Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 386 Brother Feng Can Eat Well

Chapter 386 Brother Feng Can Eat Well
Three hundred million?
Long Si got up and took the form from the financial supervisor. He counted it carefully twice and confirmed that there was an extra capital injection of 3 million Hong Kong dollars in the shipyard's account.

"It's only [-] million, is it worth the fuss?
You take two people, go to the bank to withdraw 300 million, and today, the workers' wage arrears will be paid together.By the way, each person will receive an extra month's bonus. "Long Si pretended to be calm, put down the form and said.

"Thank you, Mr. Long, thank you, Mr. Long."

"Okay, okay, let's go down and do things."

The finance director waved back and bowed, and waited until the other party closed the door to go out. Long Si opened the drawer, took out two heart-saving pills, and stuffed them into his mouth: "Three... three hundred million, didn't Mr. Ding say that you only invest a little money?"

In the main building of the Wanchai Police Station, the anti-gangster team led by Ding Yunfeng occupies the entire second floor as an office.

Ding Yunfeng, as the head of the anti-mafia group, has a private office.

Bi Wenzhan was Ding Yunfeng's appointed deputy, and Anna was his secretary transferred from other units by name.

These two people, together in the office outside, surrounded a partition with a screen.

As for Song Zijie, Cao Li'ang and others, they basically occupy a desk by themselves, and they work together.

Regardless of the humble environment, in the Hong Kong Island Police Force in the 70s, Ding Yunfeng, who even Wanchai Director Huang Yiu-ping praised, was qualified to own this kind of venue.

"Uncle Zhan, the one surnamed Gao can't hold it anymore." Panting, Cao Liang knocked on Bi Wenzhan's 'office'. He was wearing a tight black vest with two ribs, his muscular muscles were dripping with sweat.

Bi Wenzhan put down the latest issue of "Dragon, Tiger, and Leopard" in his hand, took out a comb and twisted it three to seven points: "Made, you bastard, just say no, don't eat the toast and take fine wine, and delay everyone's promotion time. "

Leading Cao Liang, who was one head taller, Bi Wen walked into the interrogation room with a sinister smile.

Pulling out the chair, Bi Wenzhan sat in front of Gao Yingpei who was covered in blood, "Tsk tsk tsk, Boss Gao, how did you achieve such a virtuous behavior?

Alas, a few days ago, I already reminded you.

Our Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team has just been established. The environment is simple and the conditions are limited. The floor of the detention room is not smooth. If anyone is restless and walks around, it is easy to stumble. "

"Ah... Sir, don't call me anymore, I'll call you."

"Hit? Boss Gao, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately! During our interrogation, there are recordings. You can keep silent, but every sentence you say..."

"It can be used as evidence in court! Sir, stop playing with me, I am willing to confess..."

Ten minutes later, watching Gao Yingpei sign the statement recorded by Anna, Uncle Zhan smiled with satisfaction.

He took out a pack of cigarettes and threw it to the military uniform guarding the door: "Go, arrange a single room for Boss Gao, and then bring Boss Huang here, I want to question you."

"Yes sir!" The uniformed policeman put away his cigarettes, dragged Gao Yingpei, who was barely standing still, and strode out of the interrogation room.

Anna put away her things, stood up and said, "Uncle Zhan, I'll go and type up the report on Gao Yingpei first, brother Feng has been urging me for two days!"

"You go and get busy, Huang Zhengguo just leave it to me."

Watching Anna push the door out, Cao Liang, who wiped his sweat with a towel, looked worriedly at Uncle Zhan and asked.

"Uncle Zhan, is it okay to do this? Someone like Gao Yingpei must have a private lawyer. If the other party asks for an injury test..."

"You, a guy with a brain full of muscles, can think of this question, Brother Feng, he can't think of it?

Have you forgotten that brother Feng specifically ordered that this Gao and Huang Zhengguo must be locked together? Bi Wenzhan shook out a cigarette and handed it to Cao Leon with a smile.

Cao Liang declined the cigarettes. He was about to ask for details when the uniformed policeman who escorted Gao Yingpei down pushed Huang Zhengguo in.

