Chapter 38 Dinosaur Han Bin
Ding Yunfeng's sudden attack today was naturally not to protect Li Ming's majesty.

As early as he decided to take over the work of the prison, he was waiting for Li Wei's opportunity!

Ding Yunfeng secretly rejoiced while asking Zhang's acupoint friend to help him smear the medicinal wine. Fortunately, in the third prison area, Hong Xing's talker was Ji Ge.

Otherwise, if Hong Xingzai joins the battle, he might overturn.

After all, Da Zi Hong Xing and Si Zai Dong Xing joined forces to produce prostitutes.

Except for Han Kun and his group who are better at fighting in the big circle, Dongxing is just a big fool with a little bit of fighting power. As for the Dansan of the big girl group, Ding Yunfeng can count on them with a single punch.

After thanking Zhang, who was sweating from work, Ding Yunfeng took out a Marlboro, and saw Zhong Chuxiong push the door hard and come in.

"Brother Feng, Lord Feng, I'm begging you old man!"

"If there is such a big scene in the future, can you tell me in advance?
Today, my little brother almost got a heart attack from being scared by you. Zhong Chuxiong took out the paid leave notice that Will had just signed, clasped his hands together and begged Ding Yunfeng.

Seeing this bitch, Ding Yunfeng snorted unhappily: "Brother Xiong, your nickname is Killer Xiong.

Don't think I don't know, you really want to take the life of a big fool with your stick today!
Come on, everyone is a big bad wolf, so don't play Little Red Riding Hood. "

I rely on! ! !

Did this kid see it so quickly? ?

Zhong Chuxiong cut his lips, somewhat surprised in his heart.

He put away his trademark smirk, and patted Ding Yunfeng's left shoulder vigorously: "You single-handedly overthrew Dongxing, the United Society, and the Big Circle Gang, and created such a big scene!
If I don't do anything, let's not say that the guys below are not convinced, even if I am on Luoge's side, I can't explain it. "

Ding Yunfeng endured the pain and glared at the bitch.

There was a big bruise on his left shoulder, and he was not blind, and he was definitely taking revenge on purpose.

Zhong Chuxiong was serious for less than three seconds, and immediately smiled cheaply: "Besides, it's just wounding dozens of prisoners, why send [-]?

You tell me in advance that [-] is enough to settle it.

I know that Brother Feng is rich, but that's not how money is spent. "

Knowing that Zhong Chuxiong had good intentions, Ding Yunfeng nodded.

He put away the holiday note, chatted with Zhong Chuxiong all the way, and walked side by side to the Stanley exit.

Along the way, both the prisoners who were released and the prison guards in various prison districts all looked at the two with awe.

In the past, there was a killer hero with a hidden knife in his smile, which was enough for everyone;
Now there is one more boxing peak with hard fists, a big background, and a lot of money!

What the hell, who can offend this pair?

"Hey, see you in a month!

During this time, be careful when you go out.

The United Association is all bullying and fearing the hard, and there are many gangs in the big circle. Normally, no one will stand up for Han Kun.

There is only one Dongxing left, and those fans will do anything to take a bite, don't fall into an ambush, and make me spend money and money to send wreaths. "

With a middle finger, Ding Yunfeng returned Zhong Chuxiong's kindness.

While the former was laughing and cursing, he opened the car door, and he got into a Mercedes-Benz sedan that had approached ahead of time.

Zhan Mizai stepped on the accelerator, while driving, while scanning the rearview mirror, opened his mouth several times.

"Since when did you become so timid?" Ding Yunfeng jokingly asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Brother Feng, the word is spreading that you single-handedly overwhelmed hundreds of people from Dongxing, Lianhe and Daquan..."

"Cough cough, stop, stop, how did it spread that I singled out hundreds of people?" Ding Yunfeng was choked up by Zhan Mi's words: "Besides, within two hours since this happened, there were rumors outside? "

Zhan Mizai nodded with admiration in his eyes: "This kind of storm in the rivers and lakes! It doesn't take half an hour for the major clubs outside to receive the wind. You also know that many prison guards have club identities."

