Chapter 39

Ding Yunfeng made a generous move, Han Bin Dinosaur naturally felt more face! ! !

This time their brothers transferred to Hong Xing, and with Ding Yunfeng asking Lei Luo to come forward, Jiang Zhen decisively promised the two of them—a thunderous thunder!

However, I know my pain.

Tuen Mun, Kwai Tsing, what the hell are these places?
Even in the era when Ding Yunfeng traveled, these two places were still underdeveloped areas on Hong Kong Island.

Today, the two of them brought a large number of brothers to the Backbone Restaurant, and they really slapped their faces to pretend to be fat.

After all, just got hired, and the two of them don't do something to show the younger ones, would the ghost want to be with you?
"Brother Feng, I've cost you again." Han Bin was careful. Ding Yunfeng had just sat down, and he immediately blew a bottle of beer to pay his respects.

Seeing this, the dinosaur immediately followed, and Ton Ton also drank a bottle: "Ah Feng, this time the two of us can make a thunderbolt in the rivers and lakes, thank you so much!
If you didn't ask Brother Luo to come forward, I don't know how long this matter will drag on. "

"We're all on our own, so don't say polite words in the future, not to mention helping me get a guy last time, how can you two have anything to say?" Ding Yunfeng was not to be outdone, and he opened a Heineken and was about to start.

Zhan Mi hurried over and got up to explain: "Bing, Brother Dinosaur! Brother Feng is injured, and my younger brother drank today's wine on his behalf. Please don't be offended by the two big brothers."

"Okay! Zhan Mizai, Ah Feng saw you right!"

"Drink this one and you'll be fine. When Brother Feng's injury heals, we won't be drunk again."

Han Bin and the dinosaurs all nodded, and Zhan Mi could catch the wind. The two of them are the talkers of the [-]th District of Hongxing, and of course they know Ding Yunfeng's feat.

Under Ding Yunfeng's reproachful eyes, Zhan Mizai raised his head and blew off a beer, and then retreated wisely.

Looking for Uncle Chicken, Zhan Mi added a few more hard dishes to the five tables outside. Amidst the cheers of the whole hall, Zhan Mizai walked over with a full smile, holding a wine glass.

"Brother Jimi."

"Brother Jimmy, please sit down."

"Triceratops, what are you doing standing on the street, help Brother Zhanmi wash the dishes and chopsticks..."

Not to mention that Zhanmi spends money to give everyone extra meals, not to mention that his boss is the coolie leader of Liansheng's leader.

Just because he is helping Ding Yunfeng now, none of the young and Dangerous boys here dare to pretend to be big in front of him.

The surroundings were yelling, and Jimmy took off his suit with a cigarette in his mouth. While blowing water and wine with the group of dinosaur Han Bin, he secretly observed to see if any of them had more clever brains. At that time, they would recruit the barbecue that was about to be prepared. shop to do things.

At the same time, in the box.

Under the questioning of Han Bin and Dinosaur, Ding Yunfeng had no choice but to give a general account of his feat in Stanley today.

"Choose! One person can handle 50 people. Ah Feng, could it be that you didn't give your best in the bloody battle last time?" Dinosaur scratched his head and patted the table and asked.

Han Bin patted his forehead helplessly: "You didn't listen to Brother Feng, this time our Brother Ji from Hongxing and Shabiao from Liansheng didn't lead anyone to take action.

On Dongxing's side, there is a big fool with a bit of brute force, the big girl of the United Association, he is okay with rape and robbery, fight?You and I can handle him with one hand!
After all the calculations, Han Kun from the Big Circle Gang was left.

Don't you know that there are not many people in the big circle in Stanley..."

Dinosaur counted with his fingers, he listened to it, and finally hit the table with his fist: "Damn it! If it's me, I can do it too!"

Han Bin turned his head and didn't bother to pay attention to the dinosaur. For a single-minded reckless man like his younger brother, this kind of multi-person melee, if he can't get a few people, he will definitely be surrounded and beaten into a pig's head.

"Brother Feng, I need your help with something." Han Bin pulled into the chair and sat beside Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth: "Why are you so polite? Tell me, I'll listen."

"Do you have any sources of income to introduce?

For more than a year, we have obeyed your orders, and Fenzi is not allowed in the venue.

The districts of Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing are both rural areas. With regard to those broken places, after deducting the monthly payment to the society and deducting the fees collected by the police force, there is really not much left in our hands. "Han Bin lit a cigarette for Ding Yunfeng and asked in a low voice.

No money troubles the hero, and the dinosaur also pulls the chair and leans over.

Over the past year, the Red Heart Handbag Shop has become very popular among Hong Kong female groups.

The two brothers both knew that apart from Zhan Mizai's good management skills, Ding Yunfeng's insight into selling A-quality handbags was also needed.

"Class A handbags cannot be sold in Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing, and the consumption power of the people in these two districts simply cannot afford it.

As for the source of goods, it was the factory jointly established by Lard Zaizai and several other detectives.

You can't even get involved in that link. Ding Yunfeng looked at the two of them, and made them look at each other and smile wryly when he opened his mouth.

"We don't dare to think about handbags, Brother Feng, please help us and show us a way to make money.

You don't need to pay money, you don't need to pay people.After it's done, you three and we two seven! "Han Bin gritted his teeth and directly offered [-]% of the shares.

Dinosaurs nodded again and again, Hong Xing held a meeting every month, and the speakers in other districts wore gold and silver.

The brothers were poor, and if Han Bin didn't have a semi-old Ford to support him, he would be ashamed to go.

Seeing that the preparations are almost done, Ding Yunfeng smiled faintly: "Everyone is on his own, talking about money hurts feelings.

Don't worry, if I don't help my brother, should I help outsiders?
Each of you call the leader of your subordinates to come in, and by the way, help me call Zhan Mizai, I happened to have a little idea on the road just now..."


Ding Yunfeng and Han Bin Dinosaur finalized the plan for the three of them to jointly open a barbecue beer restaurant.

These two Hongxing bosses were each responsible for finding a storefront, and each sent out twenty younger brothers, as well as a leading horse called the South China Tiger and the other a Plesiosaur.

Zhan Mizai is in charge of store decoration, staff training, ingredients purchase, and marketing promotion.

As for drinks, service and viewing, the South China tiger plesiosaur will be in charge. It will be prepared in one month and will open at the same time next month.

"Brother Feng, someone sells barbecue at the night market. Although the business is good, but you want to make it bigger, I think..." Compared to the excited dinosaur, Han Bin hesitated, and pulled Ding Yunfeng in a low voice.

Ding Yunfeng smiled lightly: "Don't worry, barbecue is such a thing, the consumption threshold is very low, and the gross profit is very high.

The most important thing is the taste, I know there is a place, there is a person, he must be able to help us write a unique barbecue recipe. "

"Oh? Where?"

"Brother Feng, who is it?"

Han Bin and Zhan Mi's eyes lit up, and Ding Yunfeng smiled faintly: "Man Han Lou, Ou Zhaofeng!"

At the same time, Wan Chai Man Han Lou.

A Harley motorcycle was speeding over, and the rider on the car was wearing a plush jacket, a plaid shirt inside, and a brown wool cap.

Looking at the Manhan Tower full of guests, he took off his sunglasses, revealing a handsome face with a perfect temperament: "I hope that Long Kunbao didn't lie to me."

 Rong Shao is here, everyone is surprised! !
(End of this chapter)

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