Seeing the other party's complexion, which was obviously better than Gao Yingpei's, as well as the unlocked, fake handcuffs on his wrists, Cao Li'ang was full of question marks - how can he still play like this?
Cao Leon, who was trying to adapt to the way the Hong Kong Island Police Force handles cases, soon saw a scene that shocked him even more.

When Huang Zhengguo sat down, Bi Wenzhan pulled off his tie, pinched the cigarette butt with his right thumb and index finger, stepped on the wooden chair he was sitting on just now, and compared himself with his left thumb: "Boss Huang, I, Bi Wenzhan, just came from the Tsuen Wan police station. The Department transferred to Wanchai and Brother Feng.

What is my background? I believe that with your hands and eyes, Boss Huang, it is clear enough in the past few days, right? "

"Oh, of course I know!
Brother Zhan, this time I, Huang Zhengguo, confessed.

If I knew that Long Si was under the cover of Brother Feng, I wouldn't dare to think about Long's Shipyard if I had ten guts.

Gao Yingpei is such a bastard, I was taken aback by him. Huang Zhengguo himself picked up the cigarettes on the interrogation table, shook out one and stuffed it into his mouth.

Bi Wenzhan's expression eased, he took out the lighter and lit it for Huang Zhengguo.

Huang Zhengguo said thank you, and without Bi Wenzhan asking, he smoked a cigarette while revealing some illegal activities.

One black and one white, with tacit cooperation, the tape recorder turned Sasha, and Cao Leon was dumbfounded.

Recalling the scene where he beat Gao Yingpei like a sandbag just now, he was transferred from the US police force to Hong Kong Island, and his three views were really shattered.

"Boss Huang, thank you for your cooperation with our police work.

Now, you have 10 minutes to meet with a lawyer. Bi Wenzhan took out the audio tape and waved at Cao Liang: "What are you doing standing there stupidly?"Let's go, Brother Feng is entertaining guests at Fulinmen. It's 11:30, let's start the party soon. "

Leng Leng followed Uncle Zhan out of the Wan Chai Police Station, and Cao Leon consciously got into the cab.

While waiting for the red light, he couldn't help asking, "Uncle Zhan, I don't quite understand..."

"If you don't understand, just ask. Don't pretend to understand. Brother Feng is very optimistic about you, and he specially asked me to take you personally." Bi Wenzhan smiled and let out a column of smoke.

After working in the morning, no matter how oxygen-deprived Cao Liang's brain was, he could tell that Uncle Zhan, an old fox, had to learn by himself.

Therefore, he asked humbly, why did Gao Yingpei want to extract a confession, but Huang Zhengguo didn't?

"The crimes committed by these two people, from a legal point of view, are actually about the same.

That is to say, there is no death penalty on Hong Kong Island. On the other side, they are all scum who can directly buy bullets. Bi Wenzhan sneered, and flicked his cigarette out of the window: "Compared to Gao Yingpei, who is over [-] years old and will be imprisoned once he is sentenced;
In this case, Huang Zhengguo was regarded as an 'additional head', and whether he was arrested or not was actually of little significance to the whole case of counterfeit banknotes.

Moreover, Gao Yingpei bought his shooter, if it wasn't for Brother Feng's shot in Long Si's study, he would have been embarrassed long ago.

Afterwards, Brother Feng ordered me to lock these two people in the same detention room, just to give Huang Zhengguo a chance to seek revenge on Gao Yingpei.

I want you to put Gao Yingpei to death, as long as no one is beaten to death, Huang Zhengguo will be responsible for any accidents.

There is no need to ask Huang Zhengguo to take on this matter, because Brother Feng is not only well-off in the police force, but also famous in Hong Kong Island Jianghu!

Brother Feng saved Huang Zhengguo's life at Longsi's house, and later gave him a chance to take revenge on Gao Yingpei.

If Huang Zhengguo doesn't know people, even if he hires a group of lawyers to deal with the judge, he will never even think about living a stable life no matter if he is a gangster or a white gang! "

(End of this chapter)

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