Chapter 34 Who cares about this land?

Ma Jun waved at Wen Jianren triumphantly, and sat in Chen Xijiu's open-top Mercedes-Benz, leaving behind a series of deafening engine roars.

When Miao Zhishun and his friends saw that Ma Jun was appreciated by Chen Xijiu, they were both envious and grateful for Ma Jun.

Only Wen Jianren saw this scene, his nose was almost crooked with anger.

"Hmph!" Wen Jianren turned around and walked towards the somewhat old-fashioned Ford car beside him. Wen Jianren was so angry that he didn't even bother to say goodbye to several leaders of the police academy.

"It's getting late, you three hurry up and get in the car." Director Chen came over in a Beetle, rolled down the window and waved his hands.

Miao Zhishun, Zhang Yaoxiong, and Qiu Jinjiang hurried in. There were six people in the dormitory, and the remaining three had the least background.

Fortunately, the leaders of the police academy can cover it, otherwise, they would definitely be embarrassed today.

Wen Jianren got into Zhu Tao's Ford car angrily, and shouted at Danny Zhu who was in the driver's seat: "Let's go, what are you still doing?"

Zhu Dani twitched the corner of his mouth, too lazy to argue with him.

It turned out that Chen Xijiu hadn't come yet, and Wen Jianren didn't think there was anything wrong with Ford.

Now, compared with Ma Jun riding in that cool convertible sports car, Wen Jianren must complain a few sour words along the way.

Danny Zhu was so annoyed when he heard that, he finally understood why even his uncle Zhu Tao, who is a recognized smiling tiger in the Tao, almost vomited blood last night after being provoked by Wen Jianren.

Trying to increase the speed of the car, Danny Zhu quickly sent Wen Jianren to the Wanchai Police Station.

"Choose! Do you know how to drive!

This journey made my five internal organs almost shift, so I am a prickly kid. "Wen Jianren cursed and pushed the door down.

Zhu Dani sat in the car and watched with a sneer. When Wen Jianren walked into the mission hall, he turned the steering wheel violently and drove away.

"Brother, my name is Wen Jianren, police number pc: 59438, where is the office of your uniformed team?" Wen Jianren pulled a uniformed policeman wearing a hat, smiled and took out a cigarette.

The man looked Wen Jianren up and down, but did not pick up the Marlboro he took out from Zhu Tao's car: "So you are the 'I am [-]'.

You don't need to come to our military uniform team. Ye Yan just asked if you came. Now you go up to the third floor, go to the innermost office, and go directly to find Yen Ye. "

Don't need to go to the military uniform?
Could it be that Lord Yan wants to promote me to plainclothes! ! !

I knew that it would be a waste for me, Wen Jianren, to be placed on the road in military uniform.

Wen Jianren happily put away Marlboro, without even saying hello, Da Ci pushed the man away, and walked up the stairs with his head held high.

Suddenly being pushed and staggered, the chubby policeman in military uniform smiled angrily: "Made Pujiezi, you'll know later..."

He took off the red ribbon hanging on the wall with his hand, and just as he hung it on his body, several soldiers in military uniform walked in side by side, saluting together: "Good morning Sir."

"Come on, Master Yan is in a bad mood today, so tell the guys to cheer me up!

In addition, that bastard named Wen Jianren made me very uncomfortable when I first started. Do you know how to do it? "

"Convex (哉盘哉), this Street Fighter has just arrived, so he dares to offend Ah Tou?"

"Made, this is unbearable..."


Wen Jianren didn't know that the fat uniformed policeman he asked for directions just now was the leader of the Wanchai military uniformed team. While arranging his clothes, he walked briskly up to the third floor.

As he got closer and closer to Yan Tong's office, the voice of the voice inside could vaguely reach Wen Jianren's ears.

"Hmph! Don't push yourself too hard, I've already given way."

"Hey, how can you say that I'm pushing an inch?

If you weren't trying to mess with my brother, why should I go from Yau Tsim District to Wan Chai to talk to you?
Oh, and I have a coffee date with Sir Steven..."

boom! ! !
The closed door was pushed open forcefully, and a middle-aged man with a gloomy appearance and hawk-like eyes came out, just in time to see Wen Jianren who had just come here.

"Who are you? What are you doing sneakily outside my door?" Yan Tong stared at Wen Jianren and shouted sharply.

Wen Jianren quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Master Yan! My name is Wen Jianren, police number pc: 59438..."

