Chapter 37 Li Wei
time flies……

A month later, Ding Yunfeng followed the Four Heavenly Kings to familiarize himself with Stanley's work, and he chose Li Ming's seat, which made the other three secretly sad.

After all, in their eyes, Li Ming's position as a prison dispatcher was really troublesome.

But those who are locked up in Stanley are basically serious offenders.

Among the prisoners here, nine out of ten have a community background.

The entire prison is actually a microcosm of Hong Kong Island's rivers and lakes. Prisoners often make trouble in the prison.

Regardless of how prestige Li Ming made of his position, in fact, once a prisoner under his jurisdiction is maimed or injured, he will not only be criticized, but also write a report, which is like sitting on the crater.

"Brother Feng, thank you for promoting me this time.

They were Fat Snake Ji from Hongxing, Dasha from Dongxing, Da Mi from Lianhe, and Han Kun from the Big Circle Gang.

I don't need to talk about the silly mark, he is the person who talks to Liansheng here, so there's no reason why he doesn't know you. "

Li Ming and Ding Yunfeng handed over the work, while pointing to several groups of people on the court who were letting the wind out and said.

In the past month, Ding Yunfeng used the banknotes to clear the way, and he has been appointed as the head of the prison guard. If he is in the police force, he is considered a plainclothes rank.

"Fat Sheji, Dasha, Dami, Han Kun, Shabiao!!! Come here!" Li Ming raised a tin horn and shouted loudly.

The originally noisy stadium suddenly fell silent.

In the crowd, a few fierce-looking men walked out, and they trotted towards this side under the worried eyes of many younger brothers.

"Wow! The new boss has taken office." In the middle of the basketball court, Zhong Tianzheng, wearing cardboard glasses, stopped playing the erhu.

A man with glasses who looked somewhat similar to Zhong Chuxiong and had a weak demeanor asked in a low voice: "Brother Zheng, this Sir, looks more refined than me..."

"Ah Yao, shut up! Do you know who he is?" Zhong Tianzheng took off his glasses, looking solemnly in the direction where Ding Yunfeng and the others were standing.

Lu Jiayao shuddered and asked curiously, "Brother Zheng, what is this guy from?"

"Ding Yunfeng, everyone in the world calls Boxing King Peak!

He is a fierce man who won the bloody battle in the Kowloon Walled City. It is said that when Lei Luo was raped by a doll and Fat Boy Chao set up an ambush in the Walled City, it was Ding Yunfeng and Wu Shihao who joined forces to protect Inspector Lei from the encirclement. "

Zhong Tian was wiping the oily sweat from his forehead, he imagined Stanley as a zoo.

In Zhong Tianzheng's eyes, from prison guards, prison tyrants to all kinds of fierce men, they play the roles of lions, tigers and giant elephants.

And he is a monkey, Lu Jiayao is a little sheep.

If Li Ming hadn't relied on Zhong Chuxiong's prestige, he would not have been able to overwhelm the tigers like Fat Sheji.

Call Ding Yunfeng now?Zhong Tian was squinting his eyes to see, and a phantom of a Tyrannosaurus rex faintly appeared in his mind.


The following days!

I guess I have to move out the couplet written under the plastic chair in the mouse barn again—endure the calm for a while, and take a step back to see the sea and the sky.

At the same time, Fat Sheji and others ran to Li Ming and Ding Yunfeng one after another.

"Hey, starting from today, Ding Sir will have the final say on all the cells in the third prison area.

And I will be promoted to be Brother Xiong's deputy, how many of you know how to do it? "Li Ming stood out with his thin chest, looking very imposing, but Ding Yunfeng didn't see the slightest bit of fear in the eyes of these gangsters.

Nodding nods, pretending to be stupid, in the end only Fat Sheji and Shabiao congratulated.

"Li Sir, I wish you every step of the way!"

"Hello Brother Feng, I'm Shabiao, He Liansheng Red Stick."


Glancing at the other three, Li Ming, who felt that he had lost face in front of Ding Yunfeng, was considering whether to be tough.

Suddenly, Ding Yunfeng moved!

He kicked away Da Mi who laughed the most impolitely, then blocked Dasha's fist with his left hand, and hit Han Kun's chest with his right fist.