"Damn!" Ding Yunfeng patted his forehead speechlessly, but he was relieved thinking that this is the world of Hong Kong Zong Zong.

"It's true that I picked three major societies, but your information is inaccurate. There are not hundreds of people. At most, there are only 50 people serving sentences in the third prison district." Facing this capable subordinate, Ding Yunfeng did not hide anything. necessary.

"Brother Feng is worthy of being Brother Feng. He is so calm when one person challenges four or fifty people..." Zhan Mi nodded excitedly. In fact, with his IQ, he thought the statement of hundreds of people was too exaggerated.

"It's just basic practice, don't get excited." Ding Yunfeng knocked on the cigarette butt, put away his smile and asked, "I heard that Ah Bing took someone to sweep the shop in Wanchai?"

Speaking of business, Jimmy immediately got into the mood, and replied solemnly: "Brother Feng, don't worry, I have closed the shop in advance according to your order.

Except for a few glass shelves and a cash register that were smashed, I removed all the goods in advance, and there was not much loss. "

"Well, from now on, no matter what business you do, don't open it in Yan Tong's jurisdiction.

It doesn't matter if we earn a little less, you must not have any accidents.

A Bing is a street-smart guy who doesn't care about the consequences when he does things. Whenever he has a chance, he finds someone to send him down to sell salted duck eggs. "Ding Yunfeng said coldly.

Jimmy nodded. Although he had made preparations in advance, he was also furious when he exited the market in Wan Chai in such a dismal manner.

"By the way, how much money do we have left?"

"There is still 25 yuan left in the account. Don't worry, Brother Feng. If you need money, just tell me, and I will find a way."

"En." Although Ding Yunfeng's face remained unchanged, he was shocked inside.

Knowing that he spent a lot of money in the month of entering Stanley, but Ding Yunfeng really didn't expect that he almost emptied Jimmy's pocket.

"The former clerks of the Hongxin handbag shop in Wanchai cannot be idle. I have an idea to recruit more people to start the business of the barbecue beer shop." Ding Yunfeng said while rubbing his chin.

Jimmy's eyes lit up, and he quickly said that he would implement it when he went back.

Ding Yunfeng gave some BBQ styles of later generations, and some condiments similar to cumin, and then let Jimmy let him play freely.

Jimmy drove straight to the Backbone Restaurant, Ding Yunfeng opened the door and got off the car: "You don't want to rent the barbecue restaurant, I'll figure out a way, you just need to be responsible for the staff and the dishes."

Han Bin dinosaurs who came earlier, come to say hello together.

Several people exchanged pleasantries, then surrounded Ding Yunfeng and walked into the backbone restaurant.

In the hall, dozens of Hong Xingzai, who followed Han Bin and the dinosaur, stood up one after another. A few of them got their names out of the way, and boldly announced their nicknames loudly.

"Uncle Chicken, for each of these tables, add one more Dongxingban, one Australian lobster, and enough beer." Ding Yunfeng stepped into the box and waved to the backbone boss who was sitting in the lobby smoking.

Uncle Ji, who has the identity of a Jianghu person, his eyes lit up, and he shouted in the direction of the kitchen: "Brother Feng has something to say! Hall 07-12, one Katong Star Spot, one Aolong!!!"

Hong Xingzai, who was already very excited to see Ding Yunfeng, cheered after hearing this.

"Wow! Brother Feng is so proud!"

"Choose! We are lucky, grouper and lobster!!"


The dwarf mule came out to hang out, and if they could have a full meal with the big guy, it was already considered that they were right with the wrong person.

Most of the young and Dangerous boys are ordered by the boss to do things, so that they can have a meal of wine and meat beforehand. After the matter is done, they will be lucky enough to get some monetary rewards.

Han Bin's dinosaur is Ding Yunfeng's two needles in Hong Xing, and some money will help them save face in front of the younger brother, which will help the relationship between the two parties to advance.

What's more, no matter how poor Ding Yunfeng is, he is not short of a meal.

(End of this chapter)

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