by recruiting people from Chaozhou.

In this way, everything is on the same page. Lei Luo knows that Chaozhou porridge is going against him, so he supports Wu Shihao to set up his own family.

In the future, Chaozhou porridge will hit the street. Wu Shihao, who is already the leader of the number one society on Hong Kong Island, not only is from Chaoshan, but also from the Chaozhou gang, helps Lei Luo calm down the Chaozhou gang who has lost its leader and is about to riot!

With his own intrusion this time, there will be an extra Zhu Tao.

Teochew porridge is dead, Lei Luo, Wu Shihao and Zhu Tao will send him down to sell salted duck eggs without even waiting for the rose to appear.

"This has nothing to do with Brother Hao, I guessed it myself..." Ding Yunfeng glanced at Lei Luo, and said his speculation, just hiding the prophet of the future plot.

After Lei Luo and Chen Xijiu heard this, they looked at each other.

Chen Xijiu puffed on his cigar: "Fuck the street! So, you tricked me into coming here at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant?"

"Yeah, that's right, Brother Ninth, you just found out now?" Ding Yunfeng shrugged his shoulders, his expression a little embarrassed.

Lei Luo glared at Chen Xijiu, your brain can only compete with A Bing back and forth.

"Okay, don't meddle in this matter, Ah Feng. I still have use for this Zhu Tao. When I run out, you can do whatever you want." After Ding Yunfeng clicked, Lei Luo arranged for the two to sleep in the guest room. Down.

Ma Jun's group rushed to the street and drank so much tonight.

Ding Yunfeng knew how much they would vomit in the dormitory after a little thought. He didn't want to go back and suffer. He took a shower, put on the clothes prepared by Lei's servants, and soon fell asleep.


The next morning, the dormitory of the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy.

Miao Zhishun was awakened by the stench of vomit, and looked at Ma Jun, Zhang Yaoxiong and Qiu Jinjiang who were lying on the ground.

Rubbing the sore forehead caused by the hangover, Miao Zhishun vaguely remembered that after Zhan Mi sent everyone back last night, he kept Ding Yunfeng's instructions in mind, first sobered up Ma Jun, and then told Ding Yunfeng to help him solve the problem of the report.


It seems that Ma Jun let go of his psychological burden, and after a few words about Brother Feng's awesomeness, this guy went out to buy beer and came back, and then...

Seeing the mess everywhere, Miao Zhishun had the answer.

After pouring a bucket of cold water, Miao Zhishun woke up one by one: "Hey! Let's see what time it is. If we don't report to the police station, we will be late!!"

"I rely on!"

"Brother Shun, why didn't you wake us up earlier?"

"Axiong, let me go to the bathroom first..."

After a while of flying around, several people washed up and ran to the school gate wearing brand new police uniforms.

Director Chen, Xiong Sir and others have already sent away many graduated police officers. The two of them, together with several instructors, are dealing with Wen Jianren's entanglement.

"Ma Jun, the bastard Wen is over there, please hold back and don't be impulsive." Miao Zhishun put his arm around Ma Jun's shoulder and reminded him in a low voice.

"Brother Shun, don't worry, I trust Ah Feng."

"Well, let's go there." Miao Zhishun breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Zhang Yaoxiong and Qiu Jinjiang.

Seeing a few people approaching, Xiong Sir threw away Wen Jianren, and said with some reproach: "What are you doing, what time is it, the minibus has already left!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiong. Let's drive them there! We are late on the first day, they have a hard time in the police station, and we also lose face in Huangzhukeng." Director Chen walked over and said.

Miao Zhishun and the others apologized repeatedly, and finally calmed down the faces of several school leaders, and began to arrange for vehicles to come.

"Huh! Let the Sirs bother you at school, and when you go out to be a Sir, you have to send a car to escort the school. It's really embarrassing!"

A yin and yang voice came over, it was Wen Jianren, that bitch.

"Damn! What are you talking about? Aren't you here?" Ma Jun stood up angrily, and Miao Zhishun and the others hurriedly stopped him.

Wen Jianren smiled, and pointed to a Ford sedan a few meters away: "I have a friend who drove to pick me up. Think I'm some of you useless wood?"

After saying that, he jokingly looked at Ma Jun: "Tsk tsk tsk, I almost forgot to tell someone, you don't have to report to the Wanchai police station."

"What did you say?" Ma Jun was furious. Director Chen, who had arranged the vehicle, came over quickly, just as he was about to explain.

A Mercedes-Benz convertible raced over with a long horn, and stopped at the gate of the police academy with a beautiful flick.

Chen Xijiu, with hair wax on his head, sunglasses on his face, and a tight suit, opened the door and said, "Ma Jun, from today on, you are with me!

At the Shau Kei Wan Police Station, there are dozens of people from plain clothes to military uniforms, and they have already sat down at eight tables. Hurry up and get in the car with me, and don’t keep your colleagues waiting. "

(End of this chapter)

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