In the blink of an eye, the three jail bullies clutched their wounds and cried out in pain.

Fat Sheji and Shabiao looked terrified, and they stood aside, it's really not good to help, and it's not good not to help.

"Push the street!"

"The police beat someone!"

"Bastard, you are looking for death..."

Da Mi and Han Kun called people one after another.

Only Dasha stood up in a daze, he raised his fist and rushed towards Ding Yunfeng again.

Li Ming was horrified when he saw this, and quickly took out his whistle and blew it vigorously.

The sharp siren sounded quickly in the stadium.

Except for Hong Xing and He Liansheng who were waiting for Fat Sheji and Shabiao's signal, the prisoners from the other three gangs rushed up one after another.

Zhong Tian was holding the erhu, pulled Lu Jiayao and quickly ran to the edge of the court.

As a result, they found that there was actually an old man hiding in front of them. This person was Robinson Robinson who belonged to the bullied class in Stanley.

"This Sir is so sharp. Ah Zheng, do you know who he is?" Robinson took Zhong Tianzheng's cigarette and asked Ding Yunfeng as he singled out dozens of prisoners.

Zhong Tian was lighting a match, took a big puff of cigarette with his eyes wide open, and then told Robinson about Ding Yunfeng's identity.

"Lei Luo's brother-in-law? And he's so good at fighting?" Robinson snorted and turned to look at Ding Yunfeng, who was as powerful as a mad tiger and could defeat dozens of prisoners by himself.

Da Da Da Da! ! !

The sound of neat footsteps, the half-person high explosion-proof shield, and two fire water cannons ready to fire.

Zhong Chuxiong rushed over with his big team, but he was surprised to find that in less than 10 minutes from Li Ming's whistle to his arrival, there were only Hong Xinghe, Liansheng, and Zhong Tianzheng on the court.

There were actually only two people standing, one was Ding Yunfeng who took off his shirt, revealing many bruises all over his body, and the other was Li Ming who was dumbfounded.

"Everyone squats down with your head in your arms! Why do you want to rebel?" Zhong Chuxiong held up his baton, changed from his humble appearance before, and swept the audience with sinister eyes.

Fat Sheji and Shabiao hurriedly squatted down with their heads in their arms, but Dasha gritted his teeth and stood up. He shouted and rushed towards Ding Yunfeng.

Seeing this, Zhong Chuxiong was furious, rushed forward with his baton in hand, and swung it at Dasha's head viciously.

Zhong Tianzheng and the others saw that their teeth were sore, and if they hit this note, they would have a concussion if they were not stupid!

Fortunately, a palm stopped Zhong Chuxiong in time.

"Brother Xiong, I don't need you to shoot, I can subdue him." Ding Yunfeng smiled at Zhong Chuxiong, turned around and swept out with a whip kick.

Dasha was hit in the neck, and fell heavily on the hot concrete floor, rolled his eyes, and fell to the street completely.

So far, on the first day of Ding Yunfeng's tenure, he has achieved a feat of overthrowing the three major clubs by one person.

With the scene getting so big, the four old green onions under Zhang Xueyou's hands were naturally not enough, so Zhong Chuxiong could only ask for help from other prison areas, which naturally alarmed Will, the warden, very quickly.

"Oh! A total of forty prisoners were injured. May God forgive this group of lost lambs." Will looked at the report and made a sign of the cross.

Sitting across from him, Smith added while counting the money: "This group of prisoners has been restless all the time, it's good for Sir Ding to clean up!
And I heard that this incident was caused by some inmates provoking and attacking the soon-to-be deputy director of corrections, Li Sir, in front of Ding Sir. "

"Fake! All the prisoners who committed crimes that day will have their sentences extended by three months, and their labor camp wages will be confiscated for one month. The compensation will be given to Sir Li who was frightened. As for Sir Ding..."

Glancing at the banknotes in front of him, Will said in a deep voice: "Ding Sir, in order to maintain order, he did not hesitate to risk his life, and this is a great personal contribution!
Tomorrow, you write a report and submit it to the Correctional Services Department. Sir Ding will be granted a one-month paid leave first. "

(End of this chapter)

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