"So you are the shoveler." Yan Tong didn't wait for Wen Jianren to finish speaking, and slapped him directly.

Snapped! !

Jianji was slapped across the face, and Wen Jianren was completely dumbfounded.

But it was still to make him despair, Yan Tong slapped him and was still angry, then kicked him somersault again.

"Come on. Come on!" Yan Tong shouted twice.

The leader in military uniform who was downstairs just now appeared in response: "Master Yan, what are your orders?"

"I don't want to see this jerk boy at the Wanchai police station, you have to get him out of here today." Yan Tong glared at the military uniformed leader, and walked back to the room angrily.

Wen Jianren, who didn't know what happened, crawled towards Yan Tong with hands and feet.

But when he saw Ding Yunfeng in the room wearing a military uniform and standing in front of Yan Tong accompanied by a man in a suit, and Zhu Tao lying on the ground with bruises all over his body.

Wen Jianren's face was as pale as paper, and he dared not say the phrase "I know Mr. Bing" on his lips.

After disposing of the instigator who was provoked by Lei Luo, Yan Tong's anger calmed down a little. He pointed to the outside of the room and said, "Lei Luo, you won a small round today. If you come to Wan Chai, it is to get rid of my Yan Tong." Face, then I congratulate you, you did it."

"Oh, Lord Yan, what you said..." Lei Luo touched his hooked nose, patted Ding Yunfeng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Okay, it's getting late, let's stop disturbing Lord Yan with his business."

Ding Yunfeng glanced at Yan Tong, who was buried in signing official documents and his right hand was shaking slightly. He finally understood why Lei Luo had to get up early and brought him and Zhu Tao to Wan Chai.

It turned out that after Zhu Tao found Chen Xijiu last night, he immediately confessed to the Leiluo Group the relevant people he had contacted for Wen Jianren to clear up the relationship.

Then, Lei Luo sent people to find these people, threatened and lured them all into battle, and made a "confession" overnight to drag A Bing into the water.

This morning, Lei Luo brought Zhu Tao, who was beaten badly, and Ding Yunfeng, the "sufferer", to Wanchai Xingshi to question his crimes.

If the status of the two parties is not equal, Lei Luo's above actions will not be able to do anything to Yan Tong at all.

But at this time, Lei Luo was so popular in front of Gui Lao, this time Yan Tong gave up his words, so he had no choice but to admit it.

After leaving the Wan Chai Police Station, Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo sat side by side in the back seat of the car.

Listening to Lei Luo's eloquent talk, Ding Yunfeng's eyes twinkled.

It turns out that today's incident is really trivial.

Ah Bing intervenes in the personnel affairs of the police force, but it is a big taboo for ghosts.

As big as a regional inspector, as small as changing from military uniform to plain clothes, the personnel promotion of the Hong Kong Island Police Force has always been a cornucopia for ghosts to make money.

A Bing can let Wen Jianren squeeze Ma Jun out today, who can guarantee that you, Yan Tong, will insert your hand into the promotion of the rank of inspector tomorrow?

"Brother Luo, I remember Brother Jiu said that a detective is currently priced at 20 yuan.

Even if Yan Tong intervenes, can he still charge 30 from the people below?Isn't the ghost blind? "Ding Yunfeng frowned.

He felt that Lei Luo's analysis was too exaggerated. With Yan Tong's identity, even if this trivial matter was stabbed in front of Gui Lao, the other party would not easily fall out of favor.

Lei Luo suddenly let out a wry smile with a cigar in his mouth: "Ah Feng, you have to remember that where you and I are, the ghost has the final say!
There is an old saying in my hometown, if you are not of my race, your heart must be different.

This sentence is also true from the perspective of ghosts. If you want to live like a human being on Hong Kong Island, you must remember, no, you must not offend ghosts, let alone make them suspicious of you.

Now that I'm gaining power in front of the ghost, Yan Tong naturally doesn't dare to lose points in front of the ghost..."

Ding Yunfeng slowly closed his eyes, he really wanted to refute Lei Luo.

This piece of land is only temporarily stolen by ghosts, and sooner or later it will be a place for us Chinese to talk about things, but Ding Yunfeng knows that Lei Luo will not believe it at all if he tells it now!
Moreover, Lei Luo has Lei Luo's way of doing things, and Ding Yunfeng has his own way of doing things.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This old saying is also applicable to ghosts.

As long as you seize the opportunity, there is not necessarily no room for manipulation.

(End of this chapter)

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