Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 36 The Four Heavenly Kings of Stanley

Chapter 36 The Four Heavenly Kings of Stanley
Look, is this guy speaking human language?

I don't know your usual taste...

Normal people, who eat bird's nest and shark's fin as home cooking?
Zhong Chuxiong pursed his lips, resisting the urge to complain.

At this time, he already understood why Ding Yunfeng refused his hospitality.

In places like Fulinmen and Jumbo Seafood Restaurant, a slightly higher-end table costs several thousand dollars, enough for them to go to Lamma Island to eat seafood for a month.

"Wow, there are bird's nest and shark's fin food, who dares to pick and choose?
Ah Feng, just look at the arrangement. Today, we are lucky in the third prison area. Seeing that Ding Yunfeng really had no airs, Zhong Chuxiong finally stopped talking about Brother Feng.

Waving to call a subordinate, Zhong Chuxiong quickly called several subordinates with positions.

"Hey, who is this? I don't need to introduce you. Call someone." Touching Ding Yunfeng with his thumb, Zhong Chuxiong looked sideways at the five people in front of him.

"I know, I know, Boxing King Feng who protected Detective Lei from the city, brother Feng, brother Feng, my name is Liu Lahua."

"Brother Feng, little brother Li Ming, please give me your advice in the future."

"My name is Zhang Xueyou, and my name is Guo Aicheng..."

After listening to the self-introductions of the four talented people, fat, thin, tall and short, the corners of Ding Yunfeng's eyes twitched, it's true that every leader has such subordinates.

"Ah Feng, these few pieces are the Four Heavenly Kings of Stanley.

They are respectively in charge of prisoner canteen, prisoner cell dispatching, prisoner hospital and prisoner daily labor work. "Zhong Chuxiong put his arms around Ding Yunfeng's shoulders.

He pointed to the last man, who was thinner and uglier: "This one is called a poop-eating dog. He is responsible for the release of prisoners and the sanitation of all the cells in the third prison area."

"Brother Feng, hello, hello." The shit-eating dog nodded and bowed, his face wrinkled like an old chrysanthemum.

Ding Yunfeng took a deep breath, he regretted it a bit, would he be assimilated into such an elite after spending all day with this group of talents?

"Okay, even if we know each other, we will gradually get acquainted with each other in the future.

Now, I am announcing a good news, Ah Feng will invite us to Zhenbao Seafood Restaurant to eat shark fin at noon..." Zhong Chuxiong puffed up his chest, looked at the five subordinates and said.

"Wow, brother Feng is so proud!"

"Jumbo Seafood Restaurant, it is said that the per capita consumption there is very high."

"It's all over today..."

The four heavenly kings surrounded Ding Yunfeng and complimented him.

Zhong Chuxiong saw that the atmosphere was almost over, and coughed lightly: "Hey, shit-eating dog, you are in charge of staying behind, and we will pack it for you. After all, the prison can't be left unattended."

"I'm fine, Brother Xiong, remember to toast Brother Duofeng a few cups for me." The shit-eating dog has the lowest qualifications, and he has long been mentally prepared.

"Alright..." Zhong Chuxiong waved his hand, signaling the dog to go down and do things.

Seeing the lonesome back of the shit-eating dog, Ding Yunfeng stepped forward and stopped him: "Ah dog, wait a minute, count up the guys who went to work today, and then make this call, and you tell Manager Hu Xiang. Just tell me what Ding Yunfeng said , Let him send food to Stanley according to the number of people you reported."

"Brother Feng! There are nearly a hundred guys in our third prison area?" The shit-eating dog was taken aback.

Zhong Chuxiong came over with a cigarette in his mouth, and slapped him: "Tiao, just do what you are told to do, chirping, you don't even think about Ah Feng's background, I can't afford a hundred bowls of shark's fin." ?”

"Yes, yes, it's my bad mouth, Brother Feng, let me thank you for the big guy."

"My own person, Agou, don't be so polite to me.

Well, next time I have a chance to take you to Xiaosha. "Ding Yunfeng patted the shit-eating dog on the shoulder.

The shit-eating dog nodded gratefully, and Zhong Chuxiong stood beside him, laughing and scolding this street-scratcher, who has never seen the big world.


Two hours later...

Two vans drove to Stanley, and Shigou took a few prison guards in military uniforms back and forth several times, and brought out packed shark fins and dozens of boxes of delicious dishes from the van.

Ding Yunfeng asked Hu Xiang to take care of the shark's fin when he arrived at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant, and the next few dozen boxes of delicious dishes were personally presented by Manager Hu.

Yesterday, I just called Chen Xijiu in Shau Kei Wan, and today I am hooking up with the Stanley Correctional Officer, and I am next to two popular red heart handbag shops.

Ding Yunfeng's thighs, of course he, Hu Xiang, must be firmly tied.

Compared with the colleagues in the third prison area who each hold a bowl of shark's fin and savor it carefully, Zhong Chuxiong and the four heavenly kings ate their mouths full of oil on the Jumbo Seafood Boat.

Especially when they saw that Ding Yunfeng was called Zhan Mi, driving five Louis XIIIs in a row, they were full of smiles and called Brother Feng proud.

"Brother Xiong, this is my little brother Zhanmi. He is currently under the sect of He Liansheng Red Stick Coolie Qiang. Now that everyone knows each other, then the person with Liansheng..." Ding Yunfeng raised a glass of wine and looked at Zhong Chuxiong Said.

Zhong Chuxiong raised his wine glass, pointed at the four people who buried their heads in their mouths, and said, "Hey, I heard all of you rushing down the street."

"Brother Feng, don't worry, everyone is your own, as long as you don't mess around with Liansheng's people, we will definitely cover you."

"From next month, He Liansheng will be given the work of the laundry room, and we will be exempted from it, and it will be enough to give the job to the ghost."

Li Ming and Guo Aicheng spoke one after another. One of them was in charge of prison scheduling, and the other was in charge of labor services. They belonged to positions that could immediately provide convenience to He Liansheng.

He gave face, Ding Yunfeng naturally couldn't let his colleagues lose face, he snapped his fingers.

Zhan Mi opened the purse in response, and he took out two stacks of banknotes without counting: "Brother Ming, Brother Cheng, it's a little fun, my brother Coolie Qiang invites you two to drink tea."

"Damn! There are too many!"

"That's right, not so much."

Li Ming and Guo Aicheng swallowed their saliva and looked at the banknotes on the table.

Zhong Chuxiong laughed and cursed, rushing to the street: "Put it away, remember, this money was given by the coolie, and it has nothing to do with Ah Feng!

When I get back, you all let me out. From today onwards, the laundry room in the third prison area belongs to Liansheng.

If other associations have objections, ask their stewards to come and talk to me with money. "

"Understood, understood!" The four heavenly kings nodded again and again, and they naturally winked at being able to make a name in Stanley.

Zhong Chuxiong let out a circle of cigarettes, looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked, "Ah Feng, for the first month, follow these people to familiarize yourself with the work of our prison, and then just tell me where you want to take care of.

At that time, I will ask them to move the seat, and then spend some money to find Ghost Smith, and ask him for a second-in-command seat, and just put the one that came out on top. "

Hearing this, before Ding Yunfeng opened his mouth, the four heavenly kings all cried out excitedly.

"Brother Feng, choose me, choose me, my cafeteria is the most luscious." Liu Lahua spoke first.

Not to be outdone, Li Ming said, "The prisons I'm in charge of are all good. Those prisoners want to hide some entertainment and contraband. Why don't I nod? Who dares to be disrespectful? Immediately transfer him to the big warehouse of the hostile gang, and play to death in minutes He."

"Cut, how about my prisoner's hospital? Apart from the smell of disinfectant, who comes here to treat wounds and diseases without being scratched by me? Brother Feng, choose a hospital, that's right, I have a few female nurses... ..."

"Come on, friend, don't sell those four old green onions under your hand anymore, they will cost you three yuan outside and no one will patronize them!" Guo Aicheng first slapped you on Zhang.

Then he patted his chest and promised: "Brother Feng, you will never regret taking my job. This group of prisoners want an easier job, so of course they have to be serious.

What's more, their work records are all in our hands. If you think about it, you can see how much room there is for manipulation. "

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng sighed secretly, as expected, people cannot be judged by their appearances, but anyone who can be called the Four Heavenly Kings is a talent.

(End of this chapter